Eyes Of Darkness - 1 in English Horror Stories by Tiyamike Bwanali books and stories PDF | Eyes of darkness - 1

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Eyes of darkness - 1

I could hear scrms downstairs ,both my mom añd dad exchanging words and in seconds later i heard my mom cry and my father walking out .I felt a deep hole inside as i heard her weep .I was only 17 while my elder brother was 22 .We both grew up in an environment of not enough care and love ...........


I woke up in the mornng to another fight and this time i could hear my dad packing his bags

"If u cant leave then im the one leaving""my father said in rage as he dragged the luggage downstairs

"We can talk about this and figure it out"my mom said in between sobs.

"The only solution is if we do what i told you lastnyt........."his tone changed to a cold voice and my mothers eyes where filled with tears again

"But he..." she stammered a little"what if i loose him forever"

"He will be fine "He gasped"besides we will be solving a bigger problem and getting rid of something ".And with those words my mom cried ,i went down the stairs to ask who was leaving because it had to be my brother , Craig. He was one person who drove my parents crazy over every little thing . as my mom saw me  she ran and hugged me 

"Where is your brother"my dad asked ignoring my crying mom 

"Dont bother im here"Craig said así he say on the couch and grabbed a bowl of crispys . call looked at mom who had calmed down now then at me with eyes of disgrace 

"Wayne your mother and i have something to say" he touched my shoulders then looked me in the eyes"its hard totake in But you willbefine " 

" jxt tell him his going away"Craig said with a little shriek ñ sarcasm in his voice ......my heartbeat rose and i had millions of questions to ask them

My mom was jxt sitted with herhands on her hair and my brother not getting bothered .I looked at my dad  and with tears in my eyes i said "why"......."yo will understand when you get their Wayne......i want you to not feel loved ,be. Brave" i wanted to hot his chest and walk out But i had to pretende to hide my actual feelings......"just tell me ,why are you sending me away? Why not Craig? " .....my father looked worried now , he knew i was not gonna leave not even for a few weeks..

" Wayne ....i wish i could tell you ,i wish i could just even show you But thats against the chronnicle" my mom said as shewiped away her tears .............. Then she continúes" just go where your father will take you and when all this is over you will be back"

"Im leaving today...." i said.              "Yes.." dad said coldly. " dont bother packing its already settled"