Summer Holidays - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Summer Holidays - 2

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Summer Holidays - 2

Summer Holidays 2

( I would request the readers to read Part 1 of this series first, to better understand the continuity of the story so far …)

Just before Pinky went out of the main door she remembered something and returned. "Oh I forgot," she said, "the maid's supposed to come any moment now. She has to be instructed what to cook for dinner. So I better stay back."

She looked at Rajesh and said, "Rajesh uncle, can you please just handover this packet to Sobha aunty. You know her house, don't you ? Say that Mummy has sent it." She handed over the packet to Rajesh.

Rajesh was relieved. In fact he had a feeling that Pinky purposely stayed back and sent him away. He knew very well what Pinky was afraid of. In her absence her 5'10" tall college friend Monica would definitely pick up the 4 feet tall uncle Rajesh in her godi (lap) forcefully. And by chance if the maid comes in at that time, she'll find the 44 year old Rajesh being helplessly carried around like a child in the strong arms of the 18 year old Monica. That would surely be a disaster. The maid would definitely inform Pinky's mother. Then all hell will be let loose. Also who knows how far the scandal would then spread, depending on how much the maid would talk outside, in whichever house she goes to work.

Rajesh handed over the packet to the lady as directed by Pinky. Then returned home and stealthily opened the main door with the duplicate key which he carries with him. He tiptoed up to his room on the terrace without informing Pinky. She could hear the TV on in the drawing room; and the two girls Pinky and Monica chattering away.

He laid down in his bed and closed his eyes, trying to relax his nerves. What a day it has been. He admitted to himself that he did like sitting on the soft big lap of Monica in the auto ride back home. But since then Monica has become very dominant. She had forcefully picked him up and made him sit on her lap at the dining table. She fed him with her own hands from her plate, all along forcefully holding Rajesh on to her lap. This was embarrassing especially in front of Pinky, whom he regarded as his niece. Also considering that Monica is just a teenager at 18 and he is a fully grown up adult of 44 years. Understood that he is a very small man at only 4 feet height and Monica towered over him with her 5'10" athletic figure. It really was humiliating.

But still there was something in this girl which was so attractive. He couldn't put a finger on it, but there's something which was magnetic about this tall, naughty teenager. Something which made him want to get closer to her. But it's so wrong...Rajesh thought…she's just a kid of 18 and he's past middle age at 44. So even though it's embarrassing, why does he still like it when the young girl lifts him up in her arms and treats him like a baby. Rajesh closed his eyes tightly shut as if to block off all these disturbing thoughts. He didn't realise when he drifted off to sleep.

He suddenly woke up with a start. Somebody was sitting on his bed. Yes, it was Monica. She was sitting there holding Rajesh's mobile in her hand and was intently fiddling with his phone.

"Hey Monica, what are you doing with my phone ? Give it back ". Rajesh sprung up in his bed.

"Hi my little man, you are up," Monica replied coolly. "What have you got hidden in your phone that you have it all locked up. Give me your password."

"Give my phone back…Now," Rajesh tried to snatch his phone away from the young girl's hand.

Monica jumped up from the bed and held her hand high. Rajesh knowing that he won't be able to reach the phone with his 4 feet height, stood up on the bed so that he could get to Monica's hand which was clutching the phone high above his head.

Monica smartly backed away from the bed. Rajesh got down from the bed and rushed to her. But even with his outstretched hands he could barely reach up to Monica's head level. While with her hand raised up above her head, the phone was way above his full reach. It was a funny sight. The short 44 year old man jumping up and down, trying to rescue his phone from the hand of a giggling tall 18 year old girl. What could Rajesh do now ? He was just 4 feet tall. With the outstretched hands of the 5'10" girl, it's way too high above for him to reach.

Monica was least bothered. She was holding the phone up above her head and was still trying to unlock the phone using random passwords. Rajesh was constantly urging her to return the phone. After a few tries, he started pleading, "Monica please please give my phone back please."

Monica was having fun. This short man who is more than double her age, was pleading with her to give his phone back. She teasingly said, "Ok dear, I'll give it back to you on one condition. If you can climb up on me and then reach the phone…only then. But I'll not help you get up on my body. You'll have to climb me like a tree".

Rajesh looked dejected. What sort of a torture is this ? But Monica wasn't joking. She held the phone up above her head and looked down on Rajesh smiling mischievously. On sheer desperation Rajesh started to climb her. He clutched onto her left shoulder with his right hand and tried to pull himself up. The 44 year old man's weight wasn't much, just 40 kgs. This was almost half as compared to the teenage girl's weight of 75 kgs. This was obvious because the 18 year old girl was 5'10" in height and had an athletic build. She didn't have any fat, just a well formed toned body, developed with disciplined regular routine exercises at the gym. She took care not to develop prominent muscles and maintained her figure very feminine. She had thick thighs and well formed calves. So with the middle aged man trying to climb up her teenage body, she could stand erect, without even slightly bending over.

Rajesh couldn't hoist his body up with Monica not helping at all. He grabbed both her shoulders from the front and gave a leap on her body. He put his legs around her hips. He slipped a little, but didn't lose his grip on her shoulders. But his legs fell from her hips to her thighs. Still Monica wasn't helping him. She was just giggling away like crazy. He hung on to her shoulders for some seconds to gather strength in his arms. Then he clawed up her stomach with his legs, like one climbs a tree. Getting a better hold on her hips, he now wound his small arms around her neck. Finally he had a good hold around her neck and shoulders and his legs were wrapped firmly around her waist. He was breathing heavily from the strain. He rested for a few moments. His face was now right in front of Monica's, since he was holding on to her thick neck tightly with his small hands.

Monica smiled sweetly at him. "Good boy ! Well done !," she cooed.

"Now I'm up on your body without your help. Give me back my phone now," he said softly.

Monica shook her head, "You didn't hear me correctly, dear. I said, 'If you can climb up on me and then reach the phone…only then'."

Rajesh reached for Monica's hand which was holding his phone. She just stretched her hand up above her head. Rajesh's small arms couldn't reach that height even sitting on Monica's hips.

Rajesh protested, "This is not fair! How can I reach your phone even sitting on your hips ? Your hands are much longer than mine."

Monica now put one arm under Rajesh's butts and was holding him to her body. The other hand had his phone held away from her body, so that Rajesh couldn't reach it.

Monica was laughing, "Ok, if you can't reach your phone even sitting on my body, then I'll give you another option. You have to say, 'Ma please give me my phone'."

Rajesh looked visibly upset. "I can't call you Ma. I will never call Ma to anybody except my own mother, who is no more in this world."

Monica said, "Ok ok, in that case you call me Mummy…or better still Mummyji…yes, that will be fun. Mummyji matlab Sasuma meaning Mother-in-law. So, no conflict with your mother. You call me Mummyji. Now say …."

Rajesh was annoyed, "What are you doing Monica ? Please let me go. I don't need my phone. You can't open it without my password."

Now Monica became serious. "See you little man, don't try to act smart with me. If you don't listen to me, I'll carry you like this in my arms onto the terrace. I'll walk around holding you tightly on my body. I'll stand on the side looking down on the streets, with you struggling to get down from my lap. Then the whole locality will see you …. a 44 year old adult man, being carried around the terrace, weak and helpless and held captive in the arms of an 18 year old girl."

Rajesh was terrified. This girl is crazy. If she really carries him forcefully out on the terrace, then that is the end of his stay in this house. He will not be able to show his face in the locality in shame after that incident.

He stammered, "Ok Mummyji, I'll do whatever you say…just please put me down."

Monica was now laughing. She had been able to put a scare in this little man. Now she'll be able to control him. She has found out his weak area. She will just have to pick him up and show that she is going to carry him out on the terrace. Then he will do whatever she tells him to. It's as simple as that. She thought of putting it to the test. She said, "Ok I'll let you down, but first kiss me hard on my lips."

Rajesh retorted, "No …you are much younger than me. Besides you are my niece's friend. I'll not kiss you."

Just then they heard Pinky's voice shouting from downstairs. "Monica, are you upstairs in uncle's room? Come down immediately."

Monica looked at Rajesh. Pinky must have heard their voices from downstairs. She cannot let him go so easily. She threw Rajesh's mobile on his bed. Then carried him to the big Godrej steel almirah kept by the wall. That must be six and a half feet tall. Rajesh was hanging from his neck, his legs wrapped around her waist. She held him under his armpits and lifted him high above her head. It was easy, he was almost half her weight. Rajesh understood what Monica was about to do. He started struggling in her hands. But he was too weak compared to this teenager's strength. Monica hoisted Rajesh up on the steel almirah and made him sit there. Then she backed out and ran downstairs.

Rajesh was horrified. This almirah was too tall and he was a small man. He had a fear of heights and he was afraid to jump. He didn't want to shout for help either. That would be too humiliating if Pinky or the maid came and found out what Monica had done to him.

But little did he know that the damage was actually done. In fact it so happened that the maid Lata was coming to the terrace to get the clothes which were hung on the ropes for drying. It was then that she saw through the window what was going on inside the room. She was intrigued. She hid behind the window and was peeping through the holes. She could hear how Monica was harassing Rajesh. She saw that Rajesh was pathetically captured high up on Monica's strong arms. She saw how Rajesh was pleading for his phone and requesting Monica to let him down. She couldn't take it anymore. She ran down to Pinky and told her. And that is why Pinky shouted to Monica to go down.

Earlier when Rajesh was sleeping in his terrace room, the maid had come to work. Pinky had gone to the kitchen to instruct her. Once done, she came to the drawing room where she was earlier watching TV with Monica. She didn't find Monica there, who in the meantime had taken that opportunity to run upstairs to Rajesh's room on the terrace. But Pinky had thought that Monica might have gone to her room to change or take some rest. So Pinky had gone to her own room to take some rest. So all this time Pinky was totally unaware of the harassment which Monica was subjecting her uncle Rajesh to, up in his terrace room.

Rajesh was still perched up on the steel almirah trying to muster up courage to jump. In the meantime Lata, the maid, was coming up the stairs once again. She had left her work of taking down the dried clothes from the terrace unfinished and had run downstairs to tell Pinky about what Monica was doing to Rajesh.

She came up to the terrace and looked inside Rajesh's room through the window, just out of curiosity. She couldn't see him in the room. She looked out on the open terrace but didn't find him there either. Then when she entered the room intrigued, she saw him sitting on top of the steel almirah, looking down at her pitifully.

On an impulse, Lata burst out laughing. She didn't see this part, but imagined what must have happened. She imagined how funny it would have looked when the tall Monica was hoisting the short Rajesh up on top of the almirah, with Rajesh protesting all the way. She couldn't stop laughing. But seeing the sad look on Rajesh's face, she stopped laughing abruptly.

She advanced towards the almirah and stretched out her hands up towards Rajesh, "Come Sir, release your body in my arms. I'll catch you. Don't worry, I'll not drop you. You are quite small and light for me. Come Sir, come in my arms."

Now, Lata was a big woman. Big in terms of size. She was of above average height at 5'5". Darkish complexion, not too dark though, but with her shining skin, she looked darker than she actually was. She had a thick boned structure, her wrists could put any man to shame. She wasn't fat, but was solidly built. Thick thighs, tight upper arms, big breasts and very contrasting to her figure, a round homely face. Last time she weighed in at the doctor's, it came to 72 kgs. With her figure, she looked older than her actual 36 years.

Rajesh was sitting on top of the almirah for about 10 minutes now. For him though it seemed like an hour. He was at the point of breaking down. He had a fear of heights. And to think of just jumping from this six and a half feet was terrorizing him.

Now with Lata finding him on top of the almirah, unable to climb down was another embarrassment. To add insult to injury, now Lata had her arms outstretched asking Rajesh to jump down so that she could catch him. He didn't know what to do. He was desperate to get down. Lata was now holding his legs urging him to lower his body in her arms. She was now tugging at his legs, just very light pulls. She was constantly repeating, "Come Sir, just lower your body into my arms. Don't panic, just let yourself go in my arms."

Rajesh felt a stronger pull on his legs. The next thing he knew he was falling from the top of the almirah. Falling…falling…but not for long…Lata caught him…on her big breasts…it was a very safe landing. Rajesh panicked…he flung his small arms around Lata's neck, wrapped his legs around her thick waist. He hid his face on Lata's shoulder and lay there exhausted from all this tension that he was subjected to by Monica. He just lay on Lata's strong body motionless. Lata had absorbed his fall unflinchingly. She didn't even move back. She just held the small man with her strong arms behind his back. She just stood there…not talking to him now. Rajesh lay with his head on her shoulder. His chest was heaving with the release of all his tension. Lata could feel her blouse on her left shoulder slowly getting wet. Rajesh was crying. All his pent up tensions were now getting released. Tears were coming out relentlessly. Lata was lightly rubbing his back with her hand, consoling him, pacifying his nerves. Rajesh lay there on her lap, sobbing on her shoulders.

After a few minutes Rajesh's crying stopped. But he was now feeling embarrassed to face Lata, after being rescued by her and now being held in her arms, crying on her shoulders. How can he now lift his face and look at Lata's face, while sitting on her stomach, with his arms around her neck. He could feel his hands resting on Lata's big, firm, rounded back. His legs wound round her thick waist.

But he had to do something. He cannot just lie on her breasts forever. He slowly lifted his head and faced Lata. Her face was right in front of his, their noses almost touching. Lata had a sweet smile on her face. She said very softly, "It's ok Sir. You are in safe hands now. Don't be afraid. I'll not let anyone bully you ever again. Don't feel embarrassed. I'll never tell anyone about what happened just now. You can trust me. You can take me as your friend from now on. I promise you that whatever happened in this room today ; the way Monica harassed you ; or the way I rescued you from the top of the almirah, nobody on earth will know about this. It's my promise to you."

Rajesh spoke for the first time. "How do you know what Monica did to me ?"

Lata was still holding Rajesh on her breasts in her strong arms, with their faces almost touching. "I saw the entire incident, Sir, from behind the window on the terrace. I had come here to take down the clothes when I saw what happened. I had only run down to inform Pinky and then she called out to her friend Monica. Then I came upstairs again."

Rajesh was shocked. "Ohh so Pinky also knows it now… so she will tell her parents !"

Lata was again rubbing Rajesh's back consoling him. "No she won't tell them. Then the blame would fall on her friend and also on her only. That she wouldn't want. Don't worry Sir, I know she won't tell. She also made me promise not to tell anybody about this. Everything's going to be ok Sir. You just relax. I'll not let you face any disgrace. I respect you a lot. I may not have had the good fortune of speaking to you earlier. I'm just a maid of this house. But I have my dignity. I have heard the story of your life's struggles from Madam, Pinky's mother. And that is why I look up to you with so much respect. Now that I have the good fortune of sharing my thoughts with you, I want to tell you that from today onwards I will protect you from all harassment and insults. You just let me know if anybody, anywhere bothers you. I will take that person to task, whoever it is. You just remember Sir, that this Lata is your biggest well-wisher and most devoted friend."

Rajesh was dumb struck at this long lecture. He was looking at Lata as if he was seeing her for the first time. Lata started walking, carrying him and put him down on his bed.

Then she did a strange thing. She touched Rajesh's feet…. looked up at his face…smiled sweetly at him…turned around and left the room.

( To be continued…)


Dear Reader, If you have come this far, you must have found this story interesting enough to hold your attention till the end.

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