NASA's James Webb space telescope mission in English Science by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | NASA's James Webb space telescope mission

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NASA's James Webb space telescope mission

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope mission:

The current status/location of the James Webb telescope:James Webb is currently at its observing spot, Lagrange point 2 (L2), nearly 1 million miles (1.6 million km). It is the largest and most powerful space telescope ever launched.
The actual distance to those galaxies today would be ~46 billion light-years. This discrepancy is all thanks to the expanding universe, and makes working on a very large scale tricky. The universe is expending due to something called “dark
The James Webb space telescope is a cosmic time machine that can see 13.6 million light years:The Webb telescope operates instead in the infrared spectrum, a wavelength of light beyond the visible spectrum that is a measure more of heat than of light. Hubble could never see the 13.6 billion light years distant that Webb can, because visible light from so far away is obscured by dust and gas in deep space.

IJames Webb telescope is much better than Hubble telescope:
James Webb telescope is 100 times more sensitive than Hubble telescope and by observing in the infrared, it will open up a new window to the Universe. The increased sensitivity is due to its much larger light collecting area (mirror).

It takes only five seconds for the James Webb telescope to send pictures to earth
For the uninitiated, Webb has been installed at a location called the second Lagrange point, which is approximately 15 lakh kilometres from Earth. According to NASA, it takes about five seconds for data to reach from the telescope to the Earth which is then directed to the mission centers.The distance 1 light year is closest to about 6 trillion miles( Coe et al.).
For most space objects, we use light-years to describe their distance. A light-year is the distance light travels in one Earth year. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion km).

The James Webb, which is the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built, was in development for nearly 25 years prior to its launch on Christmas Day of 2021—a collaboration between NASA and the European and Canadian Space Agencies. With a price tag of $12.5 billion, it's also very expensive.
The James Webb telescope is so expensive:
"That's why JWST is so expensive. Because we've spent two decades building and testing every single piece a million ways to do everything to make sure it doesn't have problems.

It took 30 years to build James Webb telescope.
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has taken 30 years and $10bn (£7.5bn) to develop, and is being described as one of the grand scientific endeavours of the 21st Century.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is one of the most epic NASA missions, but the exploration of the universe doesn't come cheap. The space agency has always walked a fine line when it comes to its budget. All NASA operations are funded through the U.S. Federal Budget and therefore are public spendings.
All of the observatory's instruments are at their final temperature, including the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), which is super-sensitive to heat and gets some help from a cryocooler to stay around 7 degrees Kelvin (minus 447 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 266 degrees Celsius.
Just weeks into its mission, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has broken the record for the oldest galaxy ever observed by nearly 100 million years. Seeing some of the first galaxies to form after the big bang 13.8 billion years ago is one of the key goals of the JWST.
James Webb telescope has discovered oldest galaxies.
The first JWST image NASA revealed, which contains galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, looks deep into the universe. In it, there are galaxies a few billion years old in the foreground and faint red ones “littered like jewels” in the background appearing to us as they did 13 billion years ago.
James Webb Space Telescope can help astronomers in search for exoplanets.As it began science operations in July 2022, James Webb took a reading of the spectrum of the gas giant exoplanet WASP-96b. The spectrum showed the presence of water and clouds, but a planet as large and hot as WASP-96b is unlikely to host life.

According to NASA the James Webb Space Telescope will focus on four main areas:
(i) light in the universe, (ii)assembly of galaxies in the early universe,
(iii)birth of stars and protoplanetary systems, and planets
(iv) the origins of life.

The James Webb Space Telescope so special.
Unlike the Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb doesn't see in visible light — the range of wavelengths to which our eyes are sensitive. The James Webb is an infrared telescope, which makes it useful in two important areas of astronomy. The first is understanding the history of the universe.
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has revealed d setails of the Southern Ring planetary nebula that were previously hidden from astronomers. Planetary nebulae are the shells of gas and dust ejected from dying stars.
Unlike the Hubble Space Telescope, which currently orbits the Earth, James Webb's orbit will have it gliding through space around the sun. It managed to reach the entry point for its orbit, over one million miles away on Monday, January 24, 2022. It took the telescope roughly one month to reach its orbit point.

James Webb is visible from Earth.James Webb is seen from EARTH: Astronomers capture a stunning photo of NASA's $10 billion space telescope as it settles into orbit one million miles from our planet.

Information compiled by Dr.
Bhairavsinh Raol