Are we destined to be together? - Part19 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part19

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Are we destined to be together? - Part19

Amy's pov:
I was worried on Harry... How will he write his semester examination... Will he able to write in Such type of state.. Lot of things are running on my mind... I can't even concentrate on my studies.. Completely my mind is filled with his thought... I even wonder myself why my mind thinks a lot about him even when he is not mine and he can't be mine... I even too think Whether a day can pass without thinking of him....Suppressing my inner thoughts... I decided to call him My heart longed to hear his voice and know how is he... so I called him with modem sim, Harry attend my call... When I heard voice of hello, who is it... I can't reply I just heard his voice... My voice is filled with tear... After 10 second, I cut my call without even reply... He started calling back to my mobile... I didn't attend... I just switch off my mobile.. and removed my modem sim and replace with my original sim number... ( This is not my first time calling to hear his voice with this sim... I have called him 3 to 4 whenever I miss him more...) There is a fear that whether he able to find it is me... So, I even changed my Truecaller id name.... I even think that ever Harry able to find out it is me.... I decided to have a positive thinking that he doesn't know it is me.. From his voice I can know he is fine and started to learn for examination with lack of concentration..
After study holidays, Examination begins... I went back to my college, waiting for him in corridor by praying to God that he should be alright... at time... Appeared a familiar face none other than Harry with his black color shirt without bandage.... My worried face changed into happy face... He came to write examination... With this I went back to my exam hall to write exam But my mark would be mostly low since my thoughts are filled only with him....All exam has been passed....
Now again holidays.... Semester Holiday started....My thought are filled with him....I want to talk to him barely.... I used to type all thought in my heart to my blocked chat... Same way oneday when I checked to write.... I found Harry has unblock myself..... I doesn't know what happened.... But I decide not to message him or anything... Just leave as if I have not bother or cared about it.....But in truth I bother lot about it... My goodness I didn't send without checking or else it would be problem...Since Sometimes I scold him some time I cry... Sometimes I propose him.... in chat... I decided not to think more about it..
Most of day are filled with his thought... I would mostly loner in my room... Barely talk to any one in my house... Most of days are sleepless days.... Some time I became worrying without reason.. When I opened my mobile to see Harry's pic my eyes would be filled with tears....
One day, I called Harry again this time with my other mobile number since I didn't recharge my modem sim... I atten call started speaking... As usual i heard his voice then I cut my call... But this time he keep on calling me for every hour.. So I decided to call him back he attend the call and started speaking with smile Hello, who is this... I replied I am sorry, I wrong called your number... Then he replied oh I see...ok fine then... I cut my call....I think he didn't believe my words and found it is me.... We already have a conversation in this number but he didn't save my number so i thought he won't find it me... However nothing can be changed... So I decided not to think more about it.
In my one of my sleepless night....My thought are filled with some of question to ask god.... Why I have fallen for him like this... If we aren't destined to be together... Why did I choose this college... Why did I met him... Whether to learn a lesson that not to assume yourself anything... Or to learn to spend time alone.... What have I done.. Why did you give this punishment.... God please make me a memory loss patient.. After I think I may not able feel about harry....
Even when I try to forgot him, deep inside he is in my heart.... So that I even came to conclusion that since only one semester is there... After we can't met... I don't know will he remember me or not.... So In this 4 month time... I shouldn't waste any day... I should try my best to see him or hear his voice....
Guys what do you think of this part.... Do do like it Or not... What do you think about amy and Harry character... Will Harry and amy able to unite....