Come Over in English Short Stories by lakshmi s books and stories PDF | Come Over

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Come Over

After 5 months of my break-up , I realised that moving on is not easy. I can do everything to forget them but memories don't leave me so easily.
I have to go through so many moodswings .sometimes I feel I have mood on and at some time I can feel the pain in heart that it's all about yesterday.Even after trying so hard , I don't stop missing him.
I kept asking myself this one question over and over again what went wrong.

I miss him in each and every moment . I hide the truth from my friends .
I might hate him for everything bad they did to me but I stil fail to hate them because heart knows that how much it loved.

I can feel him in songs,movies and everywhere.I want to talk to them and want to smile like before with him.
I tell myself the lies that I'm love with myself ,Then why I see him in my dreams?why every face remainds me of them ?why I suddenly start crying ?
Because the truth is I'm struggling to live without him.

Fighting with my own thoughts and remainding my mind the reasons for unloving him.
My heart is still struggling with heart break . Making myself stronger everyday.

Shifting from a happy ,talktive person to a dull human who's no longer interested in anything.

Time passes and I learn to live with my loneliness. Soon I start finding peace by realising that these all thoughts are useless.
I soon realise that peace is not in any person or relationship .It was always inside me but I wasted my time finding somewhere else(where I lost it ).
I used to be mad but now I know sometimes it's better to let someone go.
I did things I wish I couldn't not done but I'm grateful that I'm here today dealing with fears but this time it's different.
I will come to know that life is supposed to be fun!


Trust the process of healing. It is a time taken process and depends on your acceptance power.
But don't lie to yourself . Accept it you can't unlove or can't hate the person .It is the sign thta you need to forgive them and move on.
Nobody can give you the same as what you give.Give the effort how much you can but don't expect that much from others. Because your feelings and others feelings are not same.
Sometimes the reason good things are not happening to you is because you are the good thing that needs to happen to other people.
Don't blame people for disappointing you,blame yourself for expecting too much from them

Sometimes ,the right way to love is to leave.
Leave even if you love them
Leave for yourself
Leave for their happiness
Leave so you can see them smile
Leave so you don't have to hurt them
Leave so you will stop weeping yourself to sleep
Leave so you don't have to expect from them
Leave them so you can hold yourself forever and ever!!