Imperishable - 5 - Last Part in English Thriller by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Imperishable - 5 - Last Part

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Imperishable - 5 - Last Part

Episode – 5 – The Love Is RESTORED

Ellis and Samuel were both surprised to see each other again when they returned home. Everyone hugged, and Samuel saw and hugged his father for the very first time.

"I found out what had happened," Samuel said, "but who sent me the message?"

"I," said an elderly lady at the door. Megan was the one. Jayne's mother. 

"I sent the message because I recognised I'd made a mistake and wanted to bring the Couples back together... Lewis and Jayne, please accept my heartfelt condolences... I'm sorry, but I'm at a loss for words... How ruthless am I? I separated two lovers, and I kept a child from seeing his father for 11 years..."

And then she began to cry... Samuel rushed up to her and assured her that everything was fine... Everything happened in the past... Let us concentrate on the present... Megan's tears were muffled by Samuel's single statement.

This is what love is all about. Love has been restored.

Love stories don't have to be about a boy and a girl who love one other...

Isn't it true that we don't love our parents?

A Love Story about a Mother and Son or a Father and Son can be told.

Love Stories can be a part of a Love Journey as well... Samuel and his father are about to embark on a lovely journey...

As a result, the story has been expertly crafted with Crime, Hate, and Love....

Love everyone, but especially God – Mother and Father should be loved the MOST...Lewis saved his mother - in - law.

-The End-