GRATITUDE in English Anything by Shravana Amaragol books and stories PDF | GRATITUDE

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Gratitude means thanking. Thanking someone who is very precious and helped throughout. In student life, many hands will be ready to help,but that moment we don't realise it. We just giggle,make fun and enjoy with friends. Enjoyment is necessary but it should be in limit. We should not forget our responsibility in the name of fun. In school days,the minds of students will not be matured at that extent,so only parents and teachers guide us. Many ask why should we always believe our elders? "We should believe our elders,not because they are always right, because they are experienced". They show us the right path with their amiable nature. They guide us because they want us not to do the mistakes that they did in their carier. " Experience deserves everything".
In my academic years there were many humps and obstacles. But my parents and teachers helped me a lot to overcome those obstacles. The two teachers in my life who taught me maths subject are very precious for me. I feel very proud to say that I'm one of the student of these teachers. Even though they teach maths,they inspired students as well. Whenever I did any mistake,they scolded me and also insulted me. But that time due to lack of maturity I would think that they were targeting me. So I hated them. But when I realised that it's for my good,I took the scoldings in a positive way which strengthened me. And also I realised my mistake. Generally we don't understand the true value of a person when they're with us. The time when we lose them,we understand the true value of them and regret later. Same thing happened in my life. When I wanted them to guide me that moment they were not available which made me understand the importance of them.
Initially when I saw one my teacher I thought I could not get along and would not understand anything. Due to this mindset of mine I took low grades in mathematics subject in my initial tests. So the teacher scolded me and punished me for not scoring good marks. As I'm an senstive person, I felt down and cried all day long. But then I realised,crying was not only the solution for every problem. Then on I started practicing only to make my teacher happy. And also I maintained constant score in every test. The teacher was very happy with my change. I even asked the teacher about the gift,the reply was," I want you to have a good social position in the society and always be happy. This is the biggest gift you can ever give me." This touched me and also I'm trying to give such a gift to my teacher and I will.
Actually I practiced and got good marks just to make the teacher happy, not for my sake.
All teachers in our life are as important as parents. Even though parents are absent, teachers'take care of every student as their own child. So from ancient times teachers' are always kept on top and are respected from bottom of heart. More than a good marks in marks card,a blessing of a teacher is enough to make a students life bright. All the teachers in my life made me walk on the right path whenever I was distracted. Teachers don't ask any material gift from their students,they want the students' happiness forever. This is what the nature of every teacher. Teacher deserve the peak respect and most of the love.