Are we destined to be together? - Part12 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part12

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Are we destined to be together? - Part12

Amy's pov:
Bus is waiting for us to pick up... We guys took all of us luggage and get it arrange in bus.... We started our tour journey... In bus, there is lot of fun with song and dance.. From bus, we have to change train... We reached Railway were alloted in group for us...Harry and kiren used to allot a respective seat for us... We reached railway station by 5pm .. Train is arriving at 7pm...when we guys are waiting for train... Harry called everyone and said their seat except mine... I too waited to know but he didn't say to me alone... I too didn't ask him But He messaged seat number in social media groups
In train, I and maya started playing cards.. With us after two rounds of playing, kiren too joined... After 2 round.. Harry was passing by that way... He said he is too willing to join... With him, Jessie too joined...I feel little uncomfortable there.. But what to do... I have be there... I tried myself not to show my uncomfortability... But my goodness.... We found ttr is coming.. Since card aren't allowed by some ttr ( From my classmates experience) we stopped playing and went to sleep...
If I show feeling uncomfortable.. Harry will do this hurt to me.. I should stay without being uncomfortable... Next day, my staffs, kiren were starting to play cards.. When maya and myself came by this way just stopped our way and joined there... Harry also joined with us.... We started playing songs while playing cards... Songs are played from my mobile.. Harry is one handling songs. ..If I don't like song..Harry would understand my sight and just change songs...It is really long journey we are moving from South India to North really went good..Night, Temperature went 8 degree.. I was new to this temperature... I can't even breath properly... I wore my jerking, sweater, woollen cap, socks and gloves... Even now I feel so cold... I started walking here and there... I used vicks and herbal oils..We can't close window too... My classmates suggest me to go to upper berth..may be you can feel better...Maya was in upper berth.. She went to lower berth..I went there.. I felt little better there...Next to me that is upper berth in next compartment was Harry.. He was sleeping..By 5am, vendors started selling tea/coffee... My classmate woke me to have tea as it help me to be warm... By this sound Harry woke up.. He asked me.. What happened.. I replied vendor came selling tea... Do you need tea shall call him... Again He asked... No...I meant..Where is Maya.. Before he is completing his question. I replied Maya is in lower berth.. Do you want to talk to her.. Shall I call?... He replied with little annoying that Nothing... Just sleep.. I was back to my sleeping position.. I know he was trying to ask What happened to me.... But I wasn't mood to reply.. I was little anger at him...
Next day... Morning... I came normal..But my voice went off...Harry asked to staff What happened to me.. Staff too said Nothing she was fine... We packed things to get down from train.. When reached place... We went to hotel room by bus..After refreshing we went for restaurant to have our morning breakfast.. By this time we have small games.. Harry too joined.. Every one was teasing me as trying to talk even when voice is not coming... Harry teased me.. Your heart is went off like your voice is went off... I was little shocked by his words.. What does he meant... He meant that I was hurt.. Because he got committed with Jessie... Or he is saying I had fallen for him..My heart isn't in mine control...or he is saying just to I am going to lose game... I don't know... But I just smiled for his words alone...
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