Are we destined to be together? - Part10 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part10

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Are we destined to be together? - Part10

Amy's Pov:
This period of time is hardest part.. Seeing your loved ones with someone is very hard.. I think so... Even though Harry got committed.. His care is same... From this what should I learn.. I doesn't know... Care Harry is showing me is not because of love.. Or he didn't show me care itself.. I know very well that care can be showered by many that is mother, father, friend, brother and sister...But I did feel like he thought me as sister / Friend..
When I came in class from library, I found my chair is lost.. I am searching it.. Harry and Jessie is too watching me..Harry said Here is your.. She took it.. Get it from her.. Is he saying single or double meaning I doesn't know.. But I didn't get it from her and left it.. Even it is mine I doesn't like to snatch it from anyone..
Goodnews.. That semester is going to start so I will get break from my class for sometimes.. With this exams, second year is going to end. . One year is more is cross this college..
I doesn't know one thing... I have heard that God provide us things without which we can't live... Not with things which makes our life better... I realised without Harry there is no love in my life.. But now Harry is not mine... Why did God made me realise it.. When he is not mine... During the semester even though I didn't see Harry❤.. My thoughts runs only around Harry..One day I can be know that Jessie is still in contact with Vinay..they are talking every night 12 - 5.. I got this news from schoolmates, since vinay is my old schoolmate... I doesn't want to know more about it... I felt something wrong, I doesn't want to know or think more about it.. As I don't like her I think my thoughts are wrong... This our last exam, in call Kiren asked to teach lesson I too taught.. Kiren is with Harry too...Next day, before exam Harry is pretend that He didn't learn for exam to.. Since it is difficult Some one teach me Or help me... I didn't react to it anymore and went from there..
After coming from hall, I came to know that Jessie is absent for exam.. She doesn't know today there is exam.. and Harry too doesn't know she is absent.. I doesn't know how can someone be irresponsible without knowing exam date.. Orelse she is absent because of any misunderstanding between Harry and Jessie... I can't understand this.. Better not to think about it anymore... With this exam,This second year also completed... This 1 month period I decided not to think about Harry.. But wherever I go whoever I met whatever incidents happens, End of day Harry is only in mind.. His memories are chasing me everywhere... Even though I got disconnected in social media to forget him.. Nothing can make me forgot him.. I decided to make me busy thus I don't get time to think about anything.. I studied day and night.. I studied lot of craft works... Even though I made myself busy, Harry's thought comes to my mind at least 1 - 5 minutes per hour... His birthday is nearing.. I can't wish him.. I have no right to wish him too... His birthday arrived..I got severe fever, when test I can to know that I was suffering from typhoid.. College I reopened I didn't go.. Because of typhoid... After my recovery I came to college, I came to know that college tour is arranged.. Omg.. How will I go.. I can't..
Will amy go to tour?.. What do you guys think of this part.. Good or bad.. Provide me your reviews..