Are we destined to be together? - Part6 in English Fiction Stories by Arshi books and stories PDF | Are we destined to be together? - Part6

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Are we destined to be together? - Part6

Amy's pov:
I have been falling for him.. Whenever I try to be away from him... Even when He asked about some girl I just thought to be away... But my heart still search for him.. I can't express it too... I doesn't know how to handle myself.. I am possesive too.. Mind ask me to be away but heart isn't obeying... I want him but my conscious won't allow me to say this to even my friends that I love him.. I am type of person who talk with very conscious to other that other should not find my emotions with my words.. I express my true emotions and hidden feeling during my sleep. If someone asked me question during my sleep I reply from heart which I don't even remember after my wake-up.. That's one of my fault..
One day I found Tina and Harry got connected in social media.. I messaged him due to my possesive nature that whether problem between Tina and You got solved as you two got connected in social media... Harry replied that if anyone got connected in social media it doesn't mean problem between is solved or they are friends.. After that Harry posted in social media that he is in state of drinking and smoking when saw this post my heart took over the control.. . I messaged him not to drink or smoke it is not good for health.. If your parents know about they will be feel sad for you.. What's your problems.. Nothing can be solved by these stuff.. He messaged me that I can't explain in chat just call me... I decided to call him.. But my mind took over control this time.. I am sorry to involve in your personal matter I just can't see my classmate getting spoiled because of loving someone.. He started saying that she hurting me a lot... I replied everything gets alright.. Don't drink or smoke... And conversation ended.. I was worried.. I didn't even study for my exam.
Next day, Harry and myself are in same hall.. I was suffering from fever I can't even write.. Harry is too watching me from his place he is too not writing exam...After sem exam has completed, Today result to be announced.. Morning as per our schedule we came fast.. I said I am sure gonna get arrear.. Harry said to his friend that He is too going to get arrear.. Same way both got arrear in sem examination.. This is first time both of us got arrear in examination.. Whole class and staff were to shocked because of results..
I doesn't know why I was worried.. Something wrong is going to happen... I was worried about Harry.. To make myself alright.. I went to church to pray for him.. Nextday morning he said he met with accident but he get little wounds but his mobile is completely broken...I doesn't know hoe I got connected to Harry by heart...Whenever Harry hurts me.. I got fever.. When ever he get into problem I can feel it by my heart.. I doesn't know how it was changed like this... There is also doubt are these are just coincidence I am just linking them all... Ongoing day I can find it...
A girl named Jessie joined our class she came here as transfer student.. She resembled like my schoolmates... Sonner we both become friends.. Jessie recently got breakup... She used to talk about her ex-boyfriend a lot
Is Harry and Amy got connected...
Amy can find Harry's problem..
Amy fill say her love for him.. Without ego...
Is jessie's true friend... Let see in upcoming chapters...
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