Nanny - 3 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Nanny - 3

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Nanny - 3

( The readers are requested to read the first 2 chapters of "Nanny," to understand the continuity of this story so far …)


We first went to a helmet shop. I bought a helmet, a proper one with the chin guard and visor. I bought it as per her size. She smiled and said, "Now you are happy ? You have now hidden my face also."

I smiled too. "Nothing like that. I wanted your head to be protected". I knew from her laugh, she didn't buy my logic.

The other shoppings was nothing much to describe. She chose whatever utensils she wanted. Then we bought some groceries, veggies, frozen chicken and other food items. I had to buy big bags also to carry all these. We packed some lunch from a restaurant I generally take food from, so that we can eat in the comfort of our home.

On our return journey I was thinking that it really wasn't so embarrassing walking beside a much taller woman. People in the bazaar never really bothered to take notice of our height difference. I could also see quite a few scooters driven by ladies or young girls having men as pillion riders. They didn't seem to have any problems. So why was I fretting riding behind Latika ? Fortunately or unfortunately we didn't meet any of my office staff. I thought it would have been better if I met somebody, so that I could have introduced her. Then my fear of office rumours could have been broken. Of-course I did introduce her to the regular shops and stores from where I bought my household stuff or food. I carefully avoided mentioning any relation she had with me like cousin or friend or fiancee. But I did mention that she will now be coming to buy things for our house.

Our house was in such a locality which was newly developing. So the houses were few and far between. There were no immediate neighbours to us as such, as the two side plots were still vacant with just boundary walls. The frontal area was just an open field. Also since I had just moved into this locality only a few weeks back, the few households which were nearby did not get a chance to get friendly with me. For them, it wouldn't be any problem. Latika and I could decide on a relationship as the days progress. In fact we ourselves would be clearer which way we would want to take our relationship forward. It's too early as it is; she had only just come into my life.

Once we had kept the bags inside, I went to the bathroom to have my bath. In the meantime, Latika organised the things we bought. After my bath, Latika went in. It has already started to become hot, it's just the beginning of April only. I had this problem, in summers my favourite casual dress at home was loose cotton shorts and preferably bare-bodied. I couldn't wear anything like a t-shirt or ganjee / banyan or a vest, (by whichever name you call it), when I was at home. But since Latika had come to stay with me, I had to wear a light t-shirt over my shorts. Latika also dressed formally around me. She always wore a saree. She couldn't yet wear a nightie in front of me. I thought it quite strange, given the fact that at the slightest provocation, she picks me up in her arms straddling her body or cradles me up on her breasts like a baby.

I was thinking all this, while Latika was having her bath. She came out with a light cotton saree on. I looked at her smiling and told her what I was thinking just now. She laughed and said, "I didn't know that you were being formal with me by wearing your T-shirt. I don't mind if you remain bare bodied with only your shorts on. It's your house, you should remain free and casual as you wish. I thought you were more intent in hiding your small paunch." She poked at my stomach and joked.

I said, "Ok, I'll remain free. In that case, you also needn't be so formal around me. You can wear your nightie at home. There's nobody else around and no neighbours also within visible distance."

She said, "See, I'm used to wearing saree throughout the day. Till a few days back when I was working, I couldn't wear a nightie and do my nanny's duties looking after that invalid girl. I am used to my sarees. I don't feel so hot. I wear a nightie during bedtime only, which if you insist I can do from today."

She went and sat on her bed. I was sitting on my bed scrolling through my mobile phone. "Do you want to have your lunch now or a little later?" She asked.

I said, "As you please, whenever you want I can eat. I'm not so hungry yet. I'm full with those samosas we had in the market."

She said, "Yes, me too. Those samosas were good. Ok then, come to me."

I said, "What, come to you ? You are sitting comfortably there on your bed. Take some rest, you had to do a lot of shopping today and also had to drive for so long."

She said, "What is there in driving a scooter? I can drive for a longer distance and time." She was sitting on the side of her bed. Her legs were on the floor. She patted her thighs and said, "Come here, sit on my lap."

There was a gap of about six feet between the two single beds placed in the centre of the room. Uptil now, she had only picked me up in her arms or lap on her own. I had not yet taken the initiative in sitting on her lap. So I was hesitant.

"What happened ? You won't come ? Do you want me to come and get you ?" I found a little seriousness in her tone. "Tell me what is wrong with you ? From the time I had insisted on riding the scooter, you seem to behave differently. How is this hurting your ego suddenly ?"

I also didn't know what was wrong. But I didn't want to stretch it too far. This may strain our relationship. I decided to go and sit on her lap myself. But before I could get up, she came over to my bed. She caught me below my armpits and lifted me bodily up and out of the bed. She brought me closer to her body and put one arm under my butt and held me firmly against her stomach. She just jerked me up a little high to adjust her hold and pulled me more into her body. My legs instinctively went round her big waist. Since she pressed me to her bosom hard, I had to put my arms around her neck and shoulders, just so that they don't touch her breasts inappropriately.

She carried me back to her bed and climbed inside and sat in the middle of the bed with her legs outstretched. She set me up on her thighs facing her. I was sitting on her thighs straddling her. She then bent her knees up at an angle, so that I slid down her thighs and fell right against her body. She laughed and pushed my back to lean on her bent thighs as my backrest. I was now sitting on her fat thighs, right in front of her face with my legs going around her waist and placed on the bed behind her. My back was leaning against her bent thighs, as if I'm sitting on a reclining chair of a very thick soft cushion.

She smiled at me and said, "Comfortable in your seat ? Now my little Manager sa'ab, let me make you more comfortable. Just put your hands up so that I can take off your T-shirt."

She pulled off my t-shirt over my head and arms. "Now, is this better? You needn't have to be so formal in your own home and in front of your would-be wife." She stressed on the word 'wife' and laughed. I laughed too.

She continued, "You know dear, this is the way I used to hold Raina, the invalid girl on my lap. She used to love reclining on my thighs and sitting on my belly like this. We used to chat for hours like this. And mind you she is an inch taller and 6 kgs heavier than you. Though she is only 20 years and you are 36. I'll show you one other thing she liked."

Latika slowly extended her bent knees, so that her feet were lying stretched out on the bed. My upper body which was resting on her thigh and knees also went down with her legs. I was now lying flat on both her big, long legs with my head resting on her feet.

I was shocked. This is how a baby less than a year old is laid on his mother or aunt or nanny's leg before he is given an oil or powder massage. And here I am a fully grown middle aged man of 36 being laid like some months old baby on a 40 year old woman's legs, with my head resting on her feet.

She was smiling down at me lying like a baby, on her thighs and legs. She started to slowly rub her big, soft palm on my belly and chest. She took my hands and massaged them one after the other, rolling her palms over my forearm and then my upper arm. I said, "What are you doing Latika? You are massaging me lying on your legs, like a very small baby is massaged by his mother."

She smiled, "Exactly so. You ARE my baby now. Don't you like this massage ?"

It was a strange realization that I was actually loving it. It felt so relaxing. Also I felt so safe and secure lying on her feet like a baby lying on her mother's lap.

She said, "Shall I show you something else?" Saying that she just separated her legs a little outside at an angle, so that my body lying on her legs now fell on the bed between her stretched out legs. She then lifted both her legs and placed them over my shoulders, so that her feet were beside my head.

Ohh ! I suddenly found myself trapped under her heavy legs. I was lying flat on the bed, with both her legs pinning down my shoulders and arms. I tried to remove her legs. But my arms were also trapped under her legs and thighs. My legs were around her waist. In fact my butt was still lying on her thighs. Latika was just sitting on the bed, smiling down at me. Both her hands were free…she was tying her hair in a bun. I realised that she was not at all making any effort or even slightly exerting herself to hold me down. She was just simply sitting there on the bed with her legs outstretched over my shoulders, pinning me down. But even then I was hopelessly trapped under her legs, totally unable to move.

She took her phone lying beside her and started to scroll through it. She was just wanting to convey the message to me that she is totally not using her strength on me, but still I was helplessly trapped under her legs unable to move.

I said, "Latika, what are you doing? Move your legs, let me sit up."

She looked at me without smiling this time and said, "First you tell me, what is wrong with you ? Why have you been behaving so odd since the time I wanted to take you out on the scooter ? First you had the issue of me riding the scooter with a saree on. Then you created a fuss with the helmet not hiding our faces. Next, you had problems holding on to my waist riding a pillion on the scooter. Am I hurting your male ego ?"

It then dawned upon me what she was trying to indirectly show me now. What sort of a male ego am I boasting of ? Here I am a 36 year-old full grown adult man, trapped helplessly under the thighs of a middle aged woman, who was actually 4 years older than me. She is simply sitting on the bed not making any extra efforts, but still has me trapped helplessly under her thighs. Lying between her legs, I am not able to free myself, not even able to use my hands or legs. If she wants she can do anything she wishes with me and I'll not be able to prevent her. She can read a book; watch a movie on her mobile; or just take a nap. But still I'll have to lie there under her captivity, till she frees me. And I have mentioned all the good actions. But if she had bad intentions, she can just easily pull down my shorts and I can do nothing about it. She can then take whatever pictures or videos she wants of me lying naked and helpless, trapped between her legs. She can then blackmail me with those pictures for years together. And I am so helplessly overpowered by her, I won't be able to protect myself from this middle aged woman. Or worse still, even if she rapes me now and then demands that I must marry her, can I save myself from her. So what male ego am I so proud of ?

But she is doing nothing of the above. She just wants to love me and take care of me as a lover or wife.

It is then that I realised what Latika's actual intention was. Without saying it in so many words, she just wanted me to experience the nature of the relationship equation between the two of us. In our relationship Latika is the actual 'Man' and I am the 'Woman' !

I was possibly thinking all these with my eyes open wide, not actually observing what Latika was doing. She had placed her hands over my bare thighs and was intently staring at my face, expecting to hear my reply to her question, "Am I hurting your male ego ?"

I smiled up at her and said, "Latika, I get your point, please let me sit." She immediately removed her legs from over my shoulders. She pulled me up with my hands to sit up on her lap. She crossed her legs, so that now I was sitting on her lap facing her with my legs around her waist. I put my arms around her neck and said, "Do you know the meaning of the word 'Male chauvinistic pig'? That is me. And do you know the meaning of BBW ? That is 'Big Beautiful Women'. But for me it is my 'Big Beautiful Wife', which is YOU !!"

And then I did it. I took hold of her face in both my hands and kissed her long and hard full on her lips. She was taken by surprise at first. Then she hugged me tightly to her body. In fact, a little too tightly so much as to hurt my back. But I didn't say anything. However I just had to break out from the kiss, because she was hugging me too tight for me to bear the pain. She put a hand behind my head and pressed my face down on her shoulders inside the crook of her long thick neck. She held my face there pressing down from behind my head. I could feel her breasts rise and fall. She was crying. Tears ran down her cheek. Since my face was pressed under her chin, her tears ran down my cheek also. Still she kept my face pressed inside her neck, my body hugged tightly on her big breasts, with me sitting on her soft big lap. I was feeling so small, sitting on her lap and held inside her huge body like a child. But I still felt so safe and secure and protected. As if nobody in the world could harm me when she was holding me protectively inside her body.

She slowly took my face out of her neck. Her eyes were all wet. She had a happy smile on her face. She looked at my eyes and said, "At the age of 40 years, that was the first kiss of my life. I feel so blessed. I have finally found the man I love. I promise, I'll never let you go. I'll carry you like this in my arms, on my breasts and on my lap, even when I'm 75 and you are 71." She paused to give me small kisses on my forehead and nose and cheek. Then continued rocking me on her lap and said, "Sumit you are the best gift God has ever given me. I just want one more gift, which you can only give me. A baby. I love to have a baby. I know I cannot ask for a baby from you till we are married. I'm at the age of 40 now, I do not know whether I'll ever get married and have the chance to have a baby. But the way you are sitting on my lap now, so small and cute and completely engulfed by my big arms inside my huge body, I'm having a feeling as if I'm holding a baby on my lap. So till such time, if at all, I have my own baby, you will be my husband and my baby both."

She shifted me to a cradle position, sitting cross-legged on the bed. She adjusted my face so that it rested on her left breast. She lifted her saree pallu and covered up my face inside her pallu and held firmly on her breast. She held my body in the same way a mother holds her baby for feeding him. She lifted up my body in her arms in a cradle position, while still sitting on the bed. She started rocking me from side to side and bouncing me slightly in her arms, like one does to a little baby. "Is my baby comfy on his mommy's breast ?" She asked. I could barely mumble, "Yes," my face being hidden under her pallu and her big palm covering my face.

She got off the bed, still holding me in her cradle with my face pressed on her breasts and covered under her pallu. She was walking all over the room holding me in her cradle, slowly bouncing me and rocking me, as if she was nursing her baby.

In fact it was a strange dual feeling for me. I loved feeling so safe and secured and protected being carried like a baby on the breasts of his mother. At the same time, I loved being so helpless and weak and physically dominated by my big, tall wife who was way too strong and powerful for me and could do anything she wanted with me even against my wishes.

( To be continued..…)


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Warm regards and Thanking you in anticipation….
