Fate with a Deomnic Angel - 3 - The Mystery.. in English Love Stories by Amitanshu Samal books and stories PDF | Fate with a Deomnic Angel - 3 - The Mystery..

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Fate with a Deomnic Angel - 3 - The Mystery..


After the incident Nisha was so much terrified and started to see things seriously. She never bothered to investigate about her life saver because after she woke up from that horrible dream which was actually not a dream, she found herself in her house. When she asked her grandmother that how she reached there her grandmother told her that a very handsome man came to her house and he has carried her in her arms. She was unconscious at that time. That boy led her on the bed assured the granny that her grand daughter was alright. She has got a headache in the office. He also told granny that he was her office mate. But in reality Nisha had never met that guy.

Nisha didn't want to know about that guy because that guy will remind her about the incident at that night. But her grandmother already insisted her to call him to dinner to offer her thanks. Therefore she started to search him and she didn't want to let granny know about that night's incident. So she started to search for him. But who knows that a big surprise is awaiting her.

She knew that Arnav works in the Avenue Hospital and she went there to meet him. She took a day off from the company and went there. It was a quite morning and few clouds are seen. She had only heard about the hospital and never been there since her childhood after her parents death. She has never required the hospital. Then she entered the hospital but to her utter surprise it was not less than a 7 star hotel. There were no traces of smells of medicines , all the nurses have very beautiful uniform , no chaos very clear floor . Everything was neat and clean. After observing the beauty and the advance technology she moved her steps towards the reception. There she asked the receptionist about Doctor Arnav . After a moment observing her, the receptionist asked her about the report number. But Nisha told her that she had come here to just to talk with him. Then the receptionist told her that there was no doctor named Arnav . Now Nisha became frustrated. She insisted the receptionist to recheck about him but the receptionist told her to leave. It was really awkward moment. Nisha couldn't digest the rudeness of the receptionist. She became angry on herself not to know about him properly. But....... Then she heard a very familiar voice from behind "have you taken a leave from the office only to meet me?". When she turned around, she found him to be Arnav and tried to say something but she was interrupted by his voice again.

" hey Rubi (the receptionist) be cool. She has suffered a lot last weekend. "

Now Rubi became somewhat cool . And said " sure Mr. Arnav. I thought that she is another news reporter for bothering you and therefore i told her." then she started attending other people. Now Arnav hold Nisha's hand took her to his cabin. There at the entrance she could see that the nameplate was curved with the name 'Mr. Aman(DIRECTOR)'.

She could not understand anything but followed him. Arnav sited himself on the director seat and gestured her to sit next to him. It was very surprising for her. After thinking a lot and wondering here and there she understood one thing that something is really important and fishy about him. After gathering much confidence she asked him...

Are you the director....."

" No. I am a dumb sitting on the director seat just to get fired. Of course i am the director..."

" who is Aman?"



" yeas"

"but you are Arnav right."

" ya ... I am Arnav but I am Aman too."

His words really gave her a headache.

She again asked" how many names do you have?"

"i think you are not here for asking the silly questions.. But you really are way smart.. You will soon find out. But did your CEO knew that you have taken the leave? He must be angry at you." Arnav said trying to divert the topic.

" not at all. I even don't know him. But knew that he doesn't care for the leave. He never comes to office or i have never seen him. I only knew about him is his name Amitanshu Samal." Nisha said making an awkward face.

" That's strange. But you never tried to knew him??" Arnav asked with a playful smile.

" nooo. I am not interested"

"You should try."

" ok i will. By the way i am here to ask you to come to my house . My granny has invited you to have a dinner at our home. I know we are not rich but we will manage to appreciate you."

"oh come on.... You earn a cash of 2.5 lakhs per month. Soon your appraisals are coming and you are saying that you are poor." Arnav told without noticing the expression on her face.

" how do u know that i income a 2.5 lakh rupee per month and how do you know where i work?"

" You will find out soon on the next Sunday. Now i have an operation to do . Will you please let me..."

" you are also a doctor? I thought it is just for show off ."

" no madam ! I never show off . I am actually a doctor as well as the director"

" Fine . Tell me when you are coming to my house?"

" Ummmm.... Next Tuesday?"

" fine. Now i have to take another leave."

" No.. You will get a whole week vacation from this Sunday."

" how do you know?" Nisha asked surprisly ...

" I told you that you will get every answer on Sunday.. Wait and watch..."

Now Nisha left the hospital with thousands of questions in her mind.. But she could do nothing but wait till Sunday and she did that.......


Hello friends sorry to be late. I know this episode is somewhat mysterious. Don't worry everything will go according. Please drop your comments and let me know how much you liked my story. Don't forget to rate from which I will be inspired.