Tarminator - THE CURRANCY CNTONMENT - 8 in Gujarati Science-Fiction by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | Tarminator - THE CURRANCY CNTONMENT - 8

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heavy human with meatel shoes walking very catly.and degreecaly moon is going to get its hides of one centimeter.

truck is looking over loaded of gold coins and heavy focus shows tunnel endless once again.

hightide to its down,soon and second terminator t450 looks at start of tunnel a reached.

driver looks sleeped and half dead tunnel's weat carpet rightside,and t650 starts the truck.

this tunnel is made for 2500 meaters deep and see water pressure and including to bear vibrations of high tide's ups and dawns.

terminator knows that which way by that can make send coins to the surface.and ofcourse he loking fast to stop this sends.and second heavy legs run in tunnel sound comming imidiatly from inside tunnel.

lunaar nights are going on and it is last night of full moon but still there is remain of 50 minut's tail time to give that tunnel extreem pressure of hightide.and then after moon will start of hide to the new moon.

to bring out a judgment day or stop to it, its a so far's talk but very first, this both nikals,whiches are with extreem hydrolic stranth,how can this tunnel will be safe by there dule war!!

lets see what they can to do with each others!
economi's rise is the rite of all human tarrietory.

but as we know ,we are not lonly in this univerce .but there is living more then 1000 another world in only one galexy.

some time some world got borns before to us and somes are has remain to get it.

alliiance are still fantastic eliment for us,becouse we didnt seen them .but as a human we can take belive very eusyly .that may be so far from us there could be a another world .with same to same our patern i mean a tipical petarn.

now lets join to story once again.
it was litrealy a noice of fast running behind of gold coin truck.
and t650 looks back with turn his neck.
t450 is complite known by t650'sall extranals then it.
yet as a machin nothing like attantion looks on it and after few secands just t450 pick the truck by its back and start for ups.

baby water looks frequants to the road of tunnel. and it lives weat all time by gold coin trafficking.

after some how fight in the truck,both get falls to the road.and trying to stop each other.

only one comman punch of their both to each other is of 500 kg minimum.and till hear that walls of tinnel beared minimum of 200 missed punchs.

lunaar is moving ahed and extreem pressure getting starts from the tunnel's both side. and hear inside of tunnel looking brackages of it.

after three lunaars british carabian to lounch its most blue chip verson.and through this verson may be that defance satelites could be ready to forgiv goldcoins.they are hope full.
and as per this dead line t650 has to complite journy of tunnel and send that coins to the surface.and t450 dont want let this heppan.