My First Inspiration in English Anything by Shravana Amaragol books and stories PDF | My First Inspiration

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My First Inspiration

Today I got to know how vast the world is; and there are many people here with all different lifestyles. Each and everyone commit mistakes. Some commit much big mistake in the very small age itself. But treating those in different way as they committed mistake won't be good for a human being with good heart. Knowingly or unknowingly all will commit mistake,but being strong and overcoming those obstacles means a lot in everyone's life. I saw many such people in my life who have been strong in their hard times. At the same time I feel pitty when they're teased by others badly. Teasing others is such a bad way that it may lead to destruction of one's life. It hurts a lot and makes the person completely weak. Now the past can't be changed; so teasing them with the same past seems to be senseless. It spoils the precious life of a person.
One such real example is of a person with the same age of mine. The girl about whom I'm going to tell you is very soft hearted and cute. She's a good example to prove that innocent people are targeted and hurted easily. In the very small age itself she committed a very big mistake about which she had never thought of before. She had very hard times in her school life due to that one incident. As she was innocent, one person took a disadvantage of her and spoiled her life. Due this incident she didn't give up on her life. This shows her bravery and the courage to live life. People may speak bad about her character due to the mistake. But she can't be blamed for the complete mistake.
Society will always blame a girl for her mistake but never try to understand the real reason behind the mistake. This is what making the girl to live a hard life in the society. She's my classmate and I can say that I'm inspired by her courage. The first day I saw her, I felt something which even I don't know what feeling it was. But I was totally impressed by her behaviour. I don't know what had happened in her past. Some who knew about it told me. From that day I was even more inspired by her. That day I realised my problems are nothing in front of such people's courage. I felt that I lacked that courage to face the obstacles.
Now she's having a happy life because now she don't think of the past. I really didn't now a person can be this strong. As I know now I'm unable to stop getting inspired by her. She managed everything and overcame her problems without any hesitation. Maybe, initially even she might have felt lost,but the way she got up is really amazing.
This is my first writing,so thought coming up with this as it is my first live inspiration ever. Deep heartedly I want her to reach the peak and be happy forever in her life.