MISERABLE LIFE OF FARMERS! in English Anything by Shravana Amaragol books and stories PDF | MISERABLE LIFE OF FARMERS!

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As we all know farmer is the backbone of our country. From the small age itself teachers teach us that farmer is the most important person. But they never tried to tell the problems faced by farmers. Especially in India many farmers commit suicide due to many reasons. Though the society is developing day by day and the literacy rate is also increasing day by day, the problems of farmers are same. The farmer should be the richest person but reality is different. The person who grow food to satisfy other's hunger,sleeps himself without food. This reality is known by each and every person but none of them care. They put all the money in growing crop and hope for better rate in the market. If farmer is given 5/- per kg,the cost in the market of the same product will be it's double. The person who deserves the good rate does not get it. To show some mercy, government passess bills every year in the name of farmers. But are they really benefited? Do they get those bills? No. They don't get. Only passing bills is not enough,it should be checked if every farmer is being benefited by it.
Farmer get loans from many banks to sow the crop. Due to crop failure,if the farmer couldn't repay the loan on time,the government pressurises him and put lot of interest on the loan. The farmer commits suicide as he could not repay the loans and as he could not withstand the talks of society. What about his family? His children who were living under his hope? His parents? None of them think about these problems. There are many news channels who show the luxurious lifestyle of a film actor for weeks together,but what about the miserable life of a farmer? Due to such problems farmer commit suicide but the wife of the farmer should fight all alone in this society and look after her children. All think about increasing the rate of crop but none of them think about increasing rate of deaths of farmers.
When we ask a small child about his/her goal in future. Every child says he/she wants to become an doctor,engineer,etc. Is there anyone who tells "I want to become a farmer?" Just find the answer for yourself. The most fun fact is that,the person who grows the crop does not have enough food. The children of farmers die due to malnutrition. It's happening all over India and is reality. All this reality is known but are they really trying the best help them out? The answer for these questions? Who is responsible for these problems? Whom should we blame? There are still many problems faced by farmers,but the solutions are still not found.
Such situations are maximum in India . We should make them rare. And then finally remove these problems from roots and give the farmer what he deserves. The news stating about the suicide of farmers should be decreased by solving the problems of farmers by talking to them.
Jai kisaan!!!