Life expectancy and life span of human being in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Life expectancy and life span of human being

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Life expectancy and life span of human being

Life expectancy and life span:
The term “life expectancy” refers to the number of years a person can expect to live. By definition, life expectancy is based on an estimate of the average age that members of a particular population group will be when they die.

Meaning of life expectancy:
life expectancy, estimate of the average number of additional years that a person of a given age can expect to live. The most common measure of life expectancy is life expectancy at birth. Life expectancy is a hypothetical measure.

Example of life expectancy :
Life expectancy is the median age at death for a particular population group. For example, if a group of people have a life expectancy at birth of 70 years, half died before 70 and half survived beyond this age. Note that life expectancies are also determined for each age group, usually in 10-year increments.

Synonyms or related words for life expectancy are like: longevity, period of existence, probable future, statistical probability, expectation of life, life-span, life's duration, chances, future, life cycle and life expectancy.

Lifespan versus Life expectancy: While both terms relate to the number of living years, they actually define very different concepts. Lifespan is defined as the maximum number of years that a human can live, while life expectancy is the average total number of years that a human achieves.
Life span is defined as the period between life and death of an individual. While the term lifespan refers to the maximum number of years an individual can live, life expectancy refers to an estimate or an average number of years.
Biological differences also help to explain women's higher longevity. Scientists believe that estrogen in women combats conditions such as heart disease by helping reduce circulatory levels of harmful cholesterol. Women are also thought to have stronger immune systems than men.

Significant factors in life expectancy include gender, genetics, access to health care, hygiene, diet and nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, and crime rates. Evidence based studies indicate that longevity is based on two major factors, genetics, and lifestyle choices.
Life expectancy is a statistical measure of the average time an organism is expected to live, based on the year of its birth, its current age, and other demographic factors like sex.
The long-standing quest for longer life led in the 2010s to a more promising focus on increasing HALE, also known as a person's "health span". Besides the benefits of keeping people healthier longer, a goal is to reduce health-care expenses on the many diseases associated with cellular senescence. Approaches being explored include fasting, exercise, and senolytic drugs.

Life expectancy is one of the factors in measuring the Human Development Index (HDI) of each nation along with adult literacy, education, and standard of living.

Life expectancy is also used in describing the physical quality of life of an area or, for an individual when the value of a life settlement is determined a life insurance policy is sold for a cash asset.

Disparities in life expectancy are often cited as demonstrating the need for better medical care or increased social support.

It is strongly associated indirect measure is income inequality.
Life expectancy is commonly confused with the average age an adult could expect to live. This confusion may create the expectation that an adult would be unlikely to exceed an average life expectancy, even though, with all statistical probability, an adult, who has already avoided many statistical causes of adolescent mortality, should be expected to outlive the average life expectancy calculated from birth. One must compare the life expectancy of the period after childhood, to estimate also the life expectancy of an adult.Life expectancy can change dramatically after childhood even in pre- industrial times as is demonstrated by the Roman Life Expectancy table, which estimates life expectancy to be 25 years at birth, but 53 years upon reaching age 25.
Studies like Plymouth Plantation; "Dead at Forty" and Life Expectancy by Age, 1850–2004 similarly show a dramatic increase in life expectancy once adulthood was reached.
The teaching domain is characterized by the longest life expectancy. In-between are, in ascending order, the non-skilled general, technical, administrative, care, and agriculture domains.
Among both U.S. white and black men, physicians were, on average, older when they died, (73.0 yrs for white and 68.7 yrs for black) than were lawyers (72.3yrs and 62.0 yrs ), all examined professionals (70.9 yrs and 65.3 yrs), and all men (70.3 yrs and 63.6 yrs).

Five healthy habits may increase/ improve life expectancy by decade
Maintaining five healthy habits :
(i)eating a healthy diet, ((ii)exercising regularly, (iii)keeping a healthy body weight,
(iv)not drinking too much alcohol, and
(v) not smoking during adulthood may add more than a decade to life expectancy, according to a new study led by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Life expectancy differs from maximum life span. Life expectancy is an average for all people in the population including those who die shortly after birth, those who die in early adulthood (e.g. childbirth, war etc.) and those who live unimpeded until old age. Maximum lifespan is an individual specific concept maximum lifespan is, therefore, an upper bound rather than an average.Science author Christopher Wanjek said "has the human race increased its life span? Not at all. This is one of the biggest misconceptions about old age." The maximum life span, or oldest age a human can live, may be constant.Further, there are many examples of people living significantly longer than the average life expectancy of their time period, such as Socrates
(71 yrs), Saint Anthony the Great (105 yrs), Michelangelo (88 yrs), and John Adams, 2nd president of the United States (90 yrs).
Ravishankar Vyas, better known as Ravishankar Maharaj, was an Indian independence activist, social worker and Gandhian.
Ravishankar maharaj was
born in 25 February 1884 and
died: on 1 July 1984 (aged 100).
Keshavram Kashiram Bambhaniya also known as k.k.shastri was born on 28 July 1905 at Mangarol in Junagadh district, Bombay Presidency. He was the founding leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad(VHP) and died on 9 September 2006, Ahmedabad.He lived for 100 years.

However, anthropologist John D. Hawks criticizes the popular conflation of life expectancy and maximum life span when popular science writers falsely imply that the average adult human does not live longer than their ancestors.

John Hawks writes, "Age-specific mortality rates have declined across the adult lifespan. A smaller fraction of adults die at 20, at 30, at 40, at 50, and so on across the lifespan. As a result, we live longer on average.In every way we can measure, human lifespans are longer today than in the immediate past, and longer today than they were 2000 years ago. We must note that age-specific mortality rates in adults really have reduced substantially."

Life expectancy of India and its neighbouring Asian countries in decreasing order:
(i) The current life expectancy for Maldives in 2022 is 79.61 years, a 0.36% increase from 2021.
(ii)The current life expectancy for Sri Lanka in 2022 is 77.39 years, 0.22% increase from 2021.
(iii) The current life expectancy for Bangladesh in 2022 is 73.29 years, 0.39% increase from 2021.

(iv) The current life expectancy for Bhutan in 2022 is 72.47 years, 0.41% increase from 2021.
(v)The life expectancy for Indonesia in 2022 is 72.14 and in 2021 was 71.96 years, 0.25% increase from 2020.

(vi) The current life expectancy for Nepal in 2022 is 71.45 years, 0.4% increase from 2021.

(vii)The current life expectancy for India in 2022 is 70.19 years, 0.33% increase from 2021.

(viii)The current life expectancy for Myanmar in 2022 is 67.58 years, 0.3% increase from 2021.

(ix)The life expectancy for Pakistan in 2022 is 67.64 years, 0.23% increase from 2021.
Reasons for low life expectancy in Pakistan:
In Pakistan, the leading causes of health loss, as measured by DALYs, in 2013 were lower respiratory infections, neonatal encephalopathy, diarrheal diseases,ischemic heart disease, neonatal preterm birth complications, neonatal sepsis, stroke, meningitis,road injuries and congenital abnormalities.

(x)The current life expectancy for Afghanistan in 2022 is 65.63 years, 0.52% increase from 2021.


Country. Life expectancy
Maldives. 79.61
Sri Lanka. 77.39
Bangladesh. 73.29
Bhutan. 72.47
Indonesia. 72.14
Nepal 71.40
India. 70.19
Myanmar. 67.58
Pakistan. 64.64
Afghanistan. 65.63

Life expectancy of certain countries: India's life expectancy so low because of certain reasons.A primary cause of this national struggle is accessibility. It is estimated that 600 million(60 crores) people in India are with little or no access to healthcare, many of them in rural locations. The cost of care is also keeping citizens from getting proper treatment, or any treatment at all.
United States of America:
Average life expectancy in US:
Not everyone in America has the same opportunities to be healthy. According to the most recent data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78.6 years;76.1 years for men and 81.1 years for women.
An average life expectancy of American is 78.6 years. However Asian Americans enjoy the longest life expectancy of any racial or ethnic group (87.3 years) in the U.S. today. Latinos enjoy the 2nd longest life expectancy of any racial or ethnic groups in the U.S. today. They live, on average to 83.5 years.

In the world Hongkong has the highest life expectancy of 85.29 years.

The current life expectancy for Canada in 2022 is 82.81 years, 0.18% increase from 2021.

United Kingdom:
The current(2022) life expectancy of UK is 81.65 years. The data is based on UN projections which do not take the impact of COVID-19 into account.Improvements in healthcare and the advent of modern medicine have reduced infant and childhood mortality,thereby causing a long-term rise in life expectancy.

The life expectancy in France today:The current life expectancy for France in 2022 is 83.00 years, a 0.16% increase from 2021. In 2020, female life expectancy at birth in France reached 85.3 years compared to 79.2 years for males. That same year the life expectancy in France, regardless of gender, was of 82.27 years. Thus, France is one of the countries in the world with the highest life expectancy
South Korea:
The life expectancy in South Korea 2022: According to OECD Health Statistics 2022, the life expectancy of Koreans was 83.5 years in 2020, which topped OECD countries' of average 80.5 years. Life expectancy at birth of Republic of Korea increased from 62 years in 1971 to 83.19 years in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 0.60%.
Rapid increases in life expectancy in South Korea were mostly achieved by reductions in infant mortality and in diseases related to infections and blood pressure. In the past few decades, life expectancy at birth has increased remarkably in South Korea.

Japan:The current life expectancy for Japan in 2022 is 84.91 years, 0.14% increase from 2021.
Today that people in countries such as South Korea and France are living longer due to diet, lifestyle and medical technology.
Today most people in the world can expect to live as long as those in the very richest countries in 1950. The United Nations estimate a global average life expectancy of 72.6 years for 2019 ; the global average today is higher than in any country back in 1950. Theoretical study also suggested that the maximum human life expectancy at birth is limited by the human life characteristic value δ, which is around 104 years.Human life expectancy has been increasing at a rapid rate . Better health care and hygiene, healthier life styles, sufficient food and improved medical care and reduced child mortality mean that we can now expect to live much longer than our ancestors just a few generations ago.
Increasing longevity can enable people to work longer, and working longer has benefits such as keeping people mentally engaged with work they value and/or enjoy, having a sense of purpose, preventing or reducing loneliness and providing more time to build financial security that will support longer lifespans.According to the National Institute of Ageing, education is the most important social factor affecting longevity.

Information compiled by: Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol