Keya’s Dream or Fact? in Gujarati Thriller by Nisha Patel books and stories PDF | Keya’s Dream or Fact?

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Keya’s Dream or Fact?

Keya missed a heartbeat. Her eyes were wide open with aghast. Inspite of many efforts she could not utter a word. But her legs were running as if they were flying like a wild bird out of control. Could anyone stop them?? No, no oheartbeatsne could. Her speed was much faster then her .suddenly she smashed against a wall.and.......she was breathing fast, faster......faster.....her whole body was trembling with a terrible fear.Ohh!! Was it a dream, horrible dream or was it true???!! But no, her bleeding forehead was screaming that it was not a dream! She was having water and mud all over her body. What was it then? Torn out clothes...Oh! Oh God! What is this? This terrible rainy night without a single Ray of light!...and that monstrous face...ghasty screams and lusty laughter...and she! Where has she arrived? It was beyond her reasoning sense. But still, one thing she realized that she has to run from here at any cost. Run was must.

There was no other way out. She took support of the wall, picked up her muddy legs,and ran towards thick bushes nearby. she was an educated young girl from a small town. She knew well that there might be so many posionous snakes , scorpions in those thick bushes bushes!! Might be wild animals!! But they would not be so posionous so frightening and ferocious compared to those brutal inhumane whom she had faced few moments before. There were wounds of sharp teeth and scratches of human claws! Could there be anything more painful, traumatic, shameful then this?!! Mother-like aunt?? Then, whom should she trust?

Just before six months she took master's degree in accountancy. Everyone- mom,dad, her younger brother, uncle, aunt was too much happy. Hers was a joint family of 6 members.

There was much difference between the age of her dad and uncle. Moreover, her uncle had got married just before a few months ago. Her aunt was much younger than her uncle, almost same as of her own age. And so naturally both were friends rather than aunt and niece.

They all went for darshan of Maa Amba. From there they all went to Mt. Abu. She explored Abu with hand in hand with friend-like aunt. And as happens always, happiness lasts for a little time. In a blink of an eye 3 days passed fast. They were returning home.

Uncle was driving. Dad was sitting next to him. Mom and bro were sitting on the last seat and she was sitting on the middle seat with her dear friend i.e. aunt. It was

We were also injured with glass shredders on back, head and legs. It made all of us speechless. After a few seconds we came into our senes. We shreaked aloud to see that pops and uncle had left us forever. Mom lost her senses and in a few seconds in that condition only she also went away to be with pops.

We came home with broken hearts, lost senses.... A deadly silence haunted our home. The only sound was that of our sobs. From that day a terrible hatred took hold of her mind, heart for rain, dogs and Mt. Abu. She had lost her whole world. The only things she had were her younger bro and dear aunt.

From that day she felt her aunt's behaviour was somewhat odd. Of course, she showed the same love as before, eventhough....... The time was fleeting. She started study of law. Bro's study was also going on. Now her aunt was feeling lonely. There was a change in her behaviour. Doubts were haunting over her mind. She had seen many families where everything used to change after the death of spouse or the family-head. Even her bro seemed change. He used to spend time outside home. And on returning home he locked himself in his room quietly after meals. When she tried to talk to him, he gave short answers only. The house which once was full of joys and happiness was cast an evil eye. But amongst this deadly loneliness only her aunt looked happy. It seemed she was smiling stealthily. Neighbours were gossiping. Her parents were no more and that changed her whole life, world.

Her aunt's relatives were now visiting her every now and then. That made aunt happy. She used to go out with them and returned late night. The answer where she was going was always creating doubt. She had already abondoned mourning.

Today she went to a new friend. She didn't feel like going home. She had informed her aunt on phone. Since noon the sky was covered/ encompassed with black,dark clouds and rain showers were falling. She was sad. The memory of that horrible accident had once again occupied her mind and heart. The memory of her mom, dad and uncle made her almost cry. Night was approaching and it started raining heavily. But even then she didn't like to go home. At last the clock struck ten and she reluctantly prepared herself to go home.

The roads were overflowing with rain water. The dark roads without lights, water all over, pulls of water, and mud everywhere. She was having mud all over her body and simultaneously rain was cleaning it. The 15-minute road took two hours. The electric supply of roads and her colony was disrupted. People had locked themselves in their homes. Darkness was all over the area. She opened the gate and entered inside. There was dim light of candle. But to her utter surprise, she heard some noise amongst deadly silence

With a startle everyone now looked at her. She was surrounded by everyone.

A beautiful young girl all wet... clothes stuck to the body... dripping water.... All drunken eyes stared at her...those curves of her body...She lost her sense out of fear. When she came to her sense she was running among bushes. She thought to go to the police at the first ray of the sun. Till then these thick bushes would protect her. She collapsed in the thorny bushes. She would have realized the pricks of thorns if the situation had been different. But at the moment, her suffering was not that of physical scars, wounds. Gradually, things became clear before her eyes. Suddenly something hit her head and she became unconscious again.

When she returned to her senses, her friend whom she had visited was sitting beside her with her aunt. Her clothes were dry and clean. A bandage was tied around her head and her wounds were dressed. She didn't understand what was going on, neither she had strength to speak a single word. Her friend understood her perplexed silence. She told her that she had not reached home after visiting her. Her aunt interrupted her telling the remaining talk. She told

told Keya that she and her bro had come to find her out as she didn't return home on time

Suddenly she saw her brother standing near window. He went away quietly as she regained her consciousness. Her aunt further told her that she had fallen in mud. They had brought her home with someone's help and had called the doctor and she was given treatment. After three days she had regained her senses and the rain had also stopped. So her friend had come today to see her. But Keya... Those terrible scenes were dancing before her eyes. Her heart seemed to come out of her throat. She glanced at her aunt with a look full of hatred. But her aunt unaware of her hatred, stood up and went to make tea for them. She heard the sound of the door of her brother's room. One and only one question was striking her mind. She stared at the open sky as if asking the question! Whether the terrible scenes she had seen and the pain , the trauma she had felt were real? Or they were a horrible dream?!?!

** That terrible experience - 😱 fact or dream???