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Nanny - 2

( New readers are requested to read the first chapter of "Nanny," to understand the continuity of this story so far and get the overall feel …)

Since there has been a very long gap after the first episode, I would like to give a brief recap which would help even the readers who had read Part 1 earlier.

I am Sumit, a bachelor, 36 years old, posted as a Manager of a Commercial company in Bhopal two weeks back. I was returning from my hometown in Kolkata with some belongings. On reaching Bhopal station at night, a lady asked me for help. Her purse was stolen which had her reserved train ticket. She asked my help to allow her to stay the night at my flat. As proof and security she gave her Aadhaar card. Her name was Latika.

The lady, Latika used to work with a family for last 7 years as a caretaker and Nanny of their spastic child, who is now 20 years. Latika was returning to Kolkata finally, as the family was going abroad permanently. Next day morning, on learning that I had problems living alone since I didn't know how to cook, she offered to stay and help out. But she did not want to accept any payment in return as she felt indebted to me. She said that she had already earned and saved for herself. But she wanted to stay on as my relative. She actually did not have any place to go back to in Kolkata. Her mother had recently expired and her brother's wife doesn't want her to stay with them in their Kolkata house.

Latika was 40 years of age, tall and well built, 5 feet 9 inches height and 94 kgs. In comparison I am a short guy of 5 feet 3 inches and 63.5 kgs. By chance, we both saw our reflections in the mirror. Latika playfully lifted me in her arms, just to show how much taller and stronger she is. This actually became an ice breaker and we became friends. Latika shared her life story, saying that she was a graduate and unmarried. Both of us chatted, since it was a Sunday. Latika shared that she was missing the invalid girl she used to take care of. Latika used to carry the girl around in her arms, as she did not like her bed and wheelchair. She was therefore enjoying lifting and carrying me around as she said I was similar in height and weight to the sick girl. In fact, she said the girl was even a little taller and heavier than me. Although initially feeling embarrassed, I started enjoying being carried by Latika in her arms or cradled like a baby. It gave me a feeling of safety and security.

Our friendship became intimate and Latika even asked whether my parents would accept her as my wife, since she was 6 inches taller than me and 4 years older. I said that my parents would probably want me to make my own decision.

Now read ahead in the next Chapter 2 …….


Sunday, the day after I first met Latika as narrated in the 1st part of 'Nanny'.

It was around 11.30 am. Latika was rummaging through the few utensils I had in the kitchen rack. I was lying in bed reading the Sunday paper. She came and stood by the side of the bed, "Well if I have to cook, I'll need some things to cook and also some utensils to cook with !"

I looked up from the paper. "Ok we'll go to the market in the evening and you can buy whatever you need."

She replied, "Why evening ? We can go now …it's only 11.30. Otherwise what will you have for lunch ?"

I said, "Today is your first day, you don't have to cook. I'll get something from the restaurant as I normally do."

She said, "Ok then, let's go to the market and buy whatever we need. We can have our lunch at the restaurant there itself."

"No, not now, we'll go in the evening. It's a long walk to the market." I protested.

"Walk ? Why should we walk ? Let's take an auto," Latika was bent on going to the market.

I tried to explain, "You don't understand Latika. Our house is in such a position, the market is around 12 to 15 mins walk from here to the left. But to reach the auto stand, you will have to walk towards the right for 10 to 12 mins. So either way, we will have to walk."

"So how do you go to the office daily? ", was Latika's next question.

My office is on the way to the market only, about a 12 minutes walk. I take a shortcut, through a slum area of some local people, so I don't need to take an auto.

Latika was not letting go, "I saw a scooter on the ground floor in the morning. Who's scooter is that ?"

"That belongs to the landlord. I told you na, they live abroad. He has requested me to ride it or atleast get it started every few days, so that the battery doesn't die down." I said.

Latika's eyes brightened. "So why don't you ride it sometimes, if not regularly? Can't you drive a scooter ?"

I stammered, "Yes, I can…but I'm not so good at it. Besides, I am quite bad at road-sense. That's why I don't ride it."

Latika seemed to have made up her mind. "Great! Then let's take the scooter. I'll drive. You sit in the pillion. Let's go to the market and get whatever utensils and food and groceries we need. Come, get up and get ready. Let me change my saree too."

I sat up in bed. "Are you sure you will be able to drive ? And carrying me in the pillion too ?"

Latika put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't worry my little boyfriend. I can ride a scooter better than many men. I can even ride a motorbike. You see, they had a scooter at home where I had been working all these years. I didn't always have much work. So sometimes I used to do some shopping for Madam also on the scooter. And on Sundays or holidays, when Sir used to be home, he would look after the girl Raina. Then I used to take Madam on the scooter to the Mall or market for shopping and even to movies. Sir preferred to stay at home on his holidays, since he said that he needed rest after the whole week's work. Madam was taller and heavier than you. So I'm used to carrying bigger people than you on the pillion. So don't worry, your girlfriend will take you anywhere you want. From today I'm your scooter chauffeur." She started laughing at her own joke.

She went to the bathroom with a fresh sari to wear. For me it was simple, I will just have to change to a better T-shirt and put on my jeans over my shorts. So I did nothing, but again stretched out on my bed. Sundays are for lazing in bed. Latika will definitely take more time to get ready, so I have time.

Latika came out shortly with a better sari on. "What ? You haven't changed yet ?" She was after me.

"Are you going to ride a scooter with a sari on ? Don't you have any Salwar kurta or churidaar set or whatever you call them ?" I retorted.

Latika was combing her hair. "No, I prefer saris. I do have a few salwar suits, but I'm more comfortable in saris. And it'll not be a problem when I ride a scooter. I'll tuck in my pallu properly. I'm used to it."

I was watching her get ready. I was somehow not in the mood of going. Didn't know why ? So I was just taking my time.

Latika was through.. She didn't take much time to get ready. "What is your problem? Do I have to get you dressed too ?" She smiled mischievously.

She came and stood beside my bed. "What ? Do you want me to dress you up ?"

I sat up on the bed fast. I didn't want Latika to do anything of that sort. Latika got me in the right position. She put her left hand under the bend of my knees, passing her long arm under both my knees. She put her right hand behind my back. Then just pulled me up and out of the bed. This was one thing bad about Latika, she forgets our relative height and weight when handling me. She is 94 kgs and I'm 63.5 kgs. Where she is 5'9" tall, I'm just 5'3". So when she pulled me up in her arms, it might have been a normal pull for her, but to me it was a brute force pulling me up. I just was swept away from the bed. To make it worse she went into a spin with me held tightly cradled on her full breasts. I put my arms around her neck and dug my face inside her neck. She burst out laughing. "My little man is not feeling like getting up from bed on Sunday morning. Come honey I'll get you dressed."

From the cradle position, she switched me to her hips without letting me down on the floor. She held me with one hand under my butt. I had to wrap my legs around her waist to hang on to her body. My arms were already around her shoulders, holding on to her neck. She carried me to the cupboard and opened it with her free hand. For handling my small body on her tall and solid frame, one hand was enough for her. She asked me which T-shirt and pants I wanted to wear. She then picked those up and closed the cupboard and carried me back to the bed.

I said, "Put me down Latika, I will wear them." She didn't even bother to reply. She went and sat up on my bed with her legs hanging over the side of the bed. She put me on her lap facing her, so that my legs went around her waist and rested on the bed behind her. Then she held the bottom of my T-shirt which I was wearing and pulled it up. I had to stretch my hands up over my head to let it go. Then still holding me on her big fat thighs, she put the fresh T-shirt over my head and arms. She looked at me and smiled. "Will you wear the jeans on the shorts you are wearing or will you change and wear your underwear ?"

I asked "Why ? Why do you ask? What do you intend to do ?"

She had a wicked smile on her lips. "Yes, you guessed it right. I was planning to put you over my shoulders and take your shorts off."

I protested, "Noooooooo !!!"

Latika was laughing loudly. She hugged me tightly to her bosom. My face was right in front of hers, since I was sitting on her big fat lap, facing her. "Aarey nahi rey…I'm just joking. I'll never do that till we are married. Then you will not be able to stop me." Latika winked at me.

She put me down and patted me on my back, "Now put on your jeans and give me the scooter keys. Let's go…. It's getting late."

In a few minutes we were downstairs. There were two helmets also. One of them was a good one with a chin guard and visor and all. But the other was an ordinary one like a cap, with no chin guard or visor. Actually it being a Sunday, there was a possibility that my office colleagues may be out with their families. I wasn't comfortable with any of them seeing me riding pillion behind a big, tall woman in a sari. Of-course I couldn't explain all this to Latika, so I told her that we need one more helmet with the proper guard and visor. She was smart enough to understand why I wanted that. She just smiled and said, "First you had the problem of me wearing a sari and riding the scooter. Now you have a problem with the helmet not hiding your face. Are you so ashamed to be seen in public with me ?"

I stammered, "Latika you are misinterpreting the facts. You will not understand my predicament. It's not that I'm ashamed to be seen with you in public. Actually, I'm the manager of a company which is located in this locality only. I have to maintain a certain image there. People won't come forward and ask questions to me in the office. But they'll talk behind my back and spread rumours. So I have to be careful. Once I introduce you formally to even one person in the office, these rumours will not spread. Till then I'll have to be careful."

Latika said, "It's not that I don't understand your point. I do. Ok if we meet anyone today, introduce me as your older cousin who has come to stay with you. You told me that you actually have an older cousin and she is of my height and age. Now let's go."

I opened the gates and she took the scooter out on the road. She had given me the helmet with the chin guard and visor, so my face was not recognisable. She wore the ordinary helmet. I decided that I'll have to buy another good helmet today itself. She started the scooter. I got on behind her on the pillion seat.

"Hey, there's nothing much to hold on properly at the back of the seat," I was surprised to notice.

She said, "What's the big issue? Hold on to my waist. Or if you feel awkward that way, you put your hands on my shoulder. That's nothing to be ashamed of or shouldn't hurt your male ego."

I didn't protest further. I put my hands on her shoulder and she started. I couldn't tell her, but there is something called "Male chauvinism" ingrained in our brain. This is more prevalent in our Indian patriarchal society. This is difficult to shake off by a man and all the more difficult to argue on with the woman in question. Actually you have to be a real "Man" if you have to be able to overcome this male chauvinistic feeling, metaphorically speaking.

But one thing I have to admit, it really felt exhilarating riding behind a much taller bigger woman holding on to her shoulders for support. Wow ! Such a thick, solid shoulder. I felt as if she was carrying me on her piggyback. It was a great sensual feeling, especially when she had to use the breaks due to bumps or potholes on the road. Then my chest was hitting her tall, wide and solid back.. And she absorbed my pressure from behind unflinchingly, as if nothing had hit her. And the view ? Since she was 6 inches taller than me, sitting behind her, my eyes were staring at the back of her neck. And my face constantly came in contact with her full hair. I had to crane my head over her shoulder to look to the front of the road, where she was driving. This I had to, because she doesn't know these roads and I was giving the directions sitting behind her.

( Continued in next chapter "Nanny - 3" )


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Warm regards and Thanking you in anticipation….
