Are we destined to be together? - Part9 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part9

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Are we destined to be together? - Part9

Amy's pov:
My Heart made my mind to believe words from Jessie are not from Harry... Even though mind believed decided to avoid both Harry and Jessie.. Avoiding Jessie is too hurtful for me.. I thought her as my changing it suddenly is difficult for me.... Jessie gossiped to all my classmates that Harry is avoiding me, I am disturbing him. This act made by Jessie irritate me to core.. This made me think that Jessie had never thought me as a friend.. Ignoring her is difficult for me.. But slowly I tried to avoid her..
I never messaged Harry afterthat.. Harry also didn't talk to Jessie from that.. Nearly 2 week crossed after that incident.. To ask a doubt in subject I messaged Harry... He didn't reply.. I called him and He started scolding me that why are keep on messaging me.. Even after ignoring " ... I replied that you said you haven't felt like that.. Harry replied ya.. I said but you are not going to believe my words right.. You will be believing other.. Right.. Stupid... You always wanted to win argument.. I replied that you don't have any right to talk like this.. Harry said I have.. On right which you are talking or scolding me..and don't talk to me here after After that both cut the call.. I called kiren said regarding the fight kiren said don't worry he will come and talk to you... But say me reason why do left your ego while talking to Harry.. You won't leave ego to even maya.. But why.. You left it for him... I replied after few second silent But here after.. I won't.. And said him bye and cut the call...
Next day morning, Harry was standing in path and not moving.. I waited for few seconds.. And then took second path and suddenly he told maya.. If they asked I would have moved.. Won't you guys won't ask... Maya smiled and moved with me...I need some of notes.. So, I asked to kiren.. When kiren was about to give.. He found Harry... Kiren asked Harry to give it.. Harry suddenly went to take notes... I left that place without getting notes from Harry..I started avoiding Harry from fight...
After few weeks that Harry and Jessie started talking in class.. Due to possessive nature.. I can't see.. I will be leaving class during leisure hours.. I won't atten special class... Hours I been in class became reduced...
Though I started avoiding ❤ for him never ended... Harry doesn't love me..I should forgot him.. But I can't...
After someday, most of class including maya and kiren were also going to symposium.. So, I too decide to put absent for class.. As I started hating college.. In night, one of Jessie 's relative in our class messaged me that you need to present tomorrow as you need to take seminar staff said to inform you.. After this message I need to go..Morning before going I came to know that Harry and Jessie got committed.. Without my knowledge my eyes got wet.. When I hear the news.. It is like lots of thunder falling on me.. Pain I face today can't be expressed by words.. But I should go and take my seminar.. I shouldn't show my pain.. Moment I been in college became hell..But I went to Seminar hall....Today's seminar should be taken by Myself and Harry.. I started my seminar but doesn't have a look at Harry or Jessie.. Harry started saying that my content is wrong started arguing with me.. I said mine is correct.. Both started arguing in class. . Staff tried to stop argument.. Staff just leave this.. Both of you guys are right in their own way.. After that, lunch every one left.. Myself and Harry are alone sat in class... Myself in my place Harry straight in front of me.. There is two bench between us.. We both have doesn't have any talk and looks are shared... I removed him from some of media.. Some of my account I have deactivated.. I doesn't want to have any contact with him.. I went off class.. After that most of hours are free.. Since most of them absent.. I went to library I didn't go to class.. Mostly I tried avoid both to avoid my break down... Lots of thought in haunted in my mind ...If Harry love someone.. I doesn't have right to ask him.. Who am I to ask him. .. We two weren't committed.. Harry didn't even proposed me... I don't know whether Harry loved me Or not.. I think so I misunderstood that Harry loved me.. Love for him is high.. But he is not mine.. I should make my heart understand it.. I think it will take a long period... I believe that if love is true.. It can be never changed..
Will Amy can erase her love for Harry..
Did Harry committed to Jessie is true...
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