Imperishable - 4 in English Thriller by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Imperishable - 4

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Imperishable - 4

Episode – 4 – Mission Remarriage

Samuel and his grandmother Ellis wanted to remarry Jayne because she was just 32 and couldn't give up her entire life, so they made a profile on a dating app...

Jayne was well aware of this, but she was unable to stop them.

When Jayne got home after a few months, she discovered a lovely outfit on Sofa. Ellis and Samuel slowly emerged and announced, "Mom, you're going on a date..."

 Jayne was taken aback and declined, saying that whatever you did was for a brief period and that it was just for fun; she was not going on a date...

Jayne had no choice but to comply after much pleading and pleas. There was a restaurant nearby, so she headed there. The app claimed that all of their interests, such as hobbies and food, were compatible.

Jayne entered the restaurant and proceeded to the table that had been reserved. She was startled to see Lewis when she arrived. Surprisingly, he was seated at the table reserved for Date.

Means and Means both had unknown profiles when they met again thanks to a God's Miracle.

Jayne looked back and went away swiftly. When Lewis noticed the walking movement, he realised it was Jayne. Jayne felt a hard and smooth hand holding her back as she walked out of the restaurant. Someone seemed to be holding her hand. It had to be Lewis.

Jayne shook her hand violently and walked away. "Jayne, for a second, just talk to me please..." Lewis screamed.

Jayne arrived home enraged and went straight to her room to cry. The door to the room was shut. Jayne yelled at Samuel, telling her to stop doing all this silly work and concentrate on her academics.

Lewis was firm enough now to let Jayne hear him for a split second.

Lewis texted Jayne, emailed him, called him, and sent her letters and postcards, but she didn't respond. Lewis only wanted a minute to talk to her, according to everyone.

He sat outside Jayne's house for four days straight. He waited there for four days, famished. Nothing happened on the fifth day, as Jayne was going to work, Lewis stood up and began walking towards Jayne's car, but he collapsed. Jayne dashed over to her... He had a pallid appearance. He hadn't eaten for four days... Jayne rushed him to the hospital in her car, and their doctors indicated he had fallen over due to weakness. He was being injected with glucose. He awoke after a few moments.

Jayne entered the room after a few minutes.

Lewis, “Thanks for saving me…”

Jayne, “Even if someone else would have been there I would have helped.”

Lewis, “Just talk to me for a minute please…”

Jayne, “You are not well… Don’t worry I have paid the bills… Get Well Soon”

Jayne was picking her bag and was about to leave when Lewis said, “It was your mother…”

Jayne stopped and asked, “What?”

"It was your mother," Lewis said. She instructed me to act it out in that manner. She was adamant that we not be together. She was opposed to the marriage. The day before I finished everything, your mother's phone rang. And she stated, "I am against this marriage and have decided that your mother would commit suicide if I do not leave you in three days."

Jayne, “You are Lying…”

Lewis, “I promise, I take the oath of my mother, I am not lying… Can you call the Doctor please…”

Jayne calls the doctor.

Lewis, “Doctor please tell her what had happened that night…”

"Mam, about 11 years ago, this individual was brought here by police to be checked for injuries before being taken to jail," says the doctor. I was in charge here at the time. I looked for alcohol as well, but it wasn't there. He was inebriated, according to the cops, but he didn't have any narcotics or alcohol in his system."

"See...," Lewis says. I was only pretending... I genuinely care about you, and I came to tell you the truth after I was freed from prison... You, on the other hand, did not answer the door. You had departed the next day, and I had no idea where you had gone...

Your mother called you just a month ago and claimed you were in Melbourne... I packed my belongings and flew to Melbourne the next day.

Jayne was taken aback. She had assumed Lewis was inebriated, but he was not...

Jayne, on the other hand, adored and missed him so much that he ran up to him and hugged him. Lewis was fine after a few hours and was dispatched. Then both Lewis and Jane returned to their respective homes.