Lonavla Trip in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Lonavla Trip - 1

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Lonavla Trip - 1

Lonavla Trip - 1

Sarvesh is on a business trip to Lonavla. He has his own Digital Marketing business in Mumbai. He is quite a young guy of 23 years of age. Sarvesh is basically a fitness freak. Although he is not so tall, just about 5 feet in height, but he is a regular gym enthusiast. He has already built up a good muscular body. His 65 kgs figure does not have an iota of fat, just well toned muscle.

He has hired a car from his residence. The car hire company suggested that they have another passenger for the same destination and whether Sarvesh has any objections in sharing the trip with him. They do not have any other car free at present. Sarvesh doesn't object.

So they pick up the gentleman Amit on the way. Amit is a Corporate Trainer, 50, living alone in Mumbai. He is also on a business trip to Lonavla to conduct a training session on HR related matters to a Corporate client's Administration department team members.

In the car Amit and Sarvesh get the introduction done and strike up a conversation on the present economic situation of the country. Just after leaving the suburbs of Mumbai and into the Express Highway, they spot a lady frantically waving for them to stop. The lady seemed to be in a spot of trouble. There's a car parked on the side, where the driver was bending over the open bonnet trying to repair the car. Since the lady looked respectable enough, Sarvesh and Amit ask the driver to stop the car.

Both of them got out of their car and walked towards the parked car. The lady came forward to meet them. "Hi I'm Rekha. Our car is having some problems with the gearbox. The driver is trying hard but it seems he will not be able to repair it himself and will have to call some mechanic. But we are in such a location there's no service centres nearby. May I request you for a lift till Lonavla ?"

The first thing Sarvesh and Amit noticed when Rekha approached them was her size. She was a very tall woman in her forties and equally big in size, possibly around 90 kgs or more. Amit guessed by comparing where his head reached the lady's body, that she should be about 5'11". He thought that the lady might be wearing 3"-4" heels. But he saw that she was wearing total flats, possibly just quarter of an inch thick, if at all. She didn't look fat, possibly because of her magnificent height, but had a solid, big boned, well proportioned figure. Both Sarvesh and Amit stood awestruck looking up at her huge size especially in comparison to both of them. Amit, by the way, was also a small man at 5'3" height and just 63 kgs in weight. Sarvesh was even shorter at 5 feet only.

The lady stood towering over the two small men expectantly waiting for a favourable response. The men were for a brief moment not able to respond and stood mesmerised by the height of the huge woman standing right in front of them.

Amit looked at Sarvesh as if to confer whether it was safe to take an unknown lady with them in the car. That too a lady who was double their size. Nowadays it's difficult to ascertain the character and genuinity of a person just because he or she is well dressed. Amit was thinking of a way to ask for any identity proof of the lady without sounding rude.

The lady perhaps comprehended the dilemma going on in the minds of these two gentlemen. She smiled and said, "I know you are doubting whether I am a good person. Well what I can do is, I can give you these." She opened her purse and took out her Aadhar card and Pan card and handed them over to Amit.

Amit glanced at the cards and passed them on to Sarvesh. She was a resident of Bandra in Mumbai. Age as per cards showed 44 years. Sarvesh handed back the cards to the lady. The lady said, "If you want, you can keep one of these cards as a security. You can return it to me once we reach Lonavla."

Amit replied, "No, no, that's not required. You can come with us. There will be space for one person in the car. You can get your bags and come with us."

The lady replied, "Thank you Sir. But I have my daughter also with me. She's sitting in the car, fiddling with her mobile. You know these young girls…always on their phone.." She went back to their car to call her daughter.

When her daughter came out and stood along with them, Sarvesh's eyes were popping out. Tall, nice figure, beautiful …wearing a loose fitting T-shirt, Bermudas and a pair of pink coloured sneakers. She extended her long well shaped hand, "Hardika," she just gives her name with a sweet smile.

Sarvesh was the first to react. He took her hands and said, "I'm Sarvesh." Both the men saw that Sarvesh's palm looked so tiny and vanished completely inside the big hand of Hardika. The 5 feet young man looked like a small boy shaking hands with his tall school teacher. He just came barely up to the teenage girl's shoulder.

The girl next offered her hand to the older gentleman, Amit. He took her hand in his. Or rather I should say, the tall girl took the short older man's hand inside hers. Amit commented, "Hi my lovely young lady, I'm Amit. I must compliment you dear for your beautiful height. How tall are you beta? "

The girl smiled and said, "Ohh thank you uncle! I'm 5'8", still 3 inches to catch up with my Mom." She looked at her mother, smiling. Her mother smiled back at her and patted her shoulders lovingly.

Amit looked at Rekha and said, "You've got a very smart girl, Rekhaji. I complimented her for her height and she cleverly reminded me that I didn't compliment her mother. She even told us your height. My compliments to you for your magnificent height and for your beautiful, intelligent daughter." All of them laughed together.

Rekha said, "Thank you Amitji. You are a smart talker as well."

Amit laughed and said, "Come Madam, let's get into the car, we can exchange compliments during our journey." Round of laughter again.

The ladies went back to get their luggage and pay off the driver. Amit and Sarvesh exchanged glances. Amit said, "I'll sit in the front, you sit in the back and enjoy your ride with the tall ladies."

Sarvesh said, "But how will we fit in. The car is a 4-seater. 3 people cannot sit in the back seat comfortably."

Amit said, "Yes that's a problem."

Sarvesh suggested, "There is a solution Amitji. Let the ladies sit on the back seat. I'll take you on my lap and sit in the front seat."

Amit protested, "How's that possible, I'm definitely taller than you. How can I sit on your lap ?"

Sarvesh explained, "See, you may be slightly taller than me, but I'm younger, heavier and stronger than you. So you can't take me on your lap, but I can take you."

While they were busy discussing the seating arrangement, the men didn't notice that Rekha and Hardika had come with their bags and were standing behind them, listening to their conversation.

Rekha butted in, "I'm sorry that we are putting you to such inconvenience. But I think Sarvesh's suggestion is better. Let him take Amitji on his lap. He looks like a muscular lad."

That settled, Sarvesh went and opened the dicky of the car to put the ladies' luggages inside. But problem again…With Amit and Sarvesh's bags already in the dicky, there was space for just one more bag. But the two ladies had three bags with them. So one was put in the dicky, with two more still left to go inside the car.

Amit suggested, "Let these two bags be kept on the front seat. There's no other option. Then let's see how four of us can adjust in the back seat."

Once the two bags were kept on the front seat, Rekha suggested, "Let the earlier plan be adhered to and replicated for the ladies also. Didn't understand? Let Amitji sit on Sarvesh's lap and I'll take Hardika on my lap."

So first Sarvesh sits on one side of the back seat. Rekha sits beside him. Rekha being of a much bigger size, she takes almost two-thirds of the seat. Then Amit gets in the car and sits on Sarvesh's lap. Rekha and Hardika look on with an amused smile on their lips, seeing the older man sitting on the young man's lap. Amit smiles awkwardly and asks, "Are you ok Sarvesh or am I crushing you ?"

Sarvesh sounded confident, "What are you saying uncle ? I'm perfectly alright. You are not heavy at all."

Amit joked, "Arey wah! Godi mey bithakey uncle bana liya ? Wah Beta!" Sarvesh laughed, the ladies too.

Now Hardika comes in from the door where her mother is sitting. Problem…problem again… since Rekha is 5'11" tall her legs are almost touching the front seat. Now when Hardika with her 5'8" height is sitting on her mother's lap, Hardika's knees have to be kept at a very wide angle. And even then her knees are digging into the front seat. The other problem is more severe. Hardika cannot keep her head straight, but has to bend her head awkwardly forward. Her head is touching the roof of the car, sitting on the fat thighs of her mother. She just couldn't sit at all, but had to get out of the car immediately.

Hardika is very upset. "Mummy, let me try and find a way of returning back to Mumbai. I can't go like this bending my head and with my knees stuck at an odd angle for all this distance."

Her mother tried to console her, "How will we get a car back now, that not possible. Wait, let me see. We can readjust the seating arrangement."

She addressed Amit, "Sir you can only help us out of this. May I request you to come and sit on my lap. You are quite short, so your knees or your head, none will get stuck. Please Amitji."

Amit was in a fix now. Sitting on Sarvesh's lap, he protested, "Please understand Rekhaji, how can I sit on your lap? I'm a 50 year old fully grown up man, and you are a 44 year old lady. How can I sit on your lap ?"

Rekha insisted on, "Please Amitji, if not for me, for the girl's sake. You heard what she said, she wants to go back. This girl is crazy, she'll catch a bus and go back alone. What's your problem Sir, so what if you are a grown up man and I'm a woman? I'm much bigger and taller than you. Don't feel ashamed, please come and sit on my lap. Please Sir."

If this is the approach, how can a gentleman like Amit refuse a lady ? Amit gets up from Sarvesh's lap and shifts to the side to sit on Rekha's lap. He sits awkwardly, straddling Rekha's thighs with his legs on either side. Her thighs are so thick and her legs are so long, Amit's legs are dangling about 6 inches from the car floor.

Rekha smiles and says, "Thank you Amitji ! Now Hardika, beta you go and sit on Sarvesh bhaiya's lap. Don't just stand there. See everybody is adjusting. Even uncle has agreed to sit on my lap, just for you. Please understand, they are too much of a gentleman to tolerate all our tantrums. We are in fact inconveniencing them by piling onto their car. So we should infact adjust more. Come from the other door and get inside. Let's start. We have delayed them enough already."

The long lecture of her mother worked. Hardika came from the other door and got into the car and sat on Sarvesh's lap.

Bang ! Hardika's head hit the roof again. This girl is so tall ! She muttered under her breath and jumps out of the car at once. Now, all of them wait for another outburst from Hardika. Rekha was guiding everybody till now. She also did not react this time.

Hardika did react. She looked at Sarvesh and said, "Sarvesh, now you come out of the car. Let me sit first and you sit on my lap. You are so tiny, you will not even reach my head sitting on my lap. No question of hitting the roof of the car. Come out." She was actually ordering Sarvesh.

Sarvesh looked helplessly at Amit and Rekha. He meekly said, "How can she take me on her lap? I'm a bodybuilder, she'll not be able to take my weight. It's still a long way to go."

Hardika was in full form, "There's no other option Mr Bodybuilder. We have tried all combinations. If this doesn't work, I'll take a bus or hitch a ride back home. So, please let me try you on my lap once."

Sarvesh was still hesitating. He possibly did not like the commanding tone of Hardika. Rekha looked at Sarvesh and said, "What's you problem Sarvesh ? Is it because Hardika is a girl and younger than you ? And you being a muscle-man are feeling embarrassed to sit on her lap? Ok, in that case, you can sit on my lap. I'm much older than you. Also you can see that I'm much heavier than you too. So, it won't be a problem for me to take you on my lap for the rest of the journey."

Sarvesh did not have an excuse now. But he was in a fix. He looked at Amit's face trying to say something with his eyes. Amit understood that given an option, Sarvesh would prefer sitting on Hardika's lap than Rekha's.

Amit said in a calm voice, "Sarvesh, I think you should sit on Hardika's lap. She had agreed against her wish to sit on your lap and she did sit. But that didn't work out, but she did try. So you should also be a sport and sit on her lap."

Sarvesh was thankful to Amit for getting his message which he wanted to convey. He being a young guy would not want to sit on the lap of a lady double his age, rejecting the offer from a young girl.

He sheepishly got out of the car and waited for Hardika to get in. Meanwhile Rekha patted Amit on his back; brought her face down to his ear and whispered, "You really are a great manager of people." Amit looked back at her behind him, sitting on her thick soft thighs. He just smiled looking up into her face, which she had brought down very close to his.

Hardika came into the car and sat down beside her mother. Sarvesh came in and sat on Hardika's lap without saying any word.

Amit asked the driver to start the car. Finally they were back again on the road to Lonavla.

Some minutes go by…there's an awkward silence in the car. Nobody is talking… The situation is a little awkward… The two men sitting on the laps of the two ladies. Amit feels that the ice has to be broken. He starts up a conversation…, "So Rekhaji, going on a holiday trip or work ?"

Rekha replies, "Firstly Sir, please do not be so formal, I'm younger than you, please call me Rekha".

Amit smiles, "Ok I can do that. In that case, no Sir or Amitji from your side too. Now that we are friends, you address me by my name only. Then it will be easier to communicate."

Rekha smiles, "Agreed, but still you are older than me. I'll work out something on how to address you. Actually to answer your question, I'm basically from Mumbai, but I now live in Lonavla. I have a small business there. My daughter studies in Mumbai, she stays in a hostel there. I had gone to Mumbai for some work, so she has come back to spend a couple of days with me." She continued, "And you ? On a holiday or work ? By the way, I don't know how you two are related ? Father and son ? Uncle and nephew ? What ? But there's no similarity in your features, except your height …" Rekha looked quizzical.

Amit and Sarvesh looked at each other and laughed. Then Sarvesh said, "No Aunty...I think I can call you Aunty, na….In fact we have also only met today only… For this trip. We are both just sharing this car ride, going to our respective business meetings."

Rekha laughed, "Oh really ! What a coincidence. We all are meeting each other for the first time. But we are really grateful to both of you. If you had not given us the lift, we would be in great trouble. You know it's risky these days to travel with a young girl. Also with all these luggage. You have been our savior. Thank you so very much."

Amit said, "Please don't embarrass us more."

Rekha questioned smilingly, "What do you mean by embarrassing you more ? When did I embarrass you earlier ?"

Amit says, "Not you alone, both of you, mother and daughter."

This time Hardika spoke up, "What are you saying uncle ? What did we do?" She had a sad look on her face.

Amit laughed, "Arrey beta… I'm just joking… It's nothing serious… But you tell me, isn't this embarrassing for us two men, to be traveling on a long drive sitting on the laps of two gorgeous ladies."

Both the women laughed out loud. Then Rekha said, "No please… Don't feel embarrassed. You see, both of us are exceptionally tall. We did try to sit on you two gentlemen's lap, didn't we? At least my daughter did. But what to do ? You two are so small compared to us. So this is your punishment. You have to travel sitting on the women's laps today." Rekha was laughing, while the teenager Hardika giggled.

Amit said smiling, "What punishment ? I don't know about Sarvesh, but I'm not complaining. I got a very soft seat for myself."

Rekha laughed, "You naughty old man !" She said in mock anger.

Sarvesh said, "I also don't mind. But the only problem is that I'm heavier than this little girl...her legs might hurt".

Hardika, typical of the teenage girl that she was, gave a playful slap on Sarvesh's back.."Whom are you calling a little girl ? I am carrying the weight of a young muscular hunk on my lap. You are little to me. See, sitting on my lap, your legs are hanging six inches from the car floor. You are a little boy on this tall girl's lap." She made her point and laughed. "And mister, if you don't want my legs to hurt, you should sit back, so that your weight does not come on my knees only. Don't feel shy… You relax your body on this tall little girl. Then your weight will come on my whole body." She turned to Amit and said, "That goes for you too uncle. You also sit back on Mummy's lap and put your weight on her body and not on her knees. Don't feel shy. As it is, you look like a school boy on Mummy's tall body."

Both Amit and Sarvesh sat back and relaxed their bodies on the two tall women. Both were feeling shy to sit resting on the body of the ladies. But what can they do? The girl was correct, their weight was coming directly on the women's knees.

The ladies put their arms around the men's waist and rested their hands on the men's stomachs. The height difference for the men and the respective ladies on whom they were sitting was 8 full inches. So they really looked like small boys sitting on their mother's laps. Their heads barely reached the shoulders of the women.

Sarvesh, whose head was near the neck of the tall girl Hardika, asked, "So, which class do you go to Hardika?"

Hardika's initial awkwardness has worn off now. She smiled and said, "What exactly do you want to know Mr Bodybuilder ? My class or my age ? If you are thinking that you would want to act as a big brother, forget it. I'm 18, I'm in 1st year B.A. And I'm NOT going to call you Bhaiya." All three of them laughed loudly.

Rekha asked, "By the way, tell us something more about you."

Sarvesh replied, "I'm 23. I have my business in Digital Marketing. I'm now going for a business meeting with a client in Lonavla. I'm actually a gym enthusiast and a bodybuilder. Although I'm short, my 5 feet 65 kg body has all muscles and no fat."

It was Amit's turn, "I'm 50, I'm a Corporate Trainer. I'm now going on an official trip to Lonavala to conduct a training session on HR related matters to a Corporate client's Administration department team members. As far as my physical statistics are concerned, I am 5'3" in height and 63 kgs in weight. And I don't have solid muscles but a slight fat in my belly." The ladies laughed.

Hardika now interjected, "That means I'm 8 inches taller than the muscular hunk sitting on my lap. And Mummy is also 8 inches taller than the cute uncle sitting on her lap. And Mr Bodybuilder was bragging that he will hurt my legs. In fact, if I sat on him, I would hurt his legs, since I weigh 2 kgs more than him."

Sarvesh had to reply to this, "Ohh just 2 kgs. With your 5'8" height, 67 kgs is underweight."

"Not underweight Mr. Muscle-man. I am working out to get a slim figure. Actually I'm still going to reduce my weight further. But the fact is, I'm still heavier than you. And although you are 5 years older than me, you are actually being carried by a teenage girl on her lap." Hardika wasn't going to keep quiet.

Amit laughed and turned back to look at Rekha to see her reaction at the playful banter of the kids. Rekha spoke to Amit, "Amitji, are you having problems sitting on my lap?"

Amit replied, "No, no …no problem. Just sitting straight on your lap, I'm actually not able to see your face and I'm missing out on your reactions."

Rekha looked concerned, "Oh right. I did not think of this. Wait, I'll make you sit on one of my thighs. You are so small, my one thigh is enough for you to sit on. Let me hold you sideways. That way you'll be able to see my face." Rekha put her hands under Amit's armpits and literally lifted him up from her lap and placed him on one of her thighs, which was beside the door. She put one arm behind Amit's back and wrapped her long arm around his upper body. With her other arm, she pulled his thighs onto her lap. So now Amit was practically held on Rekha's lap cradled in her arms. His legs got extended towards Hardika and Sarvesh. Rekha quickly caught hold of Amit's legs and removed his shoes and kept them between her own feet on the floor of the car. Amit was now sitting sideways on Rekha's lap, with his face actually on Rekha's big, firm breasts. "Are you ok now? Can you see my face now ?" She asked Amit. He was so embarrassed at the way Rekha was holding him cradled on her lap, he just nodded in affirmation.

Hardika and Sarvesh were looking on. Hardika commented, "Mummy what are you doing with uncle ? You are handling him like he's your small boy."

Rekha smiled, "Not my small boy , but yes he is my small cute friend from now on."

Hardika winked at her mother, "You mean Mummy, your small cute boyfriend ?"

Rekha cast a glance at Amit and smiled, "Shut up you naughty girl. Kuchh bhi bol deti hai yeh ladki !"

Rekha addressed Amit, "Well, now that we are friends, can I invite you two for lunch today at my house ?"

Amit said, "Thanks Rekha, but I have to go to the Hotel Fariyas as soon as we reach. My training session starts from 12 noon. I'll have to take lunch with the team."

Rekha said, "Then come for dinner. You can't say no. You also Sarvesh. I'll give you my address and phone number. Come as early as you can. Our flat is quite close to Fariyas."

Amit said, "Yes, for dinner I can make an excuse with them. I'll definitely come."

Sarvesh said, "Yes, I think I can also hopefully come."

So Readers, let's meet for dinner at Rekha's flat in Chapter 2…..
Till then, take care and stay safe !!