Lonavla Trip - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Lonavla Trip - 3

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Lonavla Trip - 3

( The readers are requested to read the earlier chapters 1 and 2 of this series 'Lonavla Trip' to understand the continuity of this story so far …)

Lonavla Trip - 3

The room was small but very cosy. A single bed on one side; a single sofa with a side table ; a small wooden cabinet; a writing desk and a chair, that completed the furniture. Rekha went and kept her tray on the side table by the sofa. Took the food stuff from Amit's hand and kept it too on the side table. Then she sat down on the single sofa. Amit stood there not knowing what to do. He was contemplating whether to sit on the chair or on the single bed. Rekha leant forward, took his hand and pulled him towards her. She turned him and pulled him down on her lap. Amit felt as if landing on a soft thick cushion being held in place by a strong pair of hands. But before he realized what was happening, Rekha caught hold of Amit's legs and pulled them up sideways and passed them over the side handle of the sofa. Amit's body thus turned to the side. Rekha put one arm behind Amit's back and cradled him with her arm wrapping around him. She put her other arm over his thighs with her hand resting on his butt. She pulled Amit's body towards her with both her hands. The small Amit of 5'3" and 63 kgs was now sitting sideways on the tall 5'11" and 90 kgs Rekha's big soft lap. Cradled in her big arms he looked like a small baby.

Rekha looked down at Amit and smiled lovingly. "Comfortable Amitji? Now let's talk! "

Amit laughed, "Now what is this Rekha? You are still continuing the car ride even at home. And you are holding me on your lap like I'm your baby and calling me Amitji ? It's not sounding right."

Rekha, who was smiling all along while Amit spoke, now laughed out loudly. She removed her hand which was going over Amit's thighs and squeezed his cheeks with her fingers. "Yess! You are my chhota sa bachha boyfriend."

Amit raised his eyebrows, "This bachha boyfriend is 6 years older than you. And Boyfriend ? But you hardly know anything about me?"

"That is why I have you on my lap. You tell me your story, I'll tell you mine." Rekha was still holding Amit tightly on her lap with one arm around her back and the other over his thighs with her hand on his butt. Amit was in fact half lying on her lap held in her tight cradle.

Amit said, "I don't have much of a story. I live alone in Mumbai at present, that's because most of my work happens here. But I do travel to different parts of the country to conduct training sessions. Prior to this, I had been a corporate manager of a few major companies and worked in various managerial capacities in a few different cities all across India. What else would you want to know ? My parents are no longer there in this world, I lost them a few years ago. I have a younger sister, married, living 2000 kms away in the eastern part of the country. That's all there is to my life till now in a gist." Amit smiled looking up at Rekha's face.

Rekha was listening intently. She smoothened the hair on Amit's forehead and asked, "So, why are you alone? Such a successful career, why no woman in your life ? Not married or divorced or widower ?"

Amit smiled, "No there has been no woman behind my success, if you can call it that. I have not yet found the woman I can share my life with."

Rekha chuckled, "Why? What sort of a princess are you waiting for, Amit?"

Amit smiled sitting on the tall woman's lap, "At least you have finally dropped the ji from my name. To answer your question, no princess, but I've had something odd in my mind, which is difficult for me to get."

"And what is that difficult something ?" Rekha was curious.

Amit shook his head, "Can't tell you now..a little awkward.. I'll tell you later."

"Awkward ? More awkward than you sitting on my lap ?" Rekha asked.

Amit was not willing to divulge more. "I'll tell you about my choice of the woman I am waiting for, just give me time. And by the way, sitting on your lap is not awkward for me…at least I can tell you that, if you can make any meaning out of it. Now tell me about yourself."

Rekha took the plate lying on the side table and set it up on Amit's lap, who himself was sitting across Rekha's lap, almost half lying on her lap. She took a piece of namkeen and fed Amit. Amit, seeing this, picked up a piece of namkeen and fed Rekha. Both laughed. Rekha said, "What is there to tell about me ? I'm basically from Delhi. Did my schooling and college from there itself. My father had his own business, quite successful too. I was the only daughter, so was adequately pampered and well fed during my growing up years. The problem was, all that made me an oversized child. The height was in my genes. Both my parents were tall. Along with that I started gaining weight. But my size became a nightmare to me. I was teased in school and college by facing questions like, "What's the temperature up there? and called by names like Coconut tree, Baby Giraffe, Sumo wrestler and the like". Although girls did make friends with me, none of the boys in school or college wanted to even stand beside me. They felt very insecure because I towered over almost all of them. I was also taller than all my teachers, even most of my male teachers too. My teachers and close friends suggested that I take up sports where height and strength are required, basketball, volleyball, weightlifting, javelin, discus throws and similar strength sports. But I did not like to participate in sports.

Even when it came to searching for a groom for me, I was rejected almost always because of my height and weight. Ultimately, a family agreed to take me as their bride, since their boy was getting rejected for being too tall. He was 6'3". So they decided to have me as a bride just because I was so tall. So that is how I got married. But unfortunately our marriage did not last long. I'm not going into details, but I got divorced around 10 years back. I had come to Lonavla on a holiday trip and liked this place. So I decided to settle down here. I opened a boutique here in the main market area where I devoted my time and energy. I later diversified into other ancillary businesses and it is quite successful now. I am fortunate to have a set of responsible and dedicated staff looking after my business. I just monitor them. Yes, that's about all. Anything else you would want to know, my dear." Rekha again squeezed Amit's cheeks and hugged him in her cradle. All this time, she was talking, she was intermittently feeding Amit bits of dry fruits and sweets. It was as if she had a big baby sitting on her lap and was telling him a story while she was feeding him on her lap.

Amit now said, "Arrey bas karo Rekha..aur mat khilao. How much will you feed me ? Tell me one thing, you are so beautiful even at this age and also successful…didn't you find anybody else in these last ten years ?"

Rekha removed her hand which was over Amit's thighs and brought it under Amit's knees and curled his legs up in her arm. Her other hand was behind Amit's back already. She now stood up from the sofa along with Amit now cradled in her arms. Amit was half lying on her lap and chatting with her. He didn't foresee this coming. When Rekha suddenly lifted him up, on an impulse his arms went around Rekha's neck. Rekha threw her head back and laughed. "Don't worry my little friend, you are too small and cute. I'll not drop you. I can carry you like this all day."

Amit replied, "I'm not worried about you dropping me. I'm worried about me dropping you."

Rekha raised her eyebrows, "How will you drop me, I have you in my arms. Not you, me."

Amit smiled, "Not that way. I'm saying figuratively. Why are you coming so close to me Rekha ? I'll not be able to drop you from my memory once I return to Mumbai."

Rekha was slowly walking in the room with Amit in her cradle, looking down at his face with a loving smile. Amit's arms were around Rekha's neck. His head was resting on one of Rekha's shoulders. Rekha smiled sweetly down at Amit and said, "Why would you have to drop me from your memory Amit ? You were asking me na, why I didn't find anybody else in the last 10 years ? I didn't, because my size was the deterrent factor. Men feel intimidated by my almost 6 feet height and also my huge weight. I was over 100 kgs even till a year back. I have interacted with a lot of men socially and for my business. But even in my professional discussions, men get overawed by my massive size when standing and talking to me. They prefer negotiating with me sitting down. In the last 10 years there has been only one person who did not get intimidated by my height and weight and treated me like a normal sized woman. But I don't know whether I can get him."

Amit was listening seriously to Rekha. He suggested, "Then, why don't you get close with him and find out?"

Rekha smiled mischievously, "That's exactly what I'm trying to do now. But he is asking me why I'm getting close to him. You tell me Amit, what will I tell him ?"

Amit was laughing, "You naughty woman ! Don't joke with me on this matter."

Rekha's smile vanished, she sounded serious. "You think I'm joking with you, Amit. You are the first person I met in my life Ever, who has treated me like a woman. Yes I mean, EVER. You did not get intimidated by my almost 6 feet height and over 90 kgs weight. All the more so, because you are so small yourself. Come to think of it, I made you sit on my lap all through the car journey, when you didn't even know me personally. Other men don't even want to sit beside me because, even sitting, they keep comparing how tall I look beside them. But you did not have any complex, even when I was literally cradling you on my lap in the car. Amit, I am a simple woman, not a giantess. I want a man in my life, who treats me like a normal woman. Not one, who either has to ridicule me or make fun of my height and size; or avoid me because I give them an inferiority complex. This is the first time in my life, since my youth, I have found a man who has accepted me exactly as I am, not caring how much taller or bigger I am to him. So, Amit, do you now believe that I'm not joking with you on this matter. You are that man for whom I've been waiting for all my life."

Amit thought that the matter was becoming serious. He said, "Ok I get this point of yours, that I don't get intimidated by you for being so much taller or bigger than me; or for that matter, you being so much stronger than me. I have taken you as my very good friend even though you are almost double my size and I'm not at all bothered by that. But there's a society at large where you mix around, also your family and friends. They go by standard society norms. How will you introduce me to them ? Standing beside you I barely come up to your shoulders. That is not the standard society norm. People would expect me, being the man, to carry you in my arms, but that's impossible for me to do. You are way too tall and heavy for me. They would be shocked to see you being a woman carrying me, a fully grown middle aged man on your lap like a child."

Rekha stopped walking. She was holding Amit cradled in her two arms. Without letting him down, she changed over the hold to a front straddle carry. Rekha was now holding Amit facing her with her hands going under Amit's butt. Amit's face was now at the same level as Rekha's. The way she had jerked him up on her body, his legs went around her waist and wrapped around her. His arms were around Rekha's neck. Amit's upper body was pressed over Rekha's full breasts. Amit was practically sitting on Rekha's arms with his butt resting on her forearms, just above her stomach level.

Rekha looked straight into his eyes and said, "You know why I'm holding you like this now ? So that we can see eye to eye with each other. I have now lifted you to my height of 6 feet with my slippers on. I want you to feel this way whenever you are with me. That you are my equal in every way. In fact, that you are, and even more. You are superior to me in all other areas except height. My weight is obviously not a good quality to have. But because of my much bigger height and weight, I am much stronger than you. But height is one thing I was born with because of my genes. I can't take any credit for that. But whatever you have achieved in life, your education, professional achievements, success in your career, your social standing, are all because of your own calibre and hard work. And there you are much bigger than me. My being taller and stronger than you is insignificant in comparison. That is what I'm going to show about you to my family and friends."

Amit was impressed with Rekha's logical way of expressing her thoughts. Now practically having surrendered himself to Rekha's strength and control, he was all the more convinced that this is most certainly the woman he had imagined to have for himself for the rest of his life.

Rekha was looking intently at Amit whose face was now right in front of hers and said, "Of-course, you yourself might be having problems standing beside this giantess in front of your family and friends and introducing me as your girlfriend or partner. That is solely your discretion."

Amit smiled, "Yes dear, you are a problem for me alright. The problem is you are too big for me to handle." Rekha's face fell. Amit continued, "But come to think of it, why should I bother handling you ? If you become my partner, it becomes your cardinal duty to handle me. Which as I can see is no problem for you. As of now I'm feeling totally weightless floating around the room in your strong arms. I have totally surrendered myself to you and you are only controlling my body movements since the time we came into this room. So why should I worry about handling you? When you are there, you will handle me." Rekha's face again lit up with a bright smile.

Amit continued, "And I will not just introduce you to my family and friends, I will make a presentation of you, as the Trophy I have won. Who could have imagined that a small 5'3" guy like me can boast of capturing the heart of an almost six-footer tall gorgeous lady. And a lady who has an ample combination of Beauty with Brain and Brawn. To top it all, she is a successful entrepreneur. People will burn with envy when they see you walking beside me as my personal possession."

Rekha was so happy she squeezed Amit in her two hands into her body. She put one hand behind Amit's head and pressed his face deep inside the crook of his neck and held him there. Amit was lost inside her embrace with his face buried inside Rekha's wide neck, touching her soft and cold interiors of the neck. He felt a heavenly sensation being carried in the arms of this amazing amazon. He just couldn't believe what has transpired just now. This gorgeous 5'11" - 90 kgs dream woman wants him, yes him, the 5'3" - 63 kgs small guy, as her life partner.

For a moment he was confused. Was all this really happening ? Or he will suddenly wake up and realise that all this was just a dream ?

"But I have a condition." Amit, with his face buried inside Rekha's neck, could hear her voice. So this was not a dream. Whatever was the condition, Amit was glad that this was really happening to him. Amit raised his face out of Rekha's neck and looked at her.

Rekha was looking at him with expectant eyes. Amit asked, "What condition?"

Rekha smiled, "I will not leave my house here in Lonavla. You will have to come and live with me here."

Amit replied, "That shouldn't be a problem. Mumbai is not too far from here. And besides I do a lot of travelling. But, wouldn't that be a problem for your daughter, if I come to live with you here ?"

Rekha thought for a bit, "Don't think so. I feel that she likes you already. Anyways, I'll find out from her. Now let's go and check with those young ones. Otherwise my daughter Hardika and your young friend Sarvesh will start thinking that we are up to something naughty."

Rekha started walking towards the door with Amit still in her arms. Amit said, "Will you not let me down today from your beautiful body ?"

Rekha smiled mischievously, "I will, if you give me a kiss."

Amit also smiled, "Did you ask my permission when you picked me up in your arms or forced me to sit on your lap ? So, why now?"

Rekha looked at Amit with a naughty smile, "You didn't yet tell me but I now know why you did not find a girl of your choice. You wanted somebody like me who can dominate you, possibly physically. That is why rather than resisting me or feeling embarrassed, I think you are quite enjoying this joy ride in my arms and lap. And now you want me to kiss you forcefully. But that won't happen mister. To show that you truly want me, you have to kiss me yourself. Otherwise I'll feel that I'm forcing myself upon you."

Amit took hold of Rekha's face in both his hands and pressed down his lips on hers. Rekha holding Amit up in her arms squeezed him to her big full breasts.

To an outsider it would be an odd sight. A huge woman of 44 years and of 90 kgs and 6 feet tall with her bedroom slippers on, carrying a full grown adult man of 50 years of 5'3" and 63 kgs in her arms. She is holding him up pressed on her big breasts, sitting on her steong arms with his legs wrapped around her waist and his arms around her neck. He looked like a small boy being hugged by his mother carrying him straddling on her breasts. The huge Rekha had completely covered the small Amit in her two huge arms and he was almost fully hidden between her big breasts and massive arms.

But this odd couple was lost in each other enjoying their kiss. For them it was pure bliss as if they belonged to one another, notwithstanding their major difference in size or their role reversal.

( To be continued ...)