AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 31 in English Fiction Stories by Mario Jose books and stories PDF | AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 31

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                                                                                              EPISODE XXXI     

‘If wandering around the world without rhyme nor reason in search of I don´t know what bestows me with the membership of the New Age movement, then I agree with you, I belong to the tribe’.

Abdication: The act of giving up sovereign power or quitting a high-ranked position, after being in possession.

Claxon, Argentina, February 18th 2018

Balou realised that he should deepen his inquiries, taking into account his compelling need to give a twist to his preliminary beliefs about the happenings around Valentina. Maybe for the first time he started being persuaded about that. The session with Lucas Iráizoz had indeed had a major influence on this switch. Anyway, which was the only purpose of his trip to Argentina? To delve into the past, look over his life path since the thirteenth of April 1967 at eleven fifty in the night, date of his birth, to revisit places and people, to evoke events and significant moments which moved him forward or backwards throughout the years; in brief, to collect evidence capable of setting a precedent about what made his life turn in direction to Valentina.  

When the time came for the Loser Titan to emigrate to Colombia, by the end of two thousand eight, her cousin Matías Sammartino put at his disposal a warehouse (located in his farm) where to keep the possessions of the flat he was emptying out in Rosario, as well as stuff, articles of clothing and souvenirs of all type that weren´t part of his trip-baggage due to lack of space. To begin with, it now seemed to Balou a good idea to check all the things which were stored in the warehouse, hoping to find clues and indications –buried somewhere in his literary past– which may lead him to a cathartic comprehension of what still remained blurred in his mind. Matías greatly enjoyed being Balou´s host, he rejoiced at having now, out there in the farm, someone to talk to, for he was living there alone from Monday through Friday as his wife and children resided in Rosario. Once settled at the farmhouse, forty kilometers away from Rosario, Matías asked Balou to do him a favor while the writer was being taken to the warehouse. 

-          To be honest Adolfo, I think we have to seize this opportunity and clear away from the storage at least part of those old junk of you. As for your books, if kept there longer, humidity will lay them to waste. The same applies for your writings.     

-          Are you sure there are some writings of my own in there?

-          Yes.

-          Are they handwritten o written on a computer?

-          Both.

-          Have you read them?

-          Quite a few, Adolfo. Read enough to tell you that you are crazy –Matías sneered at Balou–.

‘I am getting an ass-kick from my wife every day, Adolfo. She has been jumbling together a bunch of things inside the ex-maid´s room in Rosario, where your piano is being kept too. She insists on bringing them to the farmhouse. She is tormenting me; you know she is noteworthy, especially among the family, for being as stubborn as a mule. There is no way to move out a single stuff from there unless I get this sty fumigated. Well, I have to get back to work’.

Matías´ storehouse would end up being like a box of chocolates to the visitor.

While paying no heed to the task, for he really did it to please Matías, Balou packed up ten books at random, in a suitcase of his own. He next sat down on the floor to read, at leisure, some of the writings from his teenage years and even from his early adulthood. He had more than enough free-time for it. Three of them [namely, the writings] attracted his attention: unsent handwritten poems in tribute to Andrea from Rosario (1995); to Shariel from Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (1997) and to Sandra from Pasto, Colombia (2004). The reasons to have been given the nickname ‘The Loser Titan’ to himself may be found among these three literary philippics, where self-censorship abounded.  

The task Balou had committed himself to was to connect some dots prior to his trip to San Marcos Sierras, where his astral chart would be interpreted.

Andrea is the sister of one of the Loser Titan´s best school fellows, to whom he promised, during a pick-up trip to Patagonia they did together in nineteen hundred ninety-four, not to get close to his younger sister: The Loser Titan lived up to his friend´s expectations and honoured the promise. On the other hand, it was the first sign of a restriction order to approach someone; that imposed later on by René was ousted to the second place. Shariel accounts for the first unrequited love of the Loser Titan outside Argentina. Nineteen hundred ninety-seven –a second reading of the poem provided Balou a hint of it– marked the starting point of the twenty years-length world-tour which led him to Valentina. Shariel should also be regarded as the departure point of ‘Universal travelling Assistant’, the book the Loser Titan published in France in two thousand seventeen. There was some cosmic justice aligned with the fact of Valentina being awarded the first dedicated copy of his chronicle of travel, whose plot slyly depicted the protagonist´s desperate and unconscious search for a great love story. She deserved such an honor as she meant to the Loser Titan his raison d´etre as well as the end of his twenty-years-length journeys and peregrinations. Shariel provided him the second sign. Bolivia 1 – Argentina 0. Yet it passed unnoticed to Balou at first, the resemblance of Sandra from Pasto with Valentina was astonishing, with the only difference that Sandra was some centimeters taller and stouter: Sandra´s hips seemed to have been invaded by a troop of tamales who fixed residence there afterwards. But she had been unfaithful to the Loser Titan with a guy from Medellín. As per the science of astrology, Sandra´s identical features to that of Valentina came to be the precedent for the subsequent apparition of the latter in the life of the Loser Titan. Balou unglued the picture of Sandra from the poem sheet, then took the picture of Valentina out of his wallet to match them: they were quite alike. The third sign: Colombia 1 – Argentina 0. He pushed all three writings into the hand luggage. Now he was set to meet the astrologist.

Sandra was born on February fifth, while Valentina was born on February fifteenth. They were both Aquarius. All fitted in with the course of happenings.      

San Marcos Sierras, Argentina, March 10th 2018

Despite the disappearance of the hippies in the mid-seventies the New Age movement knew no decline in this small village, its inhabitants actually considered themselves neo-hippies, an updated version of the formers, for they live in environmentally-friendly houses built in accordance with permaculture and bio-construction principles; they are also cell-phone users and have internet connection. The astrologist chosen by Balou, Artemisa, who adhered to this new wave, was born in Buenos Aires and became resident of this place ten years ago. Upon facing Artemisa, Balou held nothing back, and perhaps because she was a woman together with her being the last chance to maintain his explorative hopes, he turned more loquacious with her than he ever was with Lucas Iráizoz. The headquarters of Artemisa, a nice setting called Hostel Giramundo, nestled in a dense forest of Chañar at the entrance of the village. The astrologist remained still once Balou´s long speech drew to a close.    

To her client´s surprise, Artemisa had gone as white as a sheet before heaving a sigh:

-          May I have a record of the consultation? –asked Balou.

-          Of course, you may. Anyway, the distinctive traits which are to be revealed by your planetary chart will be sent to you by e-mail, along with an explanation about how planets location at your birthdate exert their influence upon your personality. Should you want to go into further details on this field of knowledge, I can also enclose some astrology books.

-          Upon reception of your email –Balou retorted like an accountant would– I will proceed to wire the bank transfer corresponding to the payment for your fees.     

Balou pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Artemisa: there were written his name, surname, birthdate, birthplace and the exact time of his coming into existence in this world. ‘The exact time of your birth is of great importance, because it defines which planets are aligned –in order to exert influence upon you– by the time of your birth and at your birthplace. If you happened to give an inaccurate time of birth to me –at this point Artemisa´s eyes opened wide– false planetary influences would give rise to a counterfeit planetary chart’.   

Despite not having collected money for the last week-long time period, the astrologist smiled at Balou. San Marcos Sierras is a scarcely-visited spot, just once in a while some hippie-like tourists do come in and out but they are always strapped for cash.

-          It may be concluded from your planetary chart the Uranian polarization and the influence of your ascendant: Aquarius. Aquarius affects your personality, since it fills your needs –in opposition to Saturn, your rational facet, the accountant– for freedom and inspiration. Uranus acts as your regent planet. Your birth chart also supports evidence that you are an excitable and intuitive individual. It can also be said that you have been lately channeling, better said downloading, transpersonal energy, in such a way that the rational plane of your reality was cast aside at the expense of the inspirational one, which is shaped from intuitive bodies. Venus, who represents the image of the feminine within yourself, works in opposition to Neptune, and is a transmission tower capable of capturing subtler planes of reality. It is virtually impossible to listen to the intuition flowing downwards through you, proceed to internalize it (until inspiration arises), without going crazy –Artemisa emphasized the last two words using a deep voice inflection–. The ascendent of Aquarius prompts you to eliminate the fiction of fitting in the society. The inspiration, those songs you composed for Valentina, the tribute ‘Demolishing Nostalgia through an open-up heart surgery’, everything looked fine so far. Nevertheless, you have to bear in mind that the homage is not actually for Valentina, you should only regard her as the main cause of it. When channeling at full capacity with intuitive power, which is the ongoing case, something is for sure: an overflow ensues. What should you do then? Let it happen, live it and enjoy it, because any attempt to catch the meaning of this process is doomed to failure. No explanation will suffice. Before meeting Valentina, still under the influence of Saturn, some artless feeble attempts to connect with your vulnerable side had been made; you may wonder: what is currently underway? embodied by the Colombian model, your ascendant Aquarius has been becoming manifest with unrestrained force, which ultimately triggered the connection that awakened your creativity. Which, by the way, had been buried for a long time yet still remaining in a latent state. The correct assessment to make, Adolfo, is that Valentina has come to your life just to be the catalyst for the activation of your creativeness. Hence, stay away from her from now on, for her influence upon you is coming to exhaustion very soon. Okay, let´s agree as an established fact that you´ve experienced a cosmic orgasm with her, all right, but listen to me for Gods’ sake, stop bothering her, you should escape the binds of a structure already crystallized. On the other hand, the birth chart validates what you´ve told me: Valentina is unable to connect to subtle planes of reality.   

When was the last time Balou heard ‘stop bothering’, as used in Buenos Aires with the meaning of ‘is not really worth the bother’?         

-          Unfortunately, she can´t –Balou turned to Artemisa with a saddened expression–. Although Valentina belongs to Aquarius, my ascendant, she proved to be entirely unable.  

-          Astrological hints are like voices burbling necessities, which in turn push human needs into the field of expression, action, chaos and so on. Note that your pending creative high-vibrations had been, until your encounter with Valentina, constantly overpowered by your rational plane, represented by Saturn, the accountant, the ex-financial manager of a small multinational. However, transpersonal energies always thirst for freedom, they oftentimes demand an abrupt detachment in order to realize their full potential.  

-          Have you ever heard anything about the eye of Horus? –Artemisa inquired–.

-          Not really.   

-          The eye of Horus is your protection, it keeps you away from what is not good for your life, it acts by rejecting unsuitable influences. It also means the third-eye opening, so that you can see things as they are, freed from psychological burdens. Furthermore, the opening of the third-eye does away with the intervention of concrete planes of reality.

-          And so? –Balou struggled to understand.

-          So, you have had a subtle experience with your third-eye, a glimpse of its functioning. But now it´s time to shut it down, Adolfo. The openness has been sufficient.

-          Overexcitement –Artemisa went on–, together with some kind of mental obsession, provoked a hyper-projection on your sensory perceptions. Hence your visions, lucid dreams. Being the latter astral dreams actually.

-          I still have astral dreams –Balou asserted–. And they always come round during daytime.

-          Yet unintentionally, you´ve entered the astral body, sometimes referred to as the emotional body. Through astral dreams you can get back to the past, one can recall previous incarnations, an ability widely developed by ancient civilizations. If you are beyond the fear of death, then astral dreams are not a fiction; it is this the only criterion upon which you can discard them as products of an overly imaginative mind. The pertinent question is: Are you afraid of death?   

-           I crossed the threshold of death on the twenty-seventh of December 2010, the day of my mothers´ death. It was exactly then the moment I drove that fear out from my life. She passed away in Medellín. It´s worth-saying that the most significant events of my life took place in Colombia.   

-          We therefore have to give all the credit to your astral dreams –Artemisa had nothing but to admit it, then she carried on with the unraveling of her reasoning–. Alas the poor guy who ‘suffers’ non-imaginative astral dreams in concomitance with the opening of his third-eye, cause that´s a lethal conjunction. Thundering so to speak. You´ve been on the wild enduring lots of psychic pressure which ought to be relieved, Adolfo. The terrible crisis whose protagonist-victim happened to be you, could have taken to physical death. So, turn up the page, come back to earth in order to connect your creative power with practical reality.  

-          What is your proposal about, Artemisa? With great pleasure would I block my incredible skills to access subtler planes of reality. They are way too dangerous. Is there a brand-new security belt on sale to prevent them? –he joked.   

-          My proposal consists –Artemisa answered softly– of allotting the share of your existing transpersonal energy, this discharge would permit the deaccumulation of the knowledge you have acquired in those dimensions wherein you´ve been roaming about lately. Its transmutation will derive into creative tension. Beware that in astrological terms, to know is not equal as to grasp, while to capture is not the same as to understand. The goal to attain –by means of the intention in combination with the light– is for you to be able to grasp what you have known and to understand what you have captured.

-          In short, what do you mean? –Balou started getting exasperated.

It was getting dark. Artemisa checked her wrist watch. The therapeutic setting that the owner of Giramundo had made available to the astrologist for her work, fraught with strung weak lights falling from the roof giving the impression to almost caress the small carob-made tables below, managed to captivate Balou, making him feel home.

-          Look, Adolfo, we are short of time. In twenty minutes, there will be a gathering in a clearing up in the mountains, on the way to the Quilpo River, where some energy visualization-based practical exercises will be imparted. I hope you can come along. Woman intuition living in me foresees that during what we shall call it a ritual, many new doors of perception will be opened for you. 

-          It´s for free. Money is not all we count in life –she added.

-          Okay, fire ahead. I will be there.  

Artemisa addressed herself to the bunch of forty-people gathered in the ravine of the Quilpo river (most of whom enjoyed being categorized as initiates into the esoteric healing school of mysteries) with so much sweetness, employing the pronoun You alternately with personal pronouns of recurrent use in Christian liturgy:

‘Feel at ease, find a comfortable position, take a few deep breaths, relax and slip yourself into the moment. Visualize yourself with the person you love, one you can trust on. You have gathered here in order to open portals of light through which you may come upon other worlds. Picture a column of light descending on you, it´s piercing your body. So many different sorts of energies are journeying in the column of light, creating for you an opening to other dimensions on the way. Think out of the box’.  

‘Send your intention out to the opening of that portal and announce your presence. Wire a message to all the energies and worlds telling them that it is needful –in order for you to merge with them– your loving frequency, as you understand it now, to be matched.    

‘Visualize yourself with the one you love forming a circle by holding your hands, around the gateway. You looked ravishing owing to what you have attained together. Feel the unity that enables you to progress in the path of consciousness’.   

‘Now you are going to the portal of light. Go up, find the connecting-point between your portal and other portals and with other ages of time. Notice your movements towards there, while new portals are forming other circles of light. Enlace the light so that it can steer you towards the…

Balou failed to listen to the rest of the guidelines springing from Artemisa´s fading voice. For the locomotive had been disengaged from the train cars, his ordinary attention slid, as a consequence of which it bent in an alternative, unexpected direction. This process went on until Balou reached a stage from where his mind –somehow decompressed thanks to the removal of the buffers which blocked the possibility of feeling the impact of the clash between emotions and expectations– jumped back to an event in the course of which the Loser Titan had played a leading role, an event unleashed as far back as December twelfth of two thousand twelve, in the city of Carlos Paz, Argentina.

-          Oh, my sweet Adolfo –said Juliana while caressing the Loser Titan´s face with such an efficiency so as to dry off the sweat from his forehead–, I have something for you to try. I am sure you won´t dare to back out.

-          Me to back out? Forget it. Try what? I am not into drugs, dear.

-          Shut up! I never meant you had to try any drugs whatsoever. Come, let´s go have breakfast downstairs and there I tell you the details. I want you to try out an unconventional therapy. You belong to the New Age movement, you are one of ours, you make part of a lineage of those who have come to earth in order to attain a supreme goal: to increase the level of consciousness. In other words, to evolve. My proposal is in line with this ultimate attainment. We are here to cleanse ourselves, to overcome obstacles, to go through tests of different natures, for in doing so we may recall who we are and the reasons to have come into existence as incarnated beings. Only then shall our consciousness get to the dizzy heights of its potential.

-          In my case –she alluded to herself to set an example–, to be unmarried is a test I have to go through; this encounter with you was destined to happen and it represents a test for both of us. I want you to take on the opportunity I am offering you.    

Half resurrected from last night´s passionate sexual intercourse; the Loser Titan realised that he had no idea where his trousers were. Undoubtedly Juliana, an occultist, led the syndicate of women specialized –owing to her excessive proneness to get her house in order– in hanging her lover´s clothes out of reach from them. They still laid in bed, naked, the night was nearing dawn, the heat was hard to stand taking into account the lack of a fan or air conditioning in the bedroom. He then thought that a decision-maker like him, a serial loser stricken by a sweaty climatic disturbance, should not accept a trend-setting therapy given away so freely, as the story would surely end up with a flood of setbacks. In view of the above, the Loser Titan gave to Juliana an answer which demanded feeble neuronal impulses.     

-          To be honest, I don´t know what to answer back–said the Loser Titan–. If wandering around the world without rhyme nor reason in search of I don´t know what bestows me with the membership of the New Age movement, then I agree with you, I belong to the tribe. And yet, having said this, go ahead, let have breakfast together, but first give me a chance to find my trousers.   

The talk continued on at the bar of the building where Juliana lived.

-          I´ve just finished a course on Past life regression therapy, given by Fernando Hoyos, a friend of mine –Juliana shot the phrase with careful consideration, expecting, in vain, to produce on the Loser Titan a vivid reaction–…        

-          …And you want me to be hypnotized –he summarized; in the same casual tone he could have used it to ask for a coffee.  

-          That´s correct, Adolfo.

-          How many living people have been in your hands to evoke their past incarnations?

-          None, you are the first, my friend. I am a newly-graduated therapist.

-          Oh, marvelous! So, it´s me the one selected for the opening session? You are extremely attentive, Juliana! Should I feel flattered?

Juliana discarded the sarcasm pretending that nothing happened.   

-          Do you want to examine my diploma? It´s on that shelf, behind the desk.

-          It´s not necessary, I believe you. The idea looks enticing –the Loser Titan finally responded, to the delight of Juliana–. Moreover, you know how much I love to take risks.

-          How much does the therapy cost? Is it a treatment? Is there a problem to fix inside me? –a triple question emerged from the Loser Titan´s mind.

-          Since it is for you, I will do it for free. Treatment? It is rather a therapeutic resource. And your only unsolvable problem is your craziness.

‘Of course not. Juliana shall not get paid –the Loser Titan judged–, why would she when I am voluntarily going to sacrifice myself as a guinea pig for her try-outs?’

They returned to the twelfth-floor flat, that of Juliana´s.   

Juliana placed a bed sheet on the treatment table, next she laid her patient down on it. Twenty minutes later, after a click sound made with her fingers the Loser Titan entered into the hypnotic state. As he was falling deeper and deeper into the trance, by employing a voice from beyond the grave (yet charming at the same time) the hypnotherapist ushered the Loser Titan to access his memory bank in order to connect with his previous existences and rescue the most outstanding experiences from them. At receiving her fourth regressive order in that sense the Loser Titan shuddered, thus it transpired the first contact of a past life of him in Ancient Egypt. Dated, as per the patient´s perception, two thousand and seven hundred years back, an epoch during which pharaonic dynasties enjoyed their greatest splendor. In that incarnation the Loser Titan worked for a Vizier as a court recorder, and spoused a stunningly beautiful lady.    

-          What´s your name in this life?

-          Set.

-          Do you have a spiritual guide?

-          Yes, it´s Rep. My friend.

-          What is He telling you now?

-          He is laughing. He assists me in this life as well, He knows me like anyone. He suggests me to relax and encourages me to focus my attention on the remembrances of this incarnation as Set.

-          What are you doing in this very moment? –inquired Liliana.

-          I look at my family with loving eyes. We are having lunch together. I have done the cooking. We live happily despite my father´s recent death due to the flood of the Nile.

-          Your father? What did your father do for a living?

-          He was the Royal Court´s Medical Officer, he used to render services to the Pharaohs. The royal court will be paying tribute to him. 

-          Are you sad?

-          Life is made of sadness and happiness equally.  

-          Give me description of your wife –Juliana ordered.

-          Dark-skinned, tall with very long black hair, I would say that her appearance resembles a model-like slender beauty. And she has breathtaking unique eyebrows. She is fond of sports and loves to play the sistrum. Even if she looks motherly, her hallmark epitomizes the night sky. To me she reigns over the whole Egypt. Forasmuch as she claims languages to be brain-stimulating, she started learning the Acadian tongue. A nanny helps her with the children, which allows my wife to have time for study. The nanny is part of the family, she shares the table with us, we all dine and have lunch together.  

-          What about the offspring?

-          We have two young children. The elder is two years old, while the other is still a breastfed baby. A boy and a girl. Like their mother, they are both quiet. To live with them gives me pleasure. We need not too much talking with my wife, as we set in motion a non-verbal system of mutual communication which is only understood by us. Like codes activable anytime we wish to send messages to each other. Or to express a sentiment or to exchange a sweet caress. It works as our unfathomable coded language. The following word did not exist back then: I think that our DNA are interconnected in a mysterious way.

-          Is there anything else worth-mentioning with regards to the present scene? Do you hold any other memories of this life?  

-          My wife is a manifestation of Hathor, the Goddess of love, of the Juvenile beauty, of maternity, of joy and erotism. She is one of her priestesses. Tomorrow we are going to attend the inebriation festival, it will be an entire day of celebration. My wife has been selected to take part of a ritual dance during the feast, in honor to Hathor (in our language Hut-hor). Hathor is the Greek word. Everyone will be gathered at the sanctuary, in a big circle around the stage, where the attendees would be in condition to leave their offerings to the Gods and Goddesses of the oracle. The temple of Hut-hor is a magical and sacred setting. As sacred as my wife.

-          Where are you located now?

-          We are in Dendera. I mean the temple of Dendera as the place of tomorrow´s celebrations.

-          What is your wife´s name?

-          In private I call her Mother Divine, for she renews all which is existent. But her given name is Neftis, and it is the star constellation of the Pleiadeans who steers her along the earthly path. Earther people were put in a lab experiment conceived by the Pleiadeans, Neftis and I, in stellar terms, belong to the same family of light.  

The Loser Titan got nervous as he spoke the words Mother Divine and Pleiades, breaking in tears immediately after.   

-          Shall we go back?

-          Yes please, I am exhausted –he pleaded–. It´s impossible for me to go further.   

Juliana wiped off the map; so did Artemisa. All of a sudden, these forty initiates gathered in the circle of visualization became distinct absences for the Loser Titan. The portal of light got closed, the hypnosis-collected memories stopped their flow. The other worlds became inaccessible as unexpectedly as they had been within reach at the beginning. Only the image of Neftis lived on in his memory. Neftis was for the Loser Titan the beloved person whom Artemisa encouraged everyone to visualize with. However, to the Loser Titan there were no time frame constrictions to be subject to, and, as quickly as one can imagine, time locks were lifted. Time locks opened wide for him. So the time –which could be much more flexible than he had ever thought– first stretched, then curled it up until the future turned present. The regression to past lives which took place in Carlos Paz had brought from the future key data that was to be conveyed to Balou five years later, by means of the Sumerian seals at Gloria´s hotel.

‘Valentina is an aged soul who had incarnated in Ancient Egypt, where she gained fame and became renowned as one of Hathor´s priestesses. Come on, sharpen your sight, keep a very sharp lookout please –the Sumerian seals summoned Balou, as he practiced the Tibetan rituals–, go backwards and call remembrances to your mind’. Balou followed the commands. With the assistance of the future, the Loser Titan could recollect, during the regression in Carlos Paz, messages and pictures which the Sumerian seal would hand on to his spiritual version at the E.S.P.I. Consequently, the mirror of the hotel room reflected the image of Valentina Sargón, in-the-not-so-distant-future crowned queen of Nugaró, under the skin of Neftis in Dendera; and Balou under the skin of Set, working the latter as court recorder of the Vizier. Him and literature always linked. Seeing is believing, Balou did really acknowledge the truth of this saying even though he refused to accept to have been happily married to Valentina in Ancient Egypt. That´s why he would resolve not to share the vision he had at the E.S.P.I with anyone. Not even with Valentina. The established rule spurred on his head: you have to master the game.   

It was midnight when the group of initiates of Artemisa, already back to the Hostel Giramundo, decided to share a round of mate. Balou declined to attend this esoteric lobbying, in the same way he had shunned the invitation to the convivial meal to celebrate March André Houdet´s birthday. He felt puzzled struggling to group the inputs received, it was difficult for him to accept the metaphysical-based nature of the vibrations he had experienced at the airport, giving them both retrospective and prospective insights: retrospective in the sense of the memories being issued from the session of hypnosis in Carlos Paz; prospective according with the information to be provided by the Sumerian seals. It all seemed unreasonable unless we refuse to consider that the regression to past lives occurred on December twelfth of two thousand twelve: date of the reconnections of human DNA strands. The email from Carmen Janeth turned out to be essential for raising awareness in the Loser Titan about adjusting, from June 2012 onwards, the course of his life towards Valentina. His exile at the hands of Isis; the women by whom he had been rejected; the Tibetan rites practiced since two thousand fifteen, all of them were occurrences turned into landmarks which heralded the landing of a model in the life of one of the passengers of Latam flight 4052 destination Bogotá, on November 29th 2017. The breeze was moving through San Marcos Sierra from east to west and touched the Loser Titan´s cheeks, which did not prevent him from expanding his thoughts to infinity.

It was impossible for Balou to overlook his personalized instructors: Rudolf Steiner with his poem Initiation into courage; Marc Pou with his music from heaven, they were masters who descended to this plane to furnish Balou the correct path to tread. While running across the ravine of the Quilpo river, the wind allocated shares of merit also to the sure-winner Titan and the Sitges-chilean resident Mario Mercat: to the first, for being the voice of reason; to the second, for pushing him beyond the boundaries of madness. Balou was clear now that the ultimatum from Juan José to back away from Valentina and the parallel universes where Mario Mercat wandered about, both were contributions, from different standpoints, to get him back on track.

Nevertheless, he failed to understand why the universe forced him to back away from Valentina. It [the Universe] could have been more indulgent with him, more attuned to the vibrations brought to light at the airport.

In order to check –the conclusions to which he came up with– against someone else, Balou had need of an impartial point of view, for that reason he dropped out his cravings for isolation and surliness and instead joined the ongoing communitarian lobby in the Hostel Giramundo, on the watch for the group of seekers to disperse.

‘I was confident –the astrologist noted, quite delighted– about your competence to make your astral body and third eye work in tandem during the practice of visualization. We have always existed, Adolfo, we actually never die; what it takes place in the moment of death is the disincarnated spirit journeying up to the intermediate spaces of the universe, where it is retained while plans for a next descent to earth are drawn, recurring to another body. In that pause, the search for a proper womb, for a suitable time to reincarnate, for the selection of a family and a culture where to live in again on earth, is triggered. The lapsing of time between incarnations is also known as ‘the transit between lives’. When in transit we make a review of our preceding live and get ready for the next one. Likewise, this on-hold period may be useful to assess the good and evil deeds we made, so not to have a relapse in further reincarnations. In the transit area between lives there are spirit guides, they are ascended masters in charge of grouping us in conformity to our common grounds and also depending on the family of light we belong to. There exists a cosmic memory field in which all the information of our past, present and future is housed; however, the right to access to it is reserved to certain individuals. Performing certain activities may prompt remembering, such are the cases of altered states of consciousness, guided regressions, mystical spontaneous trances or processes of visualizations. In the cosmic memory field lays out a record of the conjoined experience of planning of your current life and that of Valentina´s, by mutual consent you agreed on her turning you down in this incarnation, because you had been Valentina´s husband in several previous lives. She is somehow conducting a test to prove your resilience when pushed to adapt to detachment. Now you can see that, as for your current life, Adolfo, you reached an agreement with Valentina to develop the ability to detach. As for her current incarnation, Valentina got engaged with you in following university studies in law, so it could make her familiar with contracts, agreements and the like, since being a lawyer was the sole chance her spirit guide envisaged to remove the veil in order for her to recall the agreement concluded with you in the course of your last transit between lives. Ascendants, regent planets, the Uranian conjunction, the zodiac on the whole colluded to foster a meeting between you and Valentina, being yourselves in physical bodies. What did the agreement consist of? Which were the roles of each? Valentina engaged herself in keeping the same appearance she had when being Neftis, in that way you would be in condition to recognize her at the moment of the encounter. Which explains the sensation of familiarity you experienced towards her at the airport. In this regard, it´s worth emphasizing the key role Sandra from Pasto played in two thousand four. Your higher-self saw fit to expand your memory in order for you to notice the resemblance of Valentina with Sandra, as you read the poem dedicated to the latter. Within the sacred agreement that was signed with the holy pen, was your commitment to remove heaven and earth until coming across her. You incredibly managed to capture that search in your book Universal travelling Assistant. And then, you were expected to retrace your steps so to disclose the true meaning of those life-lessons you´ve learnt: the process underway. Shuffle the cards again, play a new hand and thus be able to remember who your great eternal ‘lives-partner’ was: Valentina, Neftis. You should not get angered with Valentina: she stuck to the plan, fulfilled her part of the agreement and so did you. The sacred contract has been implemented to the letter. It is rare to breach an agreement signed by members of the same family of light. At the end of the cosmic game there were two victorious players, no losers. You as Balou had signed the holy contract, for it is under this name that you are always identified in the spiritual realm; in contrast, every time you incarnate you are given a new name, because you enter a new earthly family, but I assure you that upon returning to the spiritual plane everyone calls a spade a spade, so your spirit guides welcome you with the greeting: Hi Balou, you are back. Balou is your unchanging label up there, your family of light wouldn´t call you otherwise. As long as you are deprived of a physical body, remember what your name is.

Artemisa was startled at receiving a kiss from Balou on the space between the eyebrows, in gratitude for the excellent session of hypnosis.

He got out of Giramundo whistling softly as he didn´t want to disrupt the sleep of the sparrows. Exactly ten years ago, on march eighth of two thousand eight, Adolfo´s father had died in Rosario; as per the memories retrieved in Carlos Paz, his father in Ancient Egypt when being Set, had just died as well. Time locks –Balou thought– make everything fit together. As Balou walked off the place, Tato, permaculture expert, eco-builder and the owner of Giramundo, yells from the doorway: Adolfo, I hope to have you back soon, next time as a guest!