Love is Complicated - 18 in English Fiction Stories by Swati books and stories PDF | Love is Complicated - 18

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Love is Complicated - 18

Chapter 18

I was stunned to see Peter and Carol shopping together wherein he was insisting her to buy and she was accepting the gifts without any hesitation. After seeing Peter, I realise that he still looks the same. I really don’t understand that how he managed to see me with mason. I remember those days when we were just good friends and I was his crush. I smile. May be Carol wanted to buy something and he is helping her. I ignore what I saw and come back to Elena. We spend some quality time together. After dinner we walk on the silent roads holding hand in hand. Elena keeps telling me about her work but without paying heed to her. I remember Logan smiling face and waving hand and I smile back. Oh God! I miss him. He is supposed to be with me. Yesterday, I got a call from Simon about the work but he didn’t talk about Logan. We talked like two professionals. I also didn’t have the courage to ask about Logan from him. Why are you smiling? Elena interrupts. Am I? I am listening to you sweetheart and I smile again. Let’s go back to home.

After reaching home I pick my cell phone and keep looking at Logan’s number and after much effort I dial him but he didn’t pick my call. I disconnect and come back to bedroom. I lay on the bed in a mood to sleep but Elena in mood to make love and I ignore her. she turns off the light. I see Logan and I walking in a beautiful valley. We laugh, were happy and kissing each other and then Logan asks, ’Do you love me’? I wanted to say yes but just then I see Elena and Simon coming towards me and Logan again asks but I couldn’t speak and he holds Simon’s hand and walk away even without looking at me. The pain of separation empties my soul and I call him back. Elena mad at me slapped me tight and I wake up. Thank God! It was a dream. I feel thirsty and was completely wet. I go to kitchen for water. And looks at my phone again in desperation and deleted Logan’s number.

Next day, Weston asks me to inform my parents about Sarah’s birthday party at their place so that they can do some preparations. I call them and they happily agree for the surprise party. Yesterday, I got a call from European client and they have agreed to give us the project of Austria. I tell Weston. That’s great news. I think this time we four should go for a vacation together. Europe is a good place to enjoy and moreover Carol will be very happy. What do you think? I don’t mix business with personal life. So, my answer is ‘No’. But if you want to handle this project and take Carol with you. You can! I get busy checking documents. Evan, do you think Elena will like it? Weston, you very well know me and if I have to go with her, will go some another time. Carol is busy with Peter Garfield event, isn’t? Yes, she is too busy from last five days in fact she is coming too late at night and today early morning she left home because tomorrow is the event of that idiot. Weston sounds pissed off. And she has refused to come to Sarah’s birthday party. We three will go together. Not three only you and me because Elena refused too. She will go to meet Angelina Jolie as she has to design dresses for her kids. Weston is not surprised to know this.

Elena wants to marry me. I tell him. Really did you purpose her? No, not yet. I need some time. I don’t want to take decision in haste. I say looking seriously at Weston. My friend when you are in love then there is no need to think. Suddenly, Elena is also getting eager to get married. I am surprised Evan, why do you need time? You are in love with her then why not ring the wedding bells this Christmas. Weston, I am frustrated talking about topic of marriage. I want to spend my rest of life with her but not now. Weston voice falls as he is over emotional about love issues. He loves to pair people like a cupid. Sarah, when did you come? I see Sarah standing at the door of our cabin. Yes, receptionist sends me straight to your cabin as she knows me, she smiles. Hope, I am not disturbing you. No, I hug her. Come sit! I order coffee. Aunt Victoria called me to come to her tomorrow. Will you two also accompany me? Sarah asks softly. Why not? But I think you should go today only and spend some time with them. You know my mother she is expert in giving surprise party. What surprise! I already know that we are going for my birthday. And we all laugh together. I asked my mom not to tell Sarah about the surprise but she got excited. She is very sweet. Sarah says. She adores my mother. So, what you people were talking about? We were talking about marriage Weston tells her. Elena wants to marry. So, we were discussing about that.

Congratulations Evan! I am so happy for you. Sarah’s expression changes and her voice gets hesitant and her eyes questions me. Why Evan? Weston observes every move of her. I think that idiot was right. Sarah has feelings for Evan but she never expressed. I think she is afraid to lose her childhood friend. Oh Sarah! I feel pity for you. I wish I could help you but it is too late now. Evan loves someone else. Why didn’t you confess earlier? Weston says in his heart.