Are we destined to be together? - Part8 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part8

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Are we destined to be together? - Part8

Amy's pov:
With lots of wound in heart❤.. I went to college, nextday. Harry was absent.. I sat alone.. I didn't talk to anyone.. Jessie came near me asked why are you upset.. I replied I am fine.. Jessie asked if I ask u something won't u take it wrong.. "No.. Just ask" I replied.. Even though Harry is ignoring you.. You keep on messaging him it seems.. He feels irritated by it.. Jessie said.. I have been already broken by his block.. Now Jessie's words broke me totally into million pieces.. I doesn't want her to know I am broken.. I replied No issue I won't talk to him.. But he would have said to myself itself.. No need a mediator.. And Say to him.. I won't talk to him anymore She said I will say.. Don't worry.. But he didn't asked me to say but I only thought to say you... But suddenly my mind doesn't want other to interfere in this matter.. I asked her.. Not to say anything to him.. I would handle it..
After college, I went to hostel room.. I looked myself.... That was longest night ever I felt.. That night I felt so alone.. I doesn't know to how to handle myself in this .. How would I forgot.. Is this all my imagination... Didn't he love ❤ him any time.. I have read that Eyes never lies.. But here.. Eyes lied or else I can't read his eyes... Connection I felt my heart is lie... I can't sleep... Million of thought in my mind..
Next day, Harry came to college he was asking maya for scale water bottle which ever I have... I just gave to maya and l left place.. He was like nothing happened.. I doesn't know what is happening here.. How is acting like nothing happened... Yesterday he said to Jessie that I am disturbing.. Today he asking me the things everything I have indirectly.. I even don't want to look at him.. But he making me look.. I can see him everywhere I go.. I tried my best to avoid him... Now, Heart started question mind... Didn't you believe harry.. Will harry do like this.. You need to ask this harry.. Even if you believe jessie I don't believe her.. I believe only Harry.. Heart made mind to message him at least once.. After that no need to talk to me... We are disconnected in only one media not in all other.. I messaged him that did you say that I am disturbing you a lot even after you ignorance.. He replied no I didn't say.. Who said that.. I want to know.. I replied I won't says.. Harry immediately called me.. Please tell who told you.. They just want to break the relationship between us.. I replied No, I won't say you.. He said I won't scold them I just want to avoid them.. Then I told him her name it is Jessie.. Ok fine and He cut call.. After sometimes Jessie called me and asked what did you say to harry.. I replied I just said what u said what happened know.. Jessie asked me.. Do you break our friendship.. U can't.. He like me only.. He doesn't like to talk u.. He didn't say to me like that.. But I felt like that.. And Jessie cut the call.. I called Harry.. I started to scold him.. He in relax tone.. And asked what did she say now.. I replied that.. You don't like my self messaging you.. I am sorry for disturbing you.. I won't talk to you anymore... Harry replied I didn't say anything.. And I cut call.. After call the I became little bit cool.. I felt sorry.. I shouldn't behave like this.. I shouldn't hurt him.. I shouldn't lost my patience like this. I scolded him...He didn't even scold back or didn't get anger.. Even though He didn't say like this.. Jessie play this role.. But I hurted harry... From that day I started avoiding Jessie to core...
Next day while walking some of classmates(girls, Jessie's relative in our class) are saying that nowadays people aren't believe friend's words and asking someone else.. I know they are talking about myself.. I doesn't want to interfere at it.. They are talking at my back... I shouldn't worry for it...
Did Jessie played role to separate harry and amy..
If it so What will she gain from it..
Even after this will amy and harry get unite..
Harry's love for amy's ended.. Harry just had infatuation on amy... We will see in upcoming chapter...
What do you think about it..write Review about the story.. Thank for everyone who reviewed on my past chapters..