Autobiography - forgotten memories - 6 in Hindi Anything by Kishanlal Sharma books and stories PDF | Autobiography - forgotten memories - 6

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Autobiography - forgotten memories - 6

It was Diwali on Nov 10,1969.I was very restless that day.There was panic inside my heart.Amxiety from Bali's side.And that dream was not giving up at all.Bapu had gone to the office in the morning as usual.
I got ready and went to the market
at about 10 in the morning.I had gone through the platform..The window of Baby's chamber was open.He was sitting and working writing work.My freind was there in market.We both sat in the hotel..About 2 hours we kept talking.Then we went out from the hotel.
The way I went to the market.I returned by the same route.Bapu was standing outside his office.I didn't stop .I came home looking at him.After sometimes Bapu came home.As soon as he came and lying on the bed.Seeing him lying my mother asked,"What happened?"
"Pain in stomach"
"Why not bring medicine?"
"I have send Bishan singh"Bishan singh was havldar under Bapu.
Mother had made prepration for cooking.But seeing Bapu's condition,she did not prepare food.At that time my two cousins Inder and Ramesh were also living with us.
Bishan singh brought railway doctor with him. after sometimes.The doctor checked up Bapu then injected and went away after giving medicine.
After about an hour ,Bapu was relieved from stomach pain.Then my mother had cooked the food for all of us.We all had eaten.After having the food,Bapu went to sleep.
In the evening,Bapu woke up from sleep.After sometimes he started having pain again in his stomach.I went to the Bishan singh.He again brought the doctor..The Doctor again injected..Again Bapu after an hour got relief from stomach pain then he said,"Today is Diwali.Will not worship?"
Bapu worshipped with us after that we fired crackers.Afterwords we all slept.
At about 4 o'clock in the early morning Bapu felt severe pain in his stomach.He started circulating in the courtyard. Because of pain
Kashi Ram came,Bapu was sweating.He was wiping Bali's sweat with a towel.I with my cousin went to call the doctor.
Dactor came with us.He injected and advised,"get admitted in hospital.".
In those days public vehicles were not available everywhere like today.Railway hospital was at a distance of one kilo meter..Kashi ram brought his cycle.Bapu was taken by the cycle.
I will always remember that day and father words
I also went with Bapu.My mother also came.Seeing her coming behind,Bapu said,"
"Where you going?"
"With you"
"Go back,where will you go with me"
But mother didn't listen
Bapu was saying again and again,Go back, Where will you go with me
At that time I didn't even understand the meaning of Bali's words
But now whenever his words come in my mind
Bapu was admitted in the railway hospital.As soon as the staff came to know about Baby's admission in hospital,they started coming in hospital.
I was troubled that day by the apprehension of something untoward.He was looking absolutely fine.But that scarcy dream scares me.
That day was Goverdhan day after Diwali.On this day all the staff working under father used to come to our house to meet.They brought sweets with them.My mother also used to cook sweets, snacks and other dish at home. These dishes were served to those who came home that day