Relationship between a bird and a farmer in English Short Stories by Jatin Tyagi books and stories PDF | Relationship between a Bird and Farmer

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Relationship between a Bird and Farmer


A farmer lived in a village. He had a small farm outside the village. Once, a few days after sowing the crop, a bird made a nest in his field.

After some time, the bird also laid two eggs there. Two small children came out of those eggs. They started living their life on that farm with great pleasure.

After a few months, it was time to harvest. All the farmers of the village started harvesting the crops of their fields. Now it was time for the bird and its children to leave the field and go to a new place.


One day the birds in the field heard the farmer saying that tomorrow I will ask my neighbor to harvest the crop and send him to the field. Hearing this, the children of the bird got upset. At that time the bird had gone somewhere. When she returned, the children told her about the farmer and said, “Mom, today is our last day here. We must have left here for another place in the night.”

The bird replied, "Not so soon, children. I don't think there will be harvesting in the field tomorrow."


What the bird said proved to be true. The next day the farmer's neighbor did not come to the field and the crop could not be harvested.

In the evening, the farmer came to the field, and seeing the field as it was, he started muttering that this neighbor had not come. I do this tomorrow I send it to a relative.


The children of the bird again listened to the farmer and got upset. When she told this to the bird, she said, "You guys don't worry. We don't have to go tonight. I don't think the farmer's relative will come."

Exactly this happened and the farmer's relative did not reach the field the next day. The children of the bird were surprised that everything that their mother said was going well.


The next evening when the farmer came to the field, seeing the same condition of the field, he started muttering that even after saying these people do not come for harvesting. Tomorrow I myself will come and start harvesting.

The children of the bird also listened to this talk of the farmer. When he told this to his mother, she said, "Children, the time has come to leave this farm. We will leave this farm tonight and go to another place."


Both the children were surprised that what is it this time, which mother is ready to leave the farm. When he asked, the bird said, "Children, the last two times the farmer was dependent on others for harvesting. He had shunned his work by telling others. But this time it is not so. This time he has taken this responsibility on his shoulders. So he must come."

The same night the bird and its young flew away from that field and went somewhere else.

Moral of the entire story:

There is nothing wrong with taking the help of others. But if you want to start the work on time and want it to be completed on time, then you have to take responsibility for that work yourself. Others also help those who help themselves.