Love and Hope in English Poems by Pranay Raj books and stories PDF | Love and Hope

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Love and Hope

I think of you my love when the cold winds blow in the grey skies, the world covered in mist and dust, you are that drop of a vast ocean that drowned me in your love, I tried swimming by flapping my wings called arms but guess what, the tides and the waves pushed me afar, but pulled me closer towards you.

I'm not sure if I love you or I like you or I'm attracted to you but one thing I'm sure of is the world looks a little more beautiful, a lil more real and a lil more breath-taking when you're around, the sound of your voice seemed like the symphony of heaven, where angels sing, harps play and the sky glitters showers of raindrops that remind me of your eyes.

The moment your presence get closer, my veins begin to grow tight and my heart begins to drum hard, it's as if I've lost control over myself. I dont know whether it is love or not. I Hope it is. But a strange feeling crept in when I think of losing you, that broke and shattere my heart to bits and pieces.

Love was and is and will never be a feeling, coz feelings fade and memories shade, but as for me love is a person, a person real as life that though feelings fade and the memories faint, your presence stays forever perhaps not in the world but always in the depths of my heart.

I don't know why I'm being captivated by you, it's been years that I've gone onto the track called love, I tried it in the past but failed miserably and now a vicious sting of fear hits when I think of losing you.

I know I haven't put enough efforts yet, atleast to talk. But trust me every single time I make up scenarios to talk to you it seems so dramatic, cinematic and magical as if I'm in fairy tale. Magic drips like showers of rain in a scorching sun.

And the moment my name escapes your lips, believe me I'll be translated and transferred to a world of wonders and mysteries and ofcourse magic, whenever I hear the sound of my name escaping your lips it seem like star dust illuminating the night.

I still don't know if it's the charm on your face that drew me nigh or the spark in your eyes that drew me closer. Whatever it is. It's something beyond the natural, something divine and something so precious that the wealths of this world or the riches of the universe couldn't afford.

Sometimes I imagine how the world would look with you. Us sitting on the top of a building, with the smoky clouds enveloping the night, the still winds blowing your shiny hair, and a deep, enchanting and lovely silence covering us along with a symphony of love playing between us.

All I have now is nothing but love and hope, i guess it's love that drives me and hope that makes me stand still.