A Night On Wheels in English Moral Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | A Night On Wheels

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A Night On Wheels

Ved Vyas

The dream that had just reached my eyelids vanished when I heard a peculiar noise at 12 a.m., while everyone else was deep sleeping. When the vase near me tumbled over, I couldn't tell whose voice it was. I became terrified and asked, "Who's there?" in a terrified tone. However, I did not receive a response. On my brow, a cold sweat was building.

In that huge, opulent home, no one was there to assist me. Mom and Dad were in town for a wedding. This was the first time I'd ever been in a scenario like this.

I was shaking with terror when I heard hissing sounds that sounded something like this: "I wiiiillllll killllll youuuu!" I had the impression that Voldemort's spirit had arrived at my home to pursue me. It's OK, Yash, you've read the Harry Potter books and are therefore hearing odd voices," I reasoned. This notion gave me a glimmer of hope, and the voices were silenced as well. And then I went back to sleep.

“I'll murder youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” I heard again, and this time it was a distinct voice from someone near to me. I had the impression that the devil was standing next to my pillow. I awoke and sat on my bed, asking again, "Who's there?" There was no response once more. But I wasn't going to ignore it this time. There was a dilemma, and I, too, wanted to solve the puzzle.

I shook my hands and knees as I reached for the doorknob. I was unlocked to a terrifying scene after twisting the handle. A man with a skull on his head. 

I awoke unexpectedly. I was exhausted after a long travel. I was travelling by train late at night and fell asleep owing to exhaustion, having a nightmare.

Hello, my name is Yash, and I recently travelled to Hyderabad for an interview.I was just interviewed for the position of General Manager at Google.Google's headquarters are in Hyderabad, as you may know.

I was constantly annoyed by the train's loudness and sideways movement. I had to take the General Train this time. I typically order a compartment with air conditioning, but this time...

I was startled to hear the words, "I'm going to kill you..." I was terrified. My palms start to sweat. When I glanced around, there was a man about 7-8 seats back, and I assumed he was yelling at his wife or something.

I'm not a big fan of being pulled into social situations. Isn't it the case for all of us? We prefer not to be drawn into social situations. We argue that they should be left to their own devices and that there is no reason to become involved. Furthermore, we never know if that lady had just made a mistake.

I was looking at signs and waited for Gujarat to arrive. Mumbai had passed me by. After all, it was Winter... I could smell the Bhel & Vada Pav and feel the cool rod of the train's window...

The man was always yelling. When I turned around, he was holding a knife. I was a coward; I detested such things; I despise(hate) people; I despise being social. But now that person has gone too far.

I rose to my feet and urged him to put the knife away and to stop his nonsense.

I said, "If you don't stop in this public location, I'll contact the cops."

His eyes were crimson when he saw me. He was clearly inebriated(drunk).

"If you get lost, I won't murder you," says the man.

"Hello Mister," I said, "please stop yourself; I don't want to injure you either."

Although I was the most cowardly person on the train a minute ago, that guy was dishonoring a woman.

"Do you know who this person is, Mam?" I asked.

"No, he just boarded and is threatening me, and he wants me to give my number to him," she explained.

The woman was in her late twenties or early thirties. When I learned the person was preparing to stab that lady, I immediately intervened. The man was so enraged that he slammed his elbow into my face. I was knocked out. My nose was swollen and throbbing. My head was dead silent. Everything was getting a little hazy.


"Ha, would you give your number or will someone weak come back to stop me?" the guy asked the woman. "Ha Ha Ha"


If not now, I've concluded that every drinker will treat an Indian woman with contempt. I got up and pounded(punched) him with all my power; he grew disoriented, and he'd had enough.



A blood flowed from his mouth. He appeared enraged, and with a furious expression on his face, he dashed towards me, a knife poised to stab me.

I wasn't prepared. I felt I was going to die at that point. He was getting close, so I tried to kick but missed, then I tried again, even though the space between us was just a few millimeters, and this time it worked, the guy was knocked out as the kick hit his skull. I swiftly drew the woman to my side and handed her a bottle of water and a packet of cookies.

I was questioning about what was going on and guy suddenly sprang up and lunged at me with a knife.

It was enough now, so I rose up and struck the guy again. I kicked him and he collapsed near his baggage after a few minutes of battling. He slid open the chain and pulled out a shotgun. I'm terrified now. I grabbed the lady and seated her in a seat beside me.

The train abruptly came to a halt. I believe it was a railroad station in a hamlet(village). Fortunately, the women had screamed. The officers at the station heard the woman and came over, shooting at the guy's legs as he was about to pull the trigger. He went down, but he did shoot, and I was hit in the leg. I was feeling a little uneasy.

That train's waggon had transformed into a Blood Wagon in a matter of minutes. I was in the hospital when I regained consciousness. I was being woken up by a nurse...

"Sir, get up, Sir, what is your blood group? We need blood and we don't have time for a blood test," she said.

My mouth was dry, and I couldn't say anything.

"O-. My blood group is O-," I mumbled.

"We need O- ASAP," the nurse said.

When a compounder arrived, he informed me that O- blood was not present. What can you expect in a village?

The nurse had to go. Through the hospital's hazy glass, I could see bustle. In the corridor, I could see people fleeing. They were dialing a phone number. Nurse came in slowly after around 10 to 15 minutes.

Nurse, "Sir, I'm sorry, but there isn't an O- blood bank." Everyone in Covid was fatigued. One hospital has it, but it is rather far away; it will take roughly two hours to go there, and you will only be able to stay for 30 minutes. The bullet poison is spreading. We require additional blood in order to begin dialysis."

I was leaving the hope of living when I noticed that woman waiting outside. When she came inside, I was relieved to learn that she was fine.

"Thank you very much for saving my life," she murmured as she entered. I was completely unknown to you, but you saved my life. I'm speechless. I'm going out to pray to Vishnu for your salvation."

I was dozing and just had about 5 minutes to see my Beloved Grandparents. A couple police officers appeared out of nowhere, opened the door, and stood there. A man in a black shirt and black pants entered. He was saluted by the police officer.

Before I could comprehend, the man in the black shirt placed an order. I was given anesthesia by a group of male nurses who arrived with a blood bank. I retired to my bed.

I awoke after roughly one hour. I was told that I would have died if those individuals hadn't brought blood in time.

After a few moments, the same person in the black shirt appeared and said, "Hello, Yash." My name is Vasudev Shastri. Mr. Yash, you have assisted us in saving the lives of 7,27,36,247 innocent people "

He told everyone to get out of my hospital room. "I work at India's External Intelligence Agency, the Research And Analysis Wing," he added “RAW”. You did an excellent job. He was a mastermind, and the guy you fought is now in captivity. Zaid is his name."

"Sir, I was returning with a Google job in my bag," I explained. "I'm not interested in joining... 

“Why were you capturing him?" I inquired.

"We had been looking for a home for a long time," He was a member of the Kashmir Militant group, and he was dispatched on a suicide mission after successfully entering through POK. He was claimed to have detonated a device. And after more investigation, we discovered that he was intending to blow up the entire state of Gujarat. I hope you recover quickly, but keep in mind that you must not reveal any of this information.

I was entirely recovered within a month. I received a letter. It was a little strange, because no one sends letters these days. It was from RAW when I opened it. They needed smart people because numerous Pakistani apps had hacked Indian phones and extracted information. They required someone with experience in IT and a working knowledge of computer science.

Without a doubt, I made the decision to dedicate the rest of my life to my country.

I APPLIED FOR RAW. After months of research and trial & error, RAW Atlas developed an app that can easily detect viruses and suspend data extraction if one is detected. 

As you can see, we have a lot of societal beliefs, such as don't aid anyone, don't give money to the needy, and so on. But there is one fact about which we should have no doubt: Bhagwan or GOD exists. I know Karma is REAL. 

You're all aware, 

अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।

उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्॥

Hindi translation:

यह मेरा है, वह पराया है, ऐसे छोटें विचार के व्यक्ति करते हैं।

उच्च चरित्र वाले लोग समस्त संसार को ही परिवार मानते हैं॥


As a result, that night changed my life and taught me a lot of valuable lessons...