Imperishable - 2 in English Thriller by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Imperishable - 2

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Imperishable - 2

Episode – 2 – Samuel Gets to Know…

Samuel's phone rang with a message regarding his father. His father, he claimed, perished in a car accident. However, it was said in the message that his father was living and that his mother had refused to allow him to see you.

Samuel was not convinced by the message. He didn't really pay attention to it. But when he went to bed, he couldn't stop thinking about it... He was completely perplexed...

"Stop Samuel, don't let your irrational notions get into your head... Someone may have pulled a prank..." "I'm telling you," he says to his inner soul.

Samuel considered asking his mum the next day... But he had no idea how she'd react...

“Mom…” ,  Said Samuel

“Yes, Son…” Jayne

“Mom I wanted to ask you something…” Said Samuel

“Yes please…” Jayne

“M… Mom…” Said Samuel

“Is anything wrong Samuel? What’s the matter?” Jayne

“Mom, can we go out for lunch together today?” Said Samuel

“Ohhh yeah sure we’ll discuss your 14th Birthday Party, What say?” Jayne

“Ye.. Yes Yes why not…” Said Samuel

“Oh I couldn’t just say that… How can I question my very own Mother?” Said Samuel in his Head.

Yes, you read that correctly. It's now 11 years later, Samuel will be 14 years old, and his mother will be 32.

They took a lunch break before Samuel returned home and Jayne went to work... Samuel, curious, went to his mother's closet and opened it.

There were only a few files and clothes. There was a file that was blue in colour... He was taken aback when he saw it.

He recognised them as Divorce Papers... Lewis, his father, and Jayne, his mother...

He was taken aback and a little enraged...

Samuel asked his mum a direct question when she returned...

“Mom, where is my Father?”

“Samuel, your father is dead…”

“Mom, in which year was he dead?”

“Why are you asking me all this? Is there anything?”

“Mom just said when did he die?”

“He died 12 Years ago…”

“Then Mom, how is his signature here on an 11 Year Old Document of DIVORCE?”

Jayne was taken aback. She was unable to respond... She couldn't mention he was intoxicated because she didn't want his Dad's image to deteriorate in front of Samuel's eyes...

Samuel was enraged because he had not been told the truth...

"Mom, did you know that at every parent-teacher meeting, everyone brings their Father and Mother, but I was the only one with only my Mother... My friends used to tease me for not having a father. It's all because of you...

Tell me, Mom, why did you give my father a divorce? "Say something"

Jayne couldn't find the words to say... She was taken aback by the fact that she had spent her entire life working for her child in order for him to have a better life, and now that child is chastising her for divorcing someone who could have murdered the CHILD that day?

She simply walked away and went to the restroom...

There were a lot of conflicts between Mother and Child for a few days... 

“न हि कोपकलुषिता विमृशति मति: कर्तव्यमकर्तव्यं वा”

Translation —

The mind overshadowed by anger is not able to decide as to what should or should not be done.

Samuel eventually decides to leave Home due of his rage. And now he despised his mother more than anything...