AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 30 in English Fiction Stories by Mario Jose books and stories PDF | AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 30

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 ‘So long that I stick to my plan, my chances are not slim’.

Auction: Publicly held sale at which property, persons, goods, gems are sold to the highest bidder, involving third parties looking to invest.

Cali, Colombia, March 21st 2018

-          I´ve got two news for you, Valentina.

That´s the way Venancio Pombo greeted her as she was storming off the University.

A mass of students rushed towards the public transport stop, which made their shoulder bags sway. The rush hour was approaching at the end of the afternoon. He had decided to pick her up because he was eager to witness her face of satisfaction upon learning the breaking news. Valentina didn´t go well in the midterm exam of criminal law hence, she looked pale. Despite that, Venancio Pombo, who knew Valentina pretty well, was certain that the nature of the novelties will cause her angered paleness to reverse.   

René had given Pombo the authorization to use the image of Valentina in order to capture the voters ‘intentions for his campaign to become the major of Nugaró. It was a win-win deal: on the side of Valentina, it meant a free jump-start for her hidden ambition to live under the neon lights; Pombo, in turn, derived a profit too, as he would eventually reap the votes of young people whom Valentina´s iconic image represented. The electoral roll was sending out a clear message: citizens between twenty and thirty years of age accounts for about thirty five percent of the whole. Age group embodied by Valentina. Nobody would ever have the galls to overlook these statistics and not take advantage of it by using a beauty who is on the way to secure her place as a famous model. Many inhabitants of Nugaró had been killed during the guerrilla across many regions of Colombia, moreover, drug trafficking contributed to the local population decrease, crowding the cemetery with flowers for the departed. Such a circumstance deserved an enlargement of graves´ capacity to cope with the increasing number of burials. All this comes to justify the rejuvenation of the electoral roll.

Handsome, young-looking and single, Venancio Pombo had been a military aviator like René in the past. Although they were currently sharing the dinners organized by the aeronautical brotherhood, they knew each other since long before; their bond dated back from the times when they worked together at the force just until their retirements with a two years gap. René gave a warning to Balou –simultaneously to bidding him farewell– in the occasion they walked back to the E.S.P.I. hotel: ‘Amongst those banqueters two tough individuals, firm in their convictions, well-endowed, are courting Valentina. I expect one of them to give my daughter a good life, you know what I mean? My task is to assess them, to appraise their performances while Valentina gets her degree in Law, then help her catch the best spouse’.

One of these candidates was Venancio Pombo.    

His success in seducing Valentina should not be taken for granted owing to his friendship with René, but it has enabled him to be in the starting line. To Venancio Pombo, competition is an inborn condition as well as the leit motiv for entering politics; to gauge his strength with political opponents has provided him with an adrenalininc experience, no matter whether the fight involved either a real rival or an unreal, an acquaintance or any other. It would never occur to him to ask René if there was another candidate in the race to win Valentina´s heart (Psychic instability has put Balou out of the game); he felt so self-confident, qualified and empowered a candidate as to avoid launching an inquiry on the subject, for he wouldn´t ever stoop so low. ‘So long that I stick to my plan, my chances are not slim’he said to himself confidently–. He speculated that by including the escorts of Valentina into his payroll proved his loyalty towards a friend undergoing economic hardships, besides which, René should be convinced that he was betting high on her daughter. Pombo expected this subliminal message to get through: ‘Not only I fell in love, not only it is a love affair, you are going to constantly see me in the battlefield carrying out concrete actions. Notice, René, that my love is for real, not a fantasy; evidences are unarguable: I have invested on Valentina already’.      

-          Good afternoon, Venancio, how are you? It seems so strange to me to see you here at the University. Do you have any news for me? –Valentina asked him in a sweet manner.

The future mayor of Nugaró rubbed his hands strongly.

-          I do have. My political party is going to sponsor your participation in the CBC (Colombian Beauty Contest) to be held in Cartagena in November eleventh 2018. You were registered soon after you took the crown in the Contest of Nugaró. What´s new is that the event organizers have just accepted your nomination. Feel yourself as one of the twenty-three eligible candidates to become the prettiest girl in Colombia.   

-          It was not that easy though –he added, building up an arduous stance–, since a thorough background study was to be conducted in order to check the participants ‘observance of familiar values, qualities of transparency, religion, honesty, integrity and academic performance among others. Apart from the physical attributes that each model had been endowed with at birth.

A few years ago, Venancio Pombo started going to mass in the belief that Catholicism might suppose an advantage so to earn René´s consideration.  

Valentina recovered, in a flash, her usual nice-looking face. Her blushed cheeks brought up a wide smile which was now flowing out of her lips. She didn´t know what to say and how to show her gratefulness to him. She then opted to keep silent and wait for whatever else Venancio had to tell her. She would have liked to share this breaking news with René.

-          To begin with, Valentina, this challenge entails lots of changes in your life and habits. Modelling classes with Carmenza should be stopped, since you are now registered in Visage, a Bogotá-based Modelling, social etiquette and Physical conditioning academy, where you will follow various courses in order to attain a solid level of general knowledge, oratory; you will also be taught how to respond to journalists, you will be submitted to makeup high-class training, spiritual counselling, an overall preparation so not to find yourself at a disadvantage in relation to the rest of the contenders for the crown in Cartagena. No doubt that you truly have what it takes for success, including a positive attitude, but in order for your achievements to reach the zenith a plus is required. Achieving stardom is time-consuming, life-long demanding and a life-changing matter. Hence, you will have to take on an additional commitment bearing in mind that there will be a lot of strain on the way, although being engaged does not imply studies to be neglected on account of this twist. Okay? My question is: Are you ready to give up the past for the sake of a serious-minded career in the modelling world?  Would you risk everything in order to get to the top? These topics, in my opinion, are to be addressed face-to-face, which explains my ride to the University.     

Valentina answered without hesitation:

-          I take on the chance, Venancio. I have been dreaming to become Miss Colombia since I was a little girl. I would sacrifice everything for dreams even bigger than becoming Miss Colombia. Count on me, I will give it all. Did you talk with Dad about this?

-          First of all, I wanted to ascertain that you were up to the task. Your father´s consent will come next effortlessly.

Valentina nodded in agreement.

-          Thanks for the interest that my career has awakened in you. You are so nice with me, Venancio –Valentina said in compliment.

-          You are welcome. It´s the least I can do to help out. By the way, travel and accommodation expenses during your stay in Cartagena as well as travel expenses related to your trips to the academy in Bogotá shall be borne by myself. That is not negotiable. 

During two thousand fifteen Venancio Pombo catapulted to international stardom ‘Martina Pombo’, a musical band engaged in the research, creation and preservation of the cultural heritage from the Colombian pacific region. The experience gained with them would be of great help now to get Valentina to the top. The key word for Venancio was commitment, which he´s just obtained from her. If fuelled by his key word, the distance to be travelled until they cross the finishing line would be covered naturally.  

-          I don´t know how to return this favour –Valentina ventured in a fit of frankness–.

-          Take it easy, the payback comes sooner or later. The universe will take care of it –Pombo reassured her, deeply satisfied with the progress of his strategy.  

Silence took over between them. Clouds had been summoned up and were ready to explode downwards. There was no one else left at the exit door of the University, which supplied food for their thoughts and invited Valentina and Pombo to take shelter from the upcoming rain.

It was then when a brief interruption took place thanks to a WhatsApp message that Valentina had just received: she forgot about Venancio Pombo for a bit so that she could concentrate on its reading. 

Venancio was far from being in a hurry. He awaited just to allow Valentina end up her reading. Established codes of teenagers should be accepted, being their addiction to mobile devices the most outstanding and noxious of them all. Taking into account that he expected to live with Valentina for the rest of his life and that the width of their age gap seemed unmodifiable, bridges were to be built onto the generational abyss so to create an alliance out of which he could emerge in a powerful position. He used to proceed likewise when creating political alliances where he sometimes needed to grant spaces with the purpose of gaining new spheres of power. He had the conviction that Valentina, who was as success-oriented as he himself, will attach great importance to the feat of becoming the major of Nugaró. It would provide her an at-a-glance status to be the bride and future spouse of a promissory politician whose most dear wish was to become the president of Colombia before Valentina reach thirty years of age. She was called to become the youngest first lady the country ever had.

-          Look Venancio, it´s too late for me, I´ve got to head for the bus stop to catch the bus back home. What other news do you have?

He gulped.

-          I drive you home, sweetie. Relax. And on the way we can put the final touches to your trip to Bogotá scheduled for March 24th, to attend sessions at the Modelling academy. Given that I was sure that my proposal was going to be accepted, I bought your tickets beforehand. You won´t miss classes, as the University will be closed due to fumigation.

-          I know that, the body of students has already been informed on that issue. Now, what if daddy disagree with my trip?

-          I take care of it, Valentina. Don´t worry.         

René, born in Bogotá, was aware of the scene Venancio had been creating, having given his consent to proceed prior to his friend´s first move. Rene´s contribution to the strategy consisted of providing accommodation for his daughter in Bogotá. To that end, he had talked to his sister Margarita. Valentina will be lodged at her aunt´s house during his three-days stay in the capital.

-          The other news is –he added slowly, giving a nuance of mystery to the nature of it–that I will assume henceforth the cost of your semesters till the end of the career.

A sneer of disgust appeared on Valentina´s face.    

-          What´s going on, dear? Are you alright? –Venancio felt frightened.

-          The thing is…

The traffic lights turned off while the uneasiness of the moment turned into uncomfortableness.

-          I regret to tell you that Dad managed to solve that problem.

Faced with the failures of all the steps taken before the ICETEX, René started cursing –during a meeting with his comrades of the Secret Service at the end of January– the grantors of university scholarships. Three or four of his dinner guests supported his insightful remarks on the matter: ‘Those who are supposed to facilitate scholarships –Rene´s comrades nodded in the affirmative as he spoke– they actually create obstacles by harassing the aspirants with a bunch of useless requirements, it´s time wasted, and then you find yourself at the gate of the university unable to afford the semester tuition which rises up to six million Colombian pesos. And thus, your son or daughter is left aside without having the possibility to study. Admissions Departments are anything but charitable organisations. Their function is cheap knock-off. Yes, René: you are right’.  

-          I can deal with the case, René –one of the dinner-guests stood up suddenly–. If the government fails to meet the expectations of a brilliant student like Valentina, there may appear a flawless citizen in its place. And this newcomer it´s me.

He who has just talked was Haroldo Cuéllar, the other aspirant to the throne: to become Valentina´s husband.  

Venancio Pombo didn´t know that his competitor belonged to the Colombian Secret Services, an abhorrent entity according to his viewpoint. ‘As soon as I reach the presidency of Colombia the D.N.I. will be liquidated and in the M.O.S.S.A.D.´s image and likeness a new Secret Service will be born –Pombo tipped off his followers during the last party conference of two thousand seventeen.   

Bogotá, Colombia, March 24th 2018

Although only four months have passed since her last visit to Bogotá, it seemed to Valentina like an eternity. There she stood again at Cali airport, in the same gate (number six) where she had met Balou. And she felt scared. Apart from that, the same old scene chased her: nobody was around. She feared a sudden apparition of Balou from out of the blue. As she thought a little longer a coincidence put her in alert: ‘I am wearing today the same clothes and standing in the same place as in the day I had come across him’.    

Hopefully, the boarding process would run smoothly.

Her cousins Nicanor and Juan David went to Eldorado Airport of Bogotá to pick Valentina up. Before getting off the plane Valentina made the sign of the holy cross and prayed: ‘God the father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, I thank you for taking care of me at Cali airport, for your protection from unattended encounters. I make a wish for this trip [to Bogotá] to be the beginning of a new chapter in my life, a help to forget the hardships I had to face in the first month of this year whose causes you, God the father almighty, only know. Oh, my Dear God, you should have had a good reason to make me bump into a madman. But I´ve accepted your will as part of my destiny; likewise, I will welcome the next tests to overcome. Amen’.  

Valentina´s cousin Yurleidy, a wannabe model, was the happiest host that could ever exist. She admired so much the demeanor which characterized Valentina, and believed narcissism is a strength and a must in the realm of modelling, even a share of snobbism is a must, so long as you want to become a top model. Yurleidy lacked Valentinas´s confidence in herself, in the sense of feeling beautiful and be convinced of it outright. In spite of the secret envy she felt towards Valentina, admiration always triumphed over any other bad feeling. Every time she visited Bogotá, Yurleidy and her cousin became almost twins, they tried on clothes and watched tv and series together. Exception made of Daniela and the parents of Valentina, Yurleidy was the only one who knew the happenings around Balou. Despite being fifteen years old, Yurleidy was a keen-sighted girl. So, she pretty soon realised the mournful expression on her cousin´s face. There was something wrong going on. The usual gleaming of Valentina´s eyes had died away and turned into pale shadows. ‘I am going to implement the infallible solution every time Valentina is slightly depressed: to go watch movies together’Yurleidy told to herself. And she chose, on her own initiative, a series from the US called ‘tell me if you love me’.  

The woman enjoyed prestige even outside Colombia, therefore, models throughout Latin América looked for her instead of happening otherwise. Rumors never bothered Rebecca Jaramillo, on the contrary, they paved the way for the expansion of the clientele of Visage, the biggest Latin-American academy for modelling and physical conditioning, that she runs.  

Valentina had been alerted of the set of strict rules Rebecca imposed on the models, the discipline that she expected from them. But she didn´t care about that, as she was result-based, in her conception results prevailed over the means to get them accomplished.               

Rebecca went straight to the point the very first day. So, after a cold greeting she asked Valentina without mincing a word:

-          Have you ever undergone journalistic trials by-fire, let´s say sparring sessions to prepare yourself for encounters with the press?     

-          Do you mean if I´ve ever been interviewed? –Valentina hesitated.

-          Correct.

-          No, I haven´t.     

Rebecca Jaramillo noted down something on her iPad and looked back.

-          Provided that your dearest wish is to become a worldwide celebrity and shine like a diamond, get used to give interviews and –by means of your statements and well-learnt public behaviours– search for them intensely. It´s more important than the makeup to be as prominent in social networks as possible, to be followed by too many users, in such a way as to become acquainted to the Jet-set and fashion magazines. These are, Valentina, the basics you should have to stick to.

-          How about your fluency in English? –Rebecca asked Valentina yet knowing beforehand her answer.

-          I´ve attended the ‘Conversational English Program-Common European Framework B2 at Learn English International Institute.’

-          Are you up to, are you ready to be interviewed right now? Because a jet setting star has come to pay us a visit.

Valentina heard steps coming up from behind, the nearing steps were from the most handsome guy she had even seen. When they found themselves facing each other he asked her smiley, in an English as clear as his light blue eyes, if she knew who he was. ‘Maybe you have watched one of my films or television series’he guessed–. Using the same language, Valentina barely mumbled: ‘I can´t believe it’. His smile got wider, he swiftly brought up that crooked grin Hollywood teaches star actors to show off in key moments, then he moved forward to shorten the distance between him and Valentina until he was capable to feel her breath. Next, the man started to act as a journalist.

-          What´s your name?

-          Valentina Sargón.

-          Single or spoused?

-          Single.

-          Can you tell me what your ambitions are? Or at least point out the most important one for which you would lay down your life?

-          To become a top model, to step into the Hollywood world. To be an esteemed attorney at law admitted in the highest places.

-          Have you ever seen me in films or the like? I am waiting for that answer. 

It was impossible for Valentina to answer straightforwardly to whom she considered her teenage platonic love, her idealised unmatched love story. Besides, he was her favourite actor. She had seen all his films and always keeps an eye out for the upcoming series he may work for. There was no point for her to miss a debut whenever he is the protagonist or supporting actor. She replied in neat modulated English.

-          Yes, I know who you are. You play the role of Nick in the television series called…

-          Tell me you love me? –he came to her rescue.

-          I love you –Valentina managed to say in a fainting overtone–. And she fainted immediately after her stammering.

Ian Somerhalder, a renowned American actor, prevented her from hitting the floor when he reacted through sheer karate reflex to hold her in his arms, avoiding thus her falling unconscious.

Actually, Valentina had been tested before forty perplexed wannabe-models, who found it hard to believe what was going on in front of their eyes. Rebecca Jaramillo burst into laughter like a little kid nonetheless.

-          The goal has been attained –said the Manager of Visage, after stopping her burst of laughter while ignoring Valentina completely–. Ladies, the fact is that fainting during an interview is an unusual thing to happen, but at the same time the incident will give people plenty to talk about, it would feed on gossip. Be sure that far from neglecting it, the Show Business and the Mass Media will take care of spreading the rumor, which would fit you like a glove, for it´ll work as a career-enhancer for all of you, rookies. Do you get the point? Visage Models instills to the beginners to faint before the cameras whenever the opportunity arises; upon the press learning this, we should make journalists beg for a press conference although we should give the impression not to be hungering for fame. It´s the play cat and mouse. But ultimately, of course, we will accept a television interview where the fainted model easily poses for the cameras as she worriedly dwells on what has happened and how bad a moment she went through. As you can see, fainting will be the bait for putting you into everyone´s mouth in the twinkling of an eye.

-          Ian Somerhalder has been kind enough to come to Bogotá from the USA to help place the academy on the international scene, in so doing he has become our representative, kind of job hunter for us in his homeland. Consequently, we´ll have candidates of American origin on site. Be ready for foreign concurrence, my sweet Colombian models –the manager looked round with unmasked sarcasm.  

-          Thanks a lot for being here, dear Ian –Rebecca Jaramillo showed him her appreciation in pompous perfect English–, Visage Models will be eternally grateful to you for your entrepreneurial presence in the academy today. Feel yourself at home.  

-          You models can imagine that we´ve made with Ian a close-up study of Valentina´s background, during which we realised who her favorite actor was. More than a predilection Ian Somerhalder is, indeed, to Valentina, the idyllic love every Colombian teenager is involved once in a lifetime with a Hollywood star. Ian and I were therefore capable to predict that Valentina was going to faint upon seeing him.

Her trademark sternness came back, in line with which Rebecca Jaramillo ordered:

-          You forty candidates –to win the beauty contest– were summoned here as part of a field training. The test you´ve just witnessed, whose goal was to give you a fatal sample of visual impact, has been envisioned in conformity with the random walk theory. If your wish is to be shot to fame you must be prepared for a non-lineal career-path, since it´s on the non-lineal phenomena where the random walk theory lays its foundation. It never happens to be a gradual leap, it´s non-lineal, so in a split-second bingo! you have reached stardom. Tomorrow this slight blackout that Valentina has just experienced will hit the press and make the headlines of fashion magazines and newspapers alike. You have no idea how easy it is to increase the spread of a fact under this simple strategy. The moral of the story?  The attainment of prestige requires a solid pre-defined plan, a calculated and structured design is to be conceived beforehand to ensure success. However, each of your future fainting should be backed by a credible explanation about its causes, any invention on your own that sounds convincing will be valid, and that´s where the yet-to-be-learnt oratory skills might come into play. I boast of owning an avant-garde academy because we resort to systematic fainting as the chief strategy to satisfy your cravings for attention and limelight. Never implemented by other academies, by the way. It takes only a small step from this point to become trending in Instagram. You will go viral in a flash. Well pupils, we are done today.   

Keeping strict silence and properly formed in a straight line, the candidates for stardom got back to the classroom number four to resume the theoretical study of Visual Impact.

There was an exemption for Valentina´s coming back to class, who was released on grounds of having been used as the guinea pig during the field training of visual impact. Instead, the shaken revived model was taken to the nursery by Ian Somerhalder himself, who, in turn, invited her to have dinner together at Katmandu, located in Usaquén neighborhood, Valentina´s favorite restaurant and also the Loser Titan´s.   

For the first time in her life, Valentina´s shyness melted away.