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Raunak is on his way back home from Bangalore. He works in a major IT multinational company as a Software Engineer. He was an on campus graduate hire and has done well over the past few years to have gained recognition from his seniors through his intelligence and performance. He is just 25 but he is scheduled to be leaving soon for America on an onsite assignment for at least three years to begin with.

His family was very happy about this, and why not ? Raunak's parents have brought him up with whatever support that the boy required. It's not that his parents were not capable of giving him the support. His father was an established businessman of the city. Their worry was something else. Actually, Raunak's mother had a minor accident while she was pregnant, she had a bad fall. The doctors were apprehensive that this might affect the baby's physical or mental health once it was born. It turned out that the baby was quite intelligent even from his childhood. But the Doctor's worry was somewhat correct. The boy had a stunted growth. It's not that he was physically disabled or something. But even after attaining adulthood, he could reach a height of 5 feet only. His parents were not tall as such. His father was short or average as per Indian standards at 5 feet 4 inches. But his mother at 5 feet 5 inches, was tall as per Indian female heights. The boy otherwise did not have any other medical problems. On the other hand, he had an exceptional brain. So his parents were not so unduly worried about his less height, since God had made it up by providing him with extraordinary intelligence.

But his parents' only worry now was how Raunak will live alone in America. He doesn't know how to cook. In Bangalore he was living in a good hostel where all his meals were taken care of. Besides being of such a small size, whether he will be bullied by the normally tall and big foreigners. They have heard that the African- American boys are very hostile.

His parents knew that Raunak had his fair share of problems because of his short height during his growing up years or even in his day to day work life. But here in his city, he at least had his sister to protect him. So Raunak's mother was seriously considering whether she should go with his son to America to take care of him there. We'll come back to this issue of Raunak's foreign posting later.

Let us discuss another issue about his parents first. Or rather about not having any other issue after Raunak's birth. Because of the fall which his mother had, the doctors had also informed them that she will not be able to bear another baby ever in the future. That was heartbreaking news for them, as they had always longed to have a son and a daughter.

When Raunak was 6 years old his parents became sure that apart from the fact that the boy was slow in his growth in height, he was otherwise perfectly normal. In fact he was already demonstrating signs of intelligence, which was higher than his age group. It was then that they decided that they should adopt a baby girl. There were some initial hurdles from the seniors in the family. But seeing the urgency and sincere longing for a girl child, everybody agreed. After thorough research and references, they finally adopted a 3 month old baby girl from a reputed and genuine orphanage. So on Raunak's 7th birthday, his parents ceremoniously gifted him a baby sister.

The baby was brought up with as much love and care as was given to Raunak. She was sent to a very good school. They observed that the child had an inherent knack and love for sports and swimming. So from a very early age, little Raina was active in her school sporting events.

It was when she hit puberty, just beyond the age of 9 years, her parents noticed the growth spurt. When Raina was 10 years old, Raunak was 17. He had passed his class 12 and was busy in giving different Engineering college admission tests. Raunak by that time had reached his full height of 5 feet. It was that year when Raina who was in class 5 then, just a 10 year old girl, had caught up with her elder brother Raunak in height. Her parents understood that it was her genes of her biological parents working for her.

Raunak was very protective of his little sister. Whenever their mother used to scold Raina for any mischief, Raunak came forward to her rescue. Sometimes he would purposely take the blame on himself and get scolded on her behalf.

Raunak was in his 1st year engineering then at IIT Bombay. Raina was in class 6. One day, she had stayed back after school for her inter-class volleyball match. So she missed her school bus. Generally their mother went to fetch her back from school on such days, in an auto. Since Raunak was at home, his mother asked him to fetch Raina from school.

Raunak did not drive any scooter. He picked his sister up from her school and got an empty auto right in front of the school. Raina went in and sat on the right side of the back seat, Raunak sat in the middle of the back seat. The auto driver waited for one more passenger to start. These autos run on a sharing basis. Two ladies came out of the school and wanted to get in the auto. Raina whispered in Raunak's ear, "Teachers of senior classes."

But the ladies couldn't get in because 2 of the seats were occupied by Raina and Raunak. Raina was in her school uniform. The auto driver turned back and said to Raina, "Arrey take your younger brother on your lap na. Your school teachers are waiting outside."

Actually the driver made a mistake seeing the size difference between Raina and Raunak. While Raunak at 18 years was 5 feet only and around 47 kgs in weight, Raina at 11 years was 5'2" and 57 kgs. They had to decide fast, the teachers were waiting on the road. Raina pulled Raunak's hand, "Bhaiya come, sit."

One of the teachers had already stepped her foot inside the auto. Raunak had no other alternative. He just shifted on Raina's lap. The young 11 year old deftly pulled her college going brother of 18, inside her lap and adjusted his legs over her knees. She held Raunak on her lap, hugging him from the back with her hands clasped together on his stomach. She whispered in his ear, "Comfortable Bhaiya ?"

Raunak's face was just beside his sister's, with him sitting on her lap. He just nodded a yes. He was actually quite comfortable sitting on the 11 year old girl's solid thighs. But he felt so odd and embarrassed. He was a 1st year Engineering College student, 18 years old, sitting on the lap of a 11 year old girl of class 6.

The teacher sitting next to them started talking to Raina. Raunak sitting on Raina's lap, looked out the other way. The teacher asked Raina, pointing at Raunak, "Your brother ? Which class?"

Raina was in two minds about what to answer. She didn't want to say that his brother was an Engineering College student. She knew that Raunak would feel more embarrassed. Luckily, just at that moment, the other teacher said something to this teacher, and they started talking. Raina, Raunak both heaved a sigh of relief.

Raunak, Raina did not discuss this event with anyone, not with their parents, not even between themselves. They went on with their normal activities and behaviour as if this did not happen.

It was the next year's summer vacation in school. There was a Harry Potter movie which came out recently. Raina was pestering her parents to take her to the movie. Her mother told her, "You know na Beta, neither your Papa nor me, like to go to movies and that too Harry Potter. You tell your elder brother na, he will take you."

Raunak also wasn't quite a movie buff. He liked to spend his time with his books or laptop or his mobile. He didn't have many friends either and was more of an introvert. Understandably so. Whenever there was any social gathering of friends or family, someone or the other made a loose comment about his short height. Raunak just didn't understand what fun people got out of body shaming others, especially where the person does not have any control. A guy or a girl who is born short or dark complexioned, what could he or she do ? Was that in their control ?

But Raunak could never refuse his little sister. Her wish was his command. So the next sunday, he took Raina to the movie in the morning show. Standing in the crowd, waiting for the gates to open beside his tall little sister, Raunak felt a little uneasy. In the last one year, Raina has grown by 2 more inches. At 12 years old, although she is just in class 7, she's already 5'4" now. Also since she was on a Sunday movie outing, she was wearing her favourite 2 inch heel platform shoes. That made her 5'6" tall. Raunak was now in his 2nd year of Engineering. But at 19 years, he was still stuck at 5 feet only. Raunak has gained a little weight and was at 49 kgs. Whereas Raina has grown to 60 kgs.

There was quite a rush, which he had not expected on a morning show. They got last row, corner seat tickets, which again he does not prefer. It's very difficult to get in or get out, once everybody else is seated. Raina sat on the corner seat. They were well on time, so getting to the seats was not so difficult. People were still coming in. When the row in front of them filled up, they found that there were two tall boys sitting right in front of them. It was ok for Raina, but Raunak had difficulty in seeing the screen. He tried to see past the boys' heads, but couldn't move much to his right because there was a big sized lady sitting on his right, with her fat arms on the intermediate hand rest.

Raina saw Raunak's problem that he just couldn't see the screen. She exchanged the seat with his brother, but still he was not able to see. Both the boys in front of them were tall and big sized.

Raina went back to her corner seat. Then she whispered to her brother, "Bhaiya, come on my lap, then your height will also be on my level. You will be able to see the screen."

Raunak whispered back, "How can I sit on your lap in front of so many people?"

Raina said, "The hall is full dark and we are on the last row. Nobody will come to know. During the interval, you go back to your seat."

Raunak thought that the idea was good. And since nobody could see them in the dark, it's better than seeing the back portion of the head of the boy in front. He silently got up from his seat and went and sat on Raina's lap. The 12 year old Raina was now 60 kgs, which was 11 kgs heavier than the 19 year old Raunak. So the class 7 girl pulled the 2nd year Engineering young man easily inside her lap and adjusted him to sit properly on her lap. She hugged him from the back tightly with her big arms wrapped around Raunak's body. The elder brother's head was now level with his little sister's, with him sitting on her thick thighs. The 12 year old girl slightly lifted the 19 year old young man and adjusted him to one side making him sit on one of her thighs only. The small size bottom of the 19 year old elder brother fitted perfectly on the single fat thigh of the 12 year old little sister. Both their heads were now side by side. Now they could both see the screen clearly. Their cheeks touched. Raina whispered to Raunak, "Bhaiya are you comfortable?" Raunak silently nodded.

"Remember Bhaiya, only a few years back, I used to sit on your lap like this. I feel so good holding you on my lap like you are my little brother and I'm your elder sister." Raina again whispered, giving her elder brother sitting on her lap, a loving squeeze between her hands. Raunak didn't feel bad about her comment. He just patted her other cheek with his hand. Growing up together from childhood, he had seen his sister slowly catching up with his height, inch by inch, year by year. Now she is 4 inches taller than him, although she is just 12 and he is 19. But he still doesn't feel bad about this. He has grown used to being the smallest one in the house for years now. He was in fact proud of his little sister's height and strength. He loved her so much.

They watched the movie like that, the 19 year old, Engineering 2nd year brother sitting on the lap of the 12 year old, class 7, little sister. It was a big 3 hours film. During the interval, Raunak went back to his seat. He bought his sister, popcorn and ice cream. He asked her, "Hope your legs are not paining carrying me for so long ?"

Raina smiled, "No Bhaiya, you are so small and light, I can keep you on my lap the whole day."

After the interval, when it was again dark, Raina caught Raunak's hand and pulled him. Raunak silently went and sat on her lap again.

After the movie, they went to the Mall's food court for some snacks. Raina was very happy at this Sunday morning outing. She said, "Bhaiya, I want your help. I have been asking Papa, Mummy to put me in a gym. I am growing tall and big. I am taller than my classmates, even the boys, and most of the lady teachers and even some of the male teachers in school. My height is good for basketball and volleyball. But our Sports Sir wants me to take part in javelin and discus throws also. For that I need to strengthen my muscles. He says that I need weight training for that. But Papa, Mummy says that muscles do not look good on a girl. Also weight training will hamper my growth in height. Please Bhaiya, Papa, Mummy listen to you only. If you tell them then they will put me in a gym."

Raunak said, "Listen Sis, I also feel that this is not your age for lifting dumbbells and barbells. You are just 12, let your body and muscles grow the normal way. Yes, you can tone your muscles through light exercises, which will give you strength and also make your figure look feminine and beautiful. Muscles on a girl make them look more like a man. Since you are interested in sports, you can see many sports women look so feminine but are strong. There are some girls who have big muscles, they look strong but not so feminine. I suggest, you do light exercises at home only. I'll check on YouTube and let you know such strength building exercises at home for a 12 year old girl."

Raina patted Raunak's hand while biting into her burger, "Thank you so much Bhaiya. I understand your point. I have already seen some such videos. But again you can only help me do these exercises at home. If you help me I'll not pester you all again for going to the gym."

Raunak smiled, "Now what help do you need from me for this?"

Raina was excited, "I want to use you as my human weight. You are of the perfect height and weight for me. You are so small and cute. I've seen videos where you can lift a smaller person in different ways which will add to your strength. There are different routines and reps. If you help me with that, I'll not want to go to the gym. Because in the gym, I can also use light weights and not heavy ones, which build up muscles."

Raunak said, now a little serious, "So you have already done your homework on this. But in the gym if you start using light weights, there will be a tendency to go for the heavier weights, since they are available there. And the trainers will also induce you to use the bigger weights seeing your progress."

Raina was smiling, "So fine, I'll not go to the gym, then you will be my human weight and my trainer."

Raunak said, "But how can you lift me at home, somebody will see you."

Raina had her answer ready, "No, we will do it early morning before we go to school and college or in the evenings after coming back. And besides, Papa never comes upstairs to our rooms. Mummy also seldom comes. We only meet them in their rooms on the ground floor or at the dining table during meal times."

Raunak said, "Ok we'll see, now let's go home".

As they were walking out of the food court, Raina lovingly put her arm around her brother's shoulders and held him tightly. With the 2 inches platform heels she had worn for this special Sunday movie outing, her normal height of 5'4" became 5'6". The 12 year old girl of 5'6" and 60 kgs completely dwarfed her 19 year old elder brother of 5 feet and 49 kgs. But people did not notice at all, as they thought that the older sister was taking her younger brother home, with her arm lovingly around his shoulder.

After they reached home Raunak changed into his casuals of light T-shirt and shorts and was relaxing in his bed with his mobile. Raina entered his room and lovingly looked down on her brother lying on the bed. The tall, 12 year old little sister just bent down, put one arm behind his back and her other arm under his thighs and scooped the small, 19 year old elder brother up in her arms.

"Ohh Bhaiya, you are so light. I can carry you in my arms like this for hours." Raina gave a fast spin with Raunak in her arms. He was so startled, he clung to her body with his arms around her neck.

"What are you doing Raina? Put me down. You are just 12 and I'm 19. You are just in Class 7 and I'm in 2nd year Engineering College. You can't pick me up in your arms like a baby." The 19 year old Raunak was pleading, hanging on to his 12 year old sister's body, holding her tightly around her neck.

Raina laughed, "But you are like a baby in my arms. Look at us in the mirror. Don't you look like a 12 year old boy in the arms of his elder sister ?" The 12 year old pre-teen girl started rocking the 19 year old young man in her arms like a baby. Raunak hid his face inside the crook of his little sister's neck. He didn't want to see himself in the mirror being rocked and bounced in her arms by his 12 year old little sister.

Raina lifted Raunak a little up, so that he was at her breasts height. Raunak's face was just below his sister's, lying in her arms looking up at her face, with his arms holding on to his little sister's neck for support. "This is a very good exercise Bhaiya. I can do all sorts of lifts with you. Thank you."

Raunak said, "Put me down now, otherwise I'll complain to Mummy."

The 12 year old Raina started walking towards the door, carrying her 19 year old brother in her cradle, "Ok, let's go and take Mummy's permission then."

"Nooo stop, pleeeease. Ok, you do your exercises lifting me. But don't tell anyone, ever." Raunak was almost begging. Raina stood there giggling. She picked Raunak's body up a little, bent her head down and kissed him on his forehead.

So that was the beginning of a regular exercise routine of Raina. Raunak couldn't say no because of two reasons. One was that he really loved his sister. And just because she was adopted and she knew it, everybody in the family took extra care to let her not feel that she was not their own blood relation. That is why Raunak could not say no to her, knowing fully well how much she wanted to become a tall, strong sportswoman when she grows up. He was just doing his bit to help her in her ambition. And secondly, Raina was still just a kid. Raunak was afraid that if he refused her, the 12 year old girl might just pick him up in her arms and carry the 19 year old young man to their mother to take her permission to lift and carry him for her exercise routines.

More such incidents and who goes with Raunak on his foreign posting in the next episode….