Are we destined to be together? - Part21 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part21

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Are we destined to be together? - Part21

Harry's pov:
This is last semester.... After this I doesn't know whether I will have any chances to meet or talk to amy or not.... So, I don't want to have any misunderstanding with amy that why I decided to stop drama with jessie....I feel like amy always loves me.. I doesn't know why..but I have...
Amy didn't message or contact me after I started drama of committing with jessie.... I started missing amy a lot... Whenever I decided to call her but my ego doesn't allow me... I haven't even save her number but I remember her number... I doesn't show ego to other while showing ego to her... I doesn't know why I am behaving like this with her.... I think I am behaving like this because of her attitude...
Time is passing faster...a month have passed in this semester... Amy's birthday is coming in this month... I want to wish her.. But I can't...Since I am afraid she may ask who am I to wish her... I wish atleast I can hear her voice or see her on that day.. Unfortunately, Her birthday is on Sunday... Possibility of seeing her is zero and chances for she calling me Is also zero because I asked why are you messaging me... But I said in anger, I didn't mean it... I didn't think she won't message me after that.. I can't tolerate pain anymore...I have to make her message me back... I have to bring her back to normal...
Finally, Her birthday arrived.... I want to wish her.. I decided to call her... But I can't wish her leaving my ego... I asked something about college work... And also said to amy that call me or message me after getting any other information....
Even though I didn't wish her... My mood is better... I heard her voice... She didn't show any anger to me.... I feel like she is not angry anymore....After cutting call, I waited for her to message me Or call me regarding anything... I was checking every minute my mobile... When ever I receive a message I expect her but she is not.... 12 hours has passed,... Still amy didn't message.... Whether She didn't want me to contact anymore... I feel stressed.... I know it just 12 hrs... She will contact me..But still heart pains...After that I decided to switch off mobile and to continue concentrating on work... Not to think on more about it... If she want to talk me she will... If she is not interested... I shouldn't force her... Love can't be forced... After I started doing my work...
I didn't touch my mobile for nearly 12 hrs... After working I went directly to sleep without checking my mobile... In morning when I woke up, I took my mobile... It showed message from amy it ....I feel so happy even though message is completely regarding studies.... But I decided to reply after 12 hours later since she made me wait for 12 hours...
I was angry on amy at previous semester... But now it is completely faded... As time pass...I don't feel anger.... I want her to message me .... Only thing from this I can understand is we can't stay anger with our loved one for longer time.....I will try my best her to keep contact with after college too... Make her agree with me.... I have planned this.. But what God think what amy thinks... I doesn't know.....
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