THE LANDLADY - 6 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | THE LANDLADY - 6

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The Landlady 6

25th March 2020. That day will be remembered forever as it was the first day of the Lockdown in our country to tackle the Covid pandemic that shook the world. However from some days prior to this, there was a buzz in the industrial circle that something like this might happen.

Ritu had been given this information by her Manager and Accountant that this might hamper the business. She was worried and discussed this with me on my return from office on Friday, the 20th of March, 2020.

I had by this time more or less decided that I will accept Ritu's offer to help out in her business as an adviser.

We had finished our evening tea and snacks, after returning from my office. Ritu was sitting on her favourite sofa doing nothing. I was sitting on my 5'11" and 87 kgs big, tall girlfriend's lap, checking my WhatsApp messages which had come during the day.

This is when Ritu broached the subject of possible business disruptions if a lockdown was imposed throughout the country.

I suddenly decided to move into action. I said, "Ritu, let's visit your office. Tomorrow is Saturday. I'll take leave from my office and I'll come with you. We'll land up in the morning at 10 o'clock. Just call them up 30 minutes before we reach. You say that, I am your old friend's cousin who has recently come to Chandigarh and will be staying with you. You have taken me out to show me the city. The office was on the way, so you just stopped over to show me the office. Right now you do not talk about my involvement in your business. If they ask what I do, tell them the truth about my present job."

Ritu hugged me tight on her lap and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I think this meant 'Thank you ".

The visit to her office went off quite smoothly the next day. I was actually intending to have a first hand idea of the set up and the products, so that I can visualise the problems better. The Manager and the Accountant were answering my queries quite normally, as if responding to an inquisitive guest of the owner of the company. I visited their office, their workshop and the small warehouse, which were all together. I asked pertinent questions to understand the way the business was conducted. I was quite satisfied with the inputs I received.

We spent about 3 hours there and then left. We had come by Ritu's car and not on her scooter this time. Ritu only drove the car to her office. It was lunch time, so we went to a good restaurant and had a lovely lunch. Ritu was excited that I was getting involved in her business and was impressed by the nature of the questions I asked his senior management staff.

While having lunch, Ritu said, "Those legal papers are ready, for the transfer of shares to you and your appointment as MD of our Company. Harleen had called up. She was asking when she can send Rajalakshmi to our house to take our signatures. She says it's better we move fast, otherwise if the courts get closed because of lockdown, the entire process would be delayed."

I said, "You decide. Today I'm on leave, so anytime today or tomorrow, if they want to work on Sunday, I don't have any issue."

Ritu smiled, "In that case, can I suggest something ? Since we are already out of the house, would you mind coming with me to Harleen's house and completing the paperwork ?"

I laughed, "Arrey, why are you asking so timidly? You are the Chairman and MD of the Company. From now on, after I join, you will be my boss. You should order me, why are you asking so politely?"

Ritu was smiling broadly now, "No, I was apprehensive that you may not want to go to the house where you were forcefully taken after you were physically captured and kidnapped by a woman of your age. Also you might not want to meet the kidnapper woman who forcibly carried you away."

I said, "Very funny ! I still don't understand Ritu, how could you instruct another big, tall woman to forcefully lift me and carry me away against my will ? I haven't spoken to you on this subject since that day. But didn't it occur to you that the woman Rajlakshmi is 37 and I'm 36, and as per your instructions only, she lifted and carried me that day for such a long time. Weren't you jealous or worried that she can actually take me away from you ?"

Ritu was giving me a strange smile. We were sitting in a very cosy restaurant on a plush comfortable sofa, side by side. Ritu took my hand inside her big palm and said, "No, I had absolutely no jealousy or worry regarding Rajlakshmi lifting and carrying you for such a long time. Or for that matter even if she had kissed you forcibly, which she didn't. Want to know why ? Because she is not interested in you. She's interested in Harleen." Ritu was laughing.

"What !!" I possibly spoke a little loud in the posh restaurant. I was astonished. I couldn't even imagine this. "Did you know this ? How long has this been going on ?"

Ritu still had my hand totally hidden inside her big palm. "I had sensed it quite some time back, but Harleen had told me only a few months back. Rajlakshmi has been working with her for two years now. But they have been living together for about a year."

Ritu made a phone call to Harleen to say that we are reaching in 15-20 minutes. She ended by saying, "Listen Harleen, I had to tell him about you and Rajalakshmi, otherwise he wasn't comfortable in meeting her."

On reaching Harleen's bungalow and entering her drawing room, I had a strange feeling. Only last Sunday I was forcefully carried to this house, captured in the arms of a tall strong woman, who I thought had kidnapped me.

Today I saw my kidnapper Rajlakhsmi welcoming me with a big smile on her face. She extended her two hands wide to embrace me. Now, knowing the truth about Rajlakshmi, I also smiled and walked into her embrace. She gave me a tight bear hug and laughed, "Phirsey pakad liya. Caught once again." Everybody laughed, including me. She then bent down and scooped me up in her arms. The big 5'8" and 80 kgs woman cradle-carried my 5'3" and 63 kgs body in her arms and said, "So, how was my acting that day, Sir?"

My arms instinctively went around the big 37 year old lawyer's neck and shoulders. I said, "No more Sir. I thought it's safer to make friends with my big, tall kidnapper. So now I can use her as my lawyer and my bodyguard rolled into one."

The ladies all laughed. Rajlakshmi smiled down at me lying in her cradle and carried me to Ritu. "No, the kidnapper feels safer to return you to your wife. I can be your lawyer alright, but you have a bigger, taller bodyguard already with you."

She extended her hands towards Ritu, who took me in her cradle, holding me with her arms under my back and behind my thighs. I felt like a small child being passed from his Aunt's to his Mother's arms.

I said, "What are you two playing with me ?"

Rajlakshmi said, "See, you are the baby in this group. You are 36, I am 37, your wife Ritu madam is 51 and Harleen madam is also 51. So obviously, we will play with the baby."

Ritu lifted my body up in her cradle holding me near her breasts and kissed me on my cheek. I sometimes wonder at the strength of this 51 year old woman. She manoeuvres me, a 36 year old adult male in her arms and lap like I was a small child.

She kept holding me in her arms and said, "Come Harleen, let's finish the paperwork work and then we'll chat."

Harleen said, "Everything is ready. Come, sit. Rajlakshmi has already brought the files from my chamber and kept them here."

Ritu carried me to a single seater sofa and sat down. She made me sit on her lap and held me with her fat arms around my stomach. I whispered to her, "Arrey Ritu, this is not our home. Put me down from your lap."

Ritu bent her head down and brought her face close to my face and said, "Don't feel shy, you are amongst friends."

Harleen and Rajlakshmi passed two sets of documents to us. I leaned back on Ritu's big lap, resting my head on her shoulders. I read the documents thoroughly, sitting on the soft cushiony lap of Ritu. They were very clearly drafted, covering all possible points. Harleen seemed to be a very good advocate.

The signing procedure didn't take much time. Ritu insisted that I sign the papers sitting on her lap. She also signed, holding me on her lap. Harleen assured us that tomorrow being Sunday, they will definitely register the documents in court on Monday. She told Ritu that once the court formalities are over, she should issue an official circular announcing me as the MD and herself as the Chairperson of the company.

After removing the files, Rajlakshmi brought in a tray with sweets for the traditional "Mooh Mitha" of feeding each other sweets after any good or successful event. We all shared the sweets.

Ritu stood up from the sofa holding me on her hip. It seemed that she was not going to put me down from her arms.

Harleen said, "Hey Ritu, where are you going ? It's such a great day in your life, let's celebrate." Harleen and Rajlakshmi stood up too, to stop us from leaving.

Ritu said, "No, I'll go home. Actually my little boyfriend here is getting a little embarrassed that I'm not letting him down from my lap. But, I'm so happy today that I don't want to put him down."

Rajlakshmi said, "Why is he feeling embarrassed ? Because of us ? Is he feeling shy because you are carrying him in your arms and lap, and all three of us are sitting normally ? Ok, I'll solve his problem. Let's play a game then, where he can make us do whatever he wants."

I said, "What game ?"

We all sat down again. Meaning the three ladies sat on their usual places on the sofas. I sat in my usual place on Ritu's lap. Ritu held me tightly on her big, soft lap with her thick arms around my waist, clasped and resting on my lap.

Rajlakshmi said, "You must be knowing the game 'Truth or Dare'. Where a bottle is rotated and whoever it points to has to either say a truth or do a dare as given by the other participants. I know that the 'Truth' part can be a bit embarrassing because we are all seniors now and not college kids. We may not want to share our personal secrets. I respect that. So let's play a game of only 'Dare'. If you want to rotate a bottle, we can do that. Or we can just take turns."

I immediately said, "I'll go last !"

The ladies laughed at my enthusiastic shout. Harleen said, "Ok, done! You are our honoured guest, whatever you say is accepted."

Rajlakshmi said, "So for the three of us, what will be the order ?"

Ritu said, "Can I go second last ?"

Harleen said, "Done ! You are also my guest, so Ritu will go 3rd."

Rajlakshmi said, "Ok, then Harleen madam, you choose which position you want to go."

Harleen laughed, "Good girl Raji dear. If given a choice, I'll then go 2nd."

Rajlakshmi laughed, "Ok fine, I'll go first. So tell me, who will give me my daring task ?"

I raised my hand sitting on Ritu's lap. "I'll give".

Harleen was agreeing to everything I was saying, "Ok, go ahead. We'll follow your wish."

I pulled down Ritu's face and whispered in her ear, sitting on her big soft lap, "Let's ask Rajlakshmi to pick up Harleen in a cradle-carry lift."

Ritu bent her head down to come close to my face, listened to my suggestion and laughed out loud, "Naughty little man. Ok , go ahead. Tell them."

I smiled and said, "Ok my dare for Rajlakshmi is that you have to lift Harleen didi in cradle carry. And hold her in your cradle, as long as you can keep her. You can sit with her to take a rest, but you will have to hold her on your lap in a cradled position."

Both Harleen and Rajlakshmi were laughing. So was Ritu.

Rajlakshmi said, "Sir, you are getting back even with me now, because I kidnapped you and carried you away. Ok fine, I'm game."

Saying this, Rajlakshmi stood up from her sofa. Then she bent down and scooped Harleen up from her sitting position on the sofa, cradling her up in her arms. Harleen started laughing.

It was looking odd. The prim and proper 51 year old Harleen Bedi in a light pink Salwar suit being held up in the arms of the 37 year old, tall, dark and solid looking Rajlakshmi, who was wearing a loose fitting round neck white T-shirt and blue jeans. Where Harleen had medium length hair, Rajlakshmi's hair was cut quite short. The small Harleen looked as if she was being cradle-carried in the arms of her tall dark solidly built husband.

Of course I myself cannot call Harleen small. She was in fact bigger than me. Harleen was one inch taller than me at 5'4"; and 2 kgs heavier than me at 65 kgs. But even then in Rajlakshmi's 5'8" / 80 kgs comparison, Harleen looked quite small.

We looked like a great pair. The tall and big 51 year old Ritu, carrying the 36 year old small me. And it was the reverse with the 37 year old, tall and big Rajlakshmi cradling the 51 year old small Harleen.

Ritu said, "Harleen, aren't we both looking great with our respective partners ? You are looking so small and cute in Rajlakshmi's arms. She looks like the perfect husband for you."

Harleen said, "And Ritu you look like a tall, strong husband carrying your cute little wife on your breasts."

Both Harleen and Ritu laughed at their own comparisons. Rajlakshmi said, "Ok, now it's Harleen's madam's dare. Who will give ?"

I looked at Ritu, bending my head up to look at her face, sitting on her lap. I asked Ritu, "Any ideas for your friend ?"

Ritu bent her head down and whispered to me, "Shall we ask Harleen to kiss Rajlakshmi ?"

I laughed this time, "You naughty old lady ! Ok, give your friend her dare."

Ritu was laughing when she said, "Harleen you have to kiss Rajlakshmi while she holds you in her cradle or lap."

Harleen and Rajlakshmi looked at each other and smiled. Harleen said, "It's not that we have not done this before, but never in front of anybody else."

Rajlakshmi was standing with Harleen in her arms. Now she sat down on a sofa. She placed Harleen on her lap still holding Harleen in her cradle. She lifted Harleen's upper body up, so that her face came up to her level. Bent her head down. Harleen put her hands around Rajlakshmi's neck and gave a series of kisses all over her face. She ended up giving a long and intense kiss on Rajlakshmi's lips. They looked like such a romantic couple, with the tall and handsome Rajlakshmi of 37 years as husband and the small and cute Harleen of 51, as wife.

Now it was Ritu's turn to do the dare. Harleen said, "Wait I'll give the dare to my dear friend. Remember Ritu, when we were in class 10, for our school drama, how you and I played husband and wife. You wore your father's shirt, pants and coat to dress up like a man. You looked so tall and handsome."

Ritu said, "In that drama I had also cradle-carried you as my wife."

Harleen said, "Yes, that's what you have to do. You dress up like a man again."

I was surprised to hear this dare. Ritu laughed, "Fine, I don't mind. But where will I get a man's shirt, pants, coat now. My boyfriend has many at home, but unfortunately his shirt, pants would be too small for me." Ritu squeezed me lovingly in her arms holding me inside her lap.

Rajlakshmi said, "Ritu ma'am, I have some bigger sized shirt, pants, which might fit you. The shirt sleeves may be short, but you can roll them up like a man. Come with me, let's try which ones fit you.

Ritu put me down on the ground and went inside with Rajlakshmi. Harleen came and stood in front of me. I saw that with her 2 inches thick rubber slippers, Harleen was now actually 3 inches taller than me. I, being a man, found myself shorter than all the three women in the house. Ritu with her 5'11" and Rajlakshmi with her 5'8" were definitely taller than my 5'3" height. But now even Harleen, whom I had been calling small, was also standing much taller than me.

Harleen came and put her hands on my shoulders. Since she was standing very close to my body, I had to look up 3 inches to her eyes. She said, "Thank you dear for loving my best friend so much. You have brought life back into her. I'm very happy for her that she has found you. Don't worry that she is 15 years older than you. Her mental age is younger than yours. Didn't you see what crazy prank she played on you by getting you kidnapped by Rajlakshmi ? You will be very happy if you marry her.You mark my words, she will take care of you and protect you with all her abilities."

I said, "But if I marry her, don't you think that it is my role as a husband to take care of her and protect her ?"

Harleen bent down and picked me easily up on her hip. I had my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. She held me with her hand under my butt. She said, "You men should get away from this gender bias. Don't you see that all three women in this house can lift and carry you easily. Even I can too although I'm 15 years older than you and just 1 inch taller. Ritu, although she is 51 years and you are 36, she is physically much bigger, taller and stronger than you. So, I advise you to just mentally accept Ritu as your husband. She is capable of protecting you physically like her wife and also taking care of you financially. I know, you yourself are quite capable and successful in your professional career. But still, she is very rich; I'm her lawyer, I know. You just love her like a man and she will love you like a woman. But in your relationship, let her protect and take care of you, playing the husband's role and you depend on her fully for everything, as her wife. Don't keep any inhibitions. Then you will find perfect happiness."

I was confused. This was some new advice this 51 year old lady, Ritu's best friend, was giving me. I said, "In your relationship with Rajlakshmi, who is husband and who is wife ?"

Harleen said, "In our relationship, Rajlakshmi, since she is taller, bigger and stronger than me, she can protect me physically. So she is my husband and I'm her wife. Socio economically my position in society is better than hers. So, I'm her boss in the office, but she's my husband at home."

Harleen put me down and we sat side by side on the sofa. I learnt a strange theory today from one of the best senior advocates in the city.

Ritu came in soon after with Rajlakshmi. At first, I thought who is this tall, big gentleman ?'' Ritu was looking so much like a man. She wore an off-white shirt with the shirt sleeves rolled back. Her pants were dark brown coloured. She had a brick red striped tie on. Her hair was rolled and put inside a big men's hat. She came and stood near me. She bent down to pick me up. I backed away and ran to the other side of Harleen.

I said, "No, I can't let a man carry me, I'll feel awkward." All the ladies laughed out loud.

Harleen addressed me, "Ok then, your dare is last. You will have to dress up like a woman."

I screamed, "Nooo.."

Everybody clapped this time. Harleen said, "You can't say no, dear. We listened to what you and Ritu made us do. You have to listen to us too."

I said, "But where will I get a woman's dress ?"

Harleen laughed, "Don't worry Bro, you and I are almost the same size. Come with me and try my dresses, some will definitely fit you. "

I had to go reluctantly. When everybody has done their dare, I must do it too. Ritu asked me smiling, "Shall I come ? Or don't you want me now that I'm dressed as a man ?"

I said, "You remove your hat and let your long hair fall to your back, full length. Then you will look like a woman again."

They all laughed at my suggestion. Ritu removed her hat and let her hair down. Then all three ladies came with me to Harleen's room. She opened her wardrobe and chose some dresses which she thought were a little tight and short for her, so that those may fit me. Both Ritu and Rajlakshmi got busy in choosing the right one for me. They shortlisted 3 and asked me to try them on.

Ritu took the 3 dresses and took me to an adjoining smaller room. She locked the door and started unbuttoning my shirt. I said I can do it, but she said that when she's around, this was her job. I let her do it, since this was not the first time. She does this regularly at home nowadays. She took off my shirt and then my vest. She lifted me onto a stool and unbuttoned my pants. What could I say to a 6 feet woman towering over my 5'3" height. After my pants, she started pulling at my underwear. I caught her thick wrists. "Why the underwear ? This cannot be seen."

Ritu said, "No if you are wearing that green frock, this may be seen. So it's better if you wear a lady's pantie."

I said, "What all you are making me do Ritu ?"

She just shrugged and smiled. Then pulled my underwear down. I have lost all shame in front of this big, tall amazon, who totally dominates me physically. I stood there on this stool, while she bent down and made me wear a pink pantie belonging to Harleen. Out of the three dresses, Ritu ultimately chose a yellow Churidar ; with a red floral designed full sleeve Kameez ; with yellow dupatta. She chose this mainly to cover my hair on my hands and legs. After dressing me up, she tied the dupatta on my head like a bandana, so that my man's haircut gets covered. Then she picked me up in her cradle and carried me to a full length mirror and put me down. I myself could not believe my transformation. I looked like a small girl standing in front of her tall mother. Ritu picked me up with one hand under my bottom, so that I was sitting on her left forearm. I had my hand around her neck.

She said, "You are looking so cute dear. It's good that you are clean shaven, otherwise I would have to cut your moustache off."

She carried me like this to the drawing room. Harleen and Rajlakshmi jumped in joy seeing me dressed like a girl. Rajalakshmi immediately took me from Ritu's arms, to allow Ritu to wear her hat and put her long hairs under the hat. Rajlakshmi carried me the same way as Ritu was holding me. Harleen squeezed my cheek, "Oh such a cute little wife you have found, Ritu."

Rajlakshmi wanted to put lipstick and nailpolish on me. I objected. She said, "Don't worry, before you leave our house, I'll wipe them all off with nail polish remover."

Then it was as if the three women were playing with me like a live doll. They made me sit on Ritu's lap, while Rajlakshmi and Harleen put their makeup on my face and nails.

Ritu now looked like a tall, handsome gentleman with his Hat and tie on his off-white shirt and dark brown pants. She came and bent down on one knee in front of me, took my hand and asked, "My love, will you be my wife ?"

I nodded my head and said, "Yes.."

There were cheers from Harleen and Rajlakshmi. Ritu picked me up in her cradle and carried me in front of a full length mirror. I was astonished to look at myself. With my red and yellow churidar kameez, I looked like a bride being carried in the arms of my husband Ritu, looking like a tall, handsome groom. Ritu jerked me up on her breasts. I put my arms around her neck and buried my face inside her long neck, like a wife resting her head on her husband's broad chest.

Harleen said, "Now groom Ritu, you may kiss your new bride."

Ritu bent her head down and kissed me full on my lips. I hugged my husband Ritu tightly around her neck. I felt so safe and secure being carried in her strong arms.