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Nanny - 5

( The readers are requested to read the first 4 chapters of "Nanny," to understand the continuity of this story so far …)

Nanny - 5

The week was very hectic. There was a review meeting at our Head office at Mumbai. I was supposed to be away from Tuesday evening till Thursday evening. I, as the Branch head, had to attend the review meeting with my Branch accountant and my Deputy Manager.

I was feeling bad. Lata was new to my flat, and just came to stay with me since last Saturday. To leave her alone in the first week of her stay and go out of town. But what could I do, work and responsibilities come first. But she took it quite sportingly. She told me that she understood the importance of official emergencies and also fully understood my responsibilities as the Branch Manager.

So, I was away from home till next Thursday evening. Our review went off very well. The HO bosses were quite impressed with our Branch performance. We were returning quite happily after the positive results of our hard and smart work. Since everything went off so well, I decided to take a leave on Friday. This Saturday there was a local state holiday. So that will make it a long weekend and I can spend some quality time with Lata, my newfound girlfriend.

I was in touch with Lata over the phone, every evening after work for the days I was away. She seemed to be doing okay, just biding her time with herself, listening to music and watching TV.

I had planned a surprise for Lata. I had thought of making a short trip to a good resort nearby. So I had accordingly made my bookings online and coordinated over phone from Mumbai itself. I had however not told Lata that I had taken leave on Friday, nor that we'll be going on a short pleasure trip. Let that be a surprise.

I reached home around 8 on Thursday evening from Mumbai. She opened the door with a big smile. I extended my hands for a hug. She totally ignored my hands but just bent down and swept me off my feet. I said, "What are you doing Lata? The door is still open."

She closed the door, still holding me up in her arms. Then moved into the room cradling me in her arms and looking directly into my eyes. She lifted my body upwards a little, bent her head down and started kissing me all over my face.

I said, "What are you doing Lata, let me go. I have packing to do. I'll have to go out again tomorrow early in the morning."

Lata stopped. Looked at me seriously, but did not put me down from her arms. "What do you mean ? You have just come after 3 days and you are talking of going out again tomorrow morning ?"

I said, "What can I do ? I have work."

She put me down unceremoniously. She was visibly upset. "Are you purposely running away from me ? Am I disturbing you so much ? In that case tell me on my face, I'll go away."

She moved away from me and went and sat on her bed. I did not try to pacify her. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I was still not going to tell her. Let her fume a little more. Lata was still sitting grumpy on her bed when I changed and came out. She was not looking at me.

I went and sat beside her. She turned her face the other way. I said, "Don't you want to know where I'm going?"

She said, "I don't care. Go wherever you want."

I said, "You are so angry, you didn't even ask me whether I am hungry or not ?"

She replied, "You are coming by flight, must have eaten in the plane."

I said, "Don't you know, nowadays they don't always serve you food on the plane on low cost flights ?"

She was still grumpy, "How would I know? Such a big manager comes by low cost flights."

I laughed out loud, "Itna gussa ! My dear, I'm not a big manager. But this was the only flight available at this hour. Anyways, just look at this. This is where I'm going tomorrow. See, my booking confirmation of the 5 star Resort."

I thrust my phone in front of her, which had the booking details of the Resort I had booked for the two of us. She initially shoved my hand away. Then I did not give the phone in her hand but held it in front of her eyes. I had purposely zoomed the page, so that the names of the booked persons were only showing. She saw her name written there.

Suddenly a change came over her face. She took the phone from my hand. Looked at her name again. Then read the full page. I had purposely moved away by that time. I went and sat on my bed looking at her reactions. Her face slowly changed from a grumpy middle aged woman to a giggling teenager's. She came running to me. Hugged me and picked me up from the front. Holding me up in her embrace, she went into a spin. The big, tall woman, 5'9" and 94 kgs, was giving the small me, 5'3" and 63 kgs, a spin. I went into a tizzy. I hugged her tight, with my arms around her neck. I wrapped my legs around her waist, to get a better support.

"You naughty little man ! You are great ! You know, I loved it when I used to see people getting such happy surprises. But nobody ever gave me a happy surprise in all these years." She again started to fill my face with kisses.

I said, "Okay now, you put me down. Get going with your packing. It's for 3 days. We'll start tomorrow Friday, early morning at 6 am and will return on Sunday night. So pack accordingly. I'll pack mine. If you want you can take the small suitcase of mine. Or else, we can pack both of ours in one only."

Lata put me down on the bed. "No, I think I'll be comfortable with a separate bag for myself."

We packed for the next hour. She had some ironing to do also, which took time. I said, "Let's not waste time chatting tonight. Have early dinner and go to bed. I've booked a car from the resort only. This is included in the package. They will send the car at 6 am for pick up. The drive to the resort will take about an hour. We'll have breakfast in the resort, a lavish buffet breakfast. I'm forwarding the details of the resort and our bookings to your phone. Read it through once you are in bed."

Later, while in bed, Lata said, "It is mentioned here in the relationship column, as husband and wife ! What is this? Did you fill it up this way ? Or is it a mistake by them ?"

I smiled, "No, not a mistake. I filled it up that way. And you maintain it, if anybody questions."

Lata had a contented smile on her face, "I hope this comes true someday soon. I just can't believe you have booked such an expensive resort to give me a surprise. I've never been to such a place. Thank you so much !"

I laughed and said, "Good night !"

Next day, we were ready in time. I have difficulties getting up too early. But Lata was used to it. So, she woke me up and egged me on.

But it was 10 minutes past 6, but still no sign of the car. The Resort had messaged me the car number and driver's name and phone number. So, I called him up. He said that there were two other people going to the resort from near our location. So the Resort management had asked him to pick them up also. Since the other address was in his route, he had picked them up first and was coming to us within a few minutes.

The car arrived shortly. We were waiting downstairs with our two small bags. There were two ladies already in the back seat of the car. The driver came down and packed our luggages in the car hold. But the problem was that the car was an Alto and the two ladies sitting in the car were quite big sized. So how would all four of us fit in the car? The ladies came down, we said 'Hello' to one another. They were two cousins, both big in size. The younger of the two was about 30 to 35 years of age and was around 80 kgs. The other lady was around 48-50 years, and was also around 85 kgs. Any two of them sitting in the back seat, there won't be enough space for me, although I was just 63.5 kgs, to be exact.

I asked the driver whether he could organize a bigger car. He said he had this car only. So that was that. We were stuck.

We all stood discussing the alternatives. All the three women were quite big in size 80, 85 and Lata 94 kgs. Both the ladies were tall. Standing beside Lata's 5'9", it seemed to me they were both around 5'8" possibly. It was quite an odd sight. We were standing around and talking. All the three ladies were bigger and taller than me. Lata was standing just behind me with her hands on my shoulders. That made our height and size difference more accentuated.

I saw the two ladies looking at me
and then they turned around and whispered something between themselves. Then they called Lata and both of them took her a little aside.

Lata came back and whispered in my ear, "The only way is, if you go sitting on my lap." I looked at the two ladies. They were looking at me, knowing fully well what Lata was suggesting to me. Since there was no other alternative, I agreed to Lata's suggestion.

Lata only took the initiative of breaking the good news to the two other ladies. "Ok, ladies, to solve the problem, I had requested my husband to go sitting on my lap, to which he has reluctantly agreed, since there are no other alternatives. I would now request that if one of you can please sit in the front seat. It will be awkward if I sit in the front seat with him on my lap. It will be visible to everybody too openly. In the backseat, we'll at least get some cover."

The ladies understood. The senior of the two, who was also the heavier one, sat in the front seat. Lata sat behind the driver's seat. The other lady, relatively younger of the two, sat beside Lata. I came from the other side and sat on Lata's lap. The driver started the car. I felt so awkward, I couldn't face the ladies, to think that they had only suggested this idea. I was sitting awkwardly on Lata's big soft lap. She pulled me inside, lifted me bodily up a little with her hands under my buttocks and adjusted me on her lap, so that she could spread her legs and sit comfortably. She then wrapped her big hands around my waist and placed them on my lap. I had to place my hands on her solid thick forearms.

The lady sitting beside us looked at me and said, "Don't feel embarrassed young man. We are all more or less of the same age group. You can take us as your friends. You are sitting on your wife's lap, there's nothing to be ashamed about. You are amongst friends. By the way, I'm Amrita, I'm 35, I work in a private Bank, I've been divorced for the last 4 years. I live with my elder cousin." She pointed to the lady in the front seat.

The elder sister turned to look at us from her front seat and smiled, "Namastey, I'm Namrata, I'm 49. I'm a widow. I work in a school. But my son, who's in the US, doesn't want me to work anymore. Now we two sisters live with each other as our own company."

So now it was our turn to introduce ourselves. I started, "I am Sumit, I'm 36. I am a manager in a Marketing company here in the city. I love to torture my wife, which I'm now doing by sitting on her lap on this long journey." Everybody laughed.

Lata took over the introduction part. "So it's my turn now. I'm Lata, I'm 40. Presently I am not doing any work, but managing my little Manager." The two ladies laughed again.

The elder one Namrata said, "Very sweet couple. But you said you are presently not doing anything. What were you doing before marriage?"

I felt a slight hesitation in Lata's response, so I replied, "Actually she is a professional Caregiver. She takes care of Challenged or Spastic children. Her long-time patient, a young girl whom she took care of from her age 13 to 20, had recently left with her parents to Singapore. So, I had told her not to get into any other assignment now. Actually I have a selfish interest there, as you must be understanding."

Amrita, the younger sister, sitting beside us quipped, "Yes, it's obvious that she is quite an expert in handling her patients. I was observing, the way she handled you and adjusted you on her lap, was very professional."

Lata smiled and replied, "There's nothing professional in this. He is so small and light for me, it is very easy to handle him."

Amrita was smiling also. "Yes, I have been wondering how this all happened. Such a contrasting size difference, how did both of you meet and decide on this relationship ?"

The elder sister was also turning her head from the front seat and was eagerly listening to this interesting discussion going on in the back seat.

I intervened. "Well it's a very personal question. We will answer this, but this is not the place. We are going to the same resort and will definitely be meeting again. We can discuss this in private over there."

Amrita understood that I did not want to discuss such matters in the hired car, where the driver was also listening in. The conversation dwindled a little. I was having some problems sitting. What was happening was, I was sitting on Lata's lap and sitting behind the driver's seat. So when our car was standing at any crossing, the car coming and standing beside ours on the right, they could see me clearly sitting on Lata's lap. Lata and Amrita both had seen this. Amrita suggested to Lata, "Why don't you turn him so as to face inside the car. Then his back will be seen from outside. People will think that a small boy is sitting on your lap. Although that remark was not a good compliment for my masculinity, I digested it. Lata turned my body sideways. I was now sitting facing the inside of the car. Also, in doing so, I was facing Amrita, who was sitting beside Lata. I had to remove my shoes as my feet had to go up. Amrita asked me to put up my feet on her lap. But I didn't want to. I kept my legs folded on Lata's lap only. But for sitting that way, my body leaned on Lata's upper body. In fact Lata herself pulled me towards her, so that my head rested on her shoulder. She covered me up with her big fat arms wrapped around my body. She was wearing a saree as usual. She loosened her saree pallu and placed it in such a way over my back, so that if somebody saw from outside the car window, they would think that a small boy is lying full stretch on his mother's lap.

Amrita was looking at us, smiling. I was feeling odd at her constant stare. So I closed my eyes. Lata wasn't bothered though. She was looking down at me lovingly, squeezing me with her big arms wrapped all around my upper body. I kept my eyes closed to avoid Amrita's stare. I had to wake up too early in the morning, so in that cosy position inside Lata's warm body, my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

Some whisper woke me up. I kept my eyes closed. I could understand that Amrita has brought her face closer to Lata's and was whispering to her, "I know it's odd to ask, but don't you have a problem in your relationship ? I mean, you are so much bigger and taller and obviously stronger than him. I am seeing you are physically dominating him as if he is a small boy. How do you respect him as your husband ?"

Both of them thought that I was asleep. I was eager to listen to Lata's reply. I heard Lata whisper back, "Yes, because I'm so much bigger and taller than him, I do control him physically. But only upto that level. We have a clear-cut distribution of roles in our relationship. He controls and decides on all external matters and I'm incharge of all internal affairs. Do you know that he runs an organisation of over 200 people. He is the power of attorney holder of his company in this state. That means, on his shoulders depends the livelihood and well being of 200 families, plus the families of business associates. He manages a business of over Rupees Ten thousand crores. Imagine how much revenue he generates for his company and consequently contributes to the country's economy. If he fails to perform successfully in his official responsibilities, all his dependent families will suffer. He is a true leader. That is why I respect him as my Hero. His small height is not a factor. I don't need a man to be taller and stronger than me to respect him as a husband. For that, many big muscular railway porters or warehouse labourers will be taller and stronger than me. Rather I feel proud and honoured that such a leader of men, who is self made, educated, responsible and successful in his professional career is peacefully sleeping on my lap. I am privileged that I can lift and carry and hold such an important personality in my own arms and give him all the safety, security and protection my tall and strong body can provide him."

I was amazed. It is true that I had discussed with Lata about what I do professionally and I had answered her inquisitive questions about my work in detail. But I was astonished that she could project my responsibilities so positively to an outsider and make me look like a hero whom she worships. I was really impressed.

We reached shortly thereafter. The resort was really exquisite. But we had three days to explore. The breakfast was from 8 am till 11 am. It was just 7.30 when we completed our check in formalities and proceeded to our rooms. Our new travel friends Amrita and Namrata exchanged room numbers and mobile numbers and left, promising to meet again.

Our room was beautiful, overlooking the swimming pool. Lata just went crazy. She never had an opportunity to stay in such a lavish hotel or resort. I was really feeling very glad to see her so happy. All the more so now after hearing what she felt about me. I was just sitting on the sofa, watching her explore the room, the balcony, the bathroom and I was relishing her excitement and expressions of happiness. Finally she calmed down and came to me. Without a word she just picked me up from the front. My arms now automatically go around her neck and my legs around her waist, whenever she picks me up this way from the front. She held me very tight and lifted me at such a height that my face was just in front of hers. She held my body up with one hand under my buttocks. With the other hand she pressed my face onto hers and was kissing me full on my lips. It was such a passionate kiss, as if she would eat me up. After she released my lips, I was exhausted. She whispered to me, "I love you. More than anything or anybody else in this world, I want to possess you. I just want you to be mine forever."

She carried me to the bed and sat down cross legged, with her back resting on the cushioned bedhead. She laid me across her big wide lap. Making me lie on her lap, she loosened her blouse. Then she put a hand under my head and back and raised my body slightly up so that my face was on her breast. She raised her thigh to support my body at an angle so that my face remained on her breast. She put a pillow under her thighs as a support. She covered my head and face under her saree pallu. Then she slowly uncovered her breast on which my face was resting, so that it still remained covered under the pallu running over my head. There was nobody else in the room but still. She was looking down lovingly at my face and put her fingers on my cheek to guide my lips. I was immediately transported back to my childhood, lying on my mother's lap nursing on her full breasts. She caressed my face with her soft hand and ran her long fingers through my hair. My hand instinctively went to her cheek. Her cheek felt so soft, so cold, so motherly. I closed my eyes and just sucked and sucked and sucked. It was such a feeling of peace and tranquility with no care in the world. I felt so safe, so secure, protected. I wanted to lie on her big soft lap like that for eternity drinking the nectar of love.

The buffet breakfast can wait….