Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 4 in English Fiction Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 4

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Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 4

Why should we circumambulate the peepal tree?


The peepal tree is worshipped by the Hindus. It is found outside every temple. Idols of nagas, bhootas and navagrahas (nine planets) are consecrated beneath the tree. Nobody returns from a temple without circumambulating (doing pradakshine) the peepal tree. Astrologers too recommend circumambulating the peepal tree every day, to abate doshas (flaws, unfavourable conditions). Childless couples are also advised to do pradakshine. This practice is not just a religious belief, it is also scientifically significant.


Peepal tree is a very special tree in the plant kingdom. This tree gives out many times more oxygen compared to other trees. For this reason, elders planted these trees in every town. They gave the tree a sacred identity and conducted many rituals with devotion in order to protect it. One single tree keeps the air clean in a village having ten to twenty houses. This tree also destroys the worms and insects in the air around it.


When circumambulating the peepal tree, we can breathe good quality air. In these days, when getting good quality air is difficult, sitting under a peepal tree for a while will undoubtedly be beneficial. The reason for telling childless couples to do pradakshine around the peepal tree is to enable the couple to get good quality air and to exercise, which in turn will improve their general health and stimulate reproductive organs. Some of those who are obese can succeed in conceiving as circumambulating the tree daily them reduce flab.


Why is Shanti Shanti Shanti uttered thrice?


Usually, people say Shanti Shanti Shanti three times at the end of all mantras. What is Shanti (peace)? It is all that which takes shape as per our desire. It is with the wish that we find shanti from all problems, difficulties and obstacles that we utter Om Shanti Shanti Shanti three times after chanting the mantras that praise God. Is it not enough to say shanti once? Why say it three times?


These words uttered three times represent different kinds of shanti. One is the shanti from mental and physical difficulties. Second is the shanti from disturbances caused by enemies, planets, stars etc. Third is the shanti from the adversities or from the unimaginable problems we face in life. With the intention of obtaining shanti from these three kinds of difficulties, it is said that we say shanti three times.


Elders think that the problems of man have three roots- adidaivika, adibhautika and adhyatmika. Adidaivika: Natural obstacles that are impossible to control by man; circumstances like starting out to write an exam and not reaching school on time because of untimely rain. Adibhautika problems include deterrence from unexpected physical and mental problems, accidents, fights, quarrels, thefts etc. Adhyatmika problems are related to our atma and body. We face difficulties in accordance to the bad activities done in the previous birth of the atma. (That science has not accepted the reality of atma is a different matter). To get shanti from all three kind of problems, Om Shanti is chanted thrice.


Why are temples built at elevated places?


Nowadays, temples are built at any available place. In cities, temples rise up even on the footpath. But if we see ancient temples, they are constructed on hills or on elevated places. There are many reasons for this.


The first reason is that devotees coming for God's darshan should climb the hill, which is a difficult task. This makes people understand that reaching God is not easy. Climbing up to an elevated place is a form of exercise to the body. After reaching the elevated area, we get to breathe clean air. When we sit inside the temple, we are able to focus and meditate on God. The only way to please God is to meditate upon him with a pure mind. Isn't an elevated place ideal for keeping away thoughts of all worldly affairs and meditating?


Ancient temples used to have a lot of wealth. This attracted enemies. But the fear of enemies in an elevated place is less. In case of an attack, the guards could easily beat the enemy from their elevated position. It is dangerous to be in a low lying area. That is why even the forts were built at elevated places in the olden days.


In the olden days, temples were not just a place of God, of worship. They were shelters to people during distress situations like floods and inundation. It is not possible for a temple on a hill to be flooded. Over and above all this, isn't God's place itself an exalted one?


Therefore God should be positioned on a hill.