Misandrist - Male Hater - 4 - Last Part in English Fiction Stories by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Misandrist - Male Hater - 4 - Last Part

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Misandrist - Male Hater - 4 - Last Part

Concluding Part- 4 

 In Part 3 you read when Professor asked Teena to sit in front rows , she said - no I am ok here ….


Misandrist - Male Hater   

“ No , you are not ok . You will be ok in  the front  rows , I can assure you . “ 

“ But I dislike the company of boys . “

“ No problem , there are 3 more girl students . Two of you will sit on each of two front benches . I want you to focus on your studies . And above all I will be happy to help you even beyond my scheduled classes . You can meet me during lunch break in my chamber to clarify any doubts , if you like so  . Is that clear to you ? “ 

Teena nodded her head in agreement . Teena started sitting in the front row . Professor kept a close watch on her attitude and behaviour . She didn’t like if any boy approached her for anything or even to say Hi or good morning . One day the Professor asked a boy to distribute some handnotes among students in the class . He told the boy to try to hand over the notes in the hand of Teena . When the boy asked Teena to take the notes in her hand she rudely told him -'' keep it there on my desk . “

Teena fared well in the next monthly test . Professor came near her and said “ See how you have improved . You can still do even better . “ 

But Teena’s behaviour with fellow boy classmates was still rude and uncalled for. One Sunday the Professor suddenly knocked at the door of Teena’s house . Her father opened the door , and the Professor said “ I am Tapan Kumar . Teena’s professor . “ 

“ Welcome sir , we are so happy to see you . Please come in . “

Professor said “ I have been watching your daughter’s behaviour for quite some time . I am a professor of Psychology so I can guess there might be some incidents which have made her behave like this . If you don’t mind , can I know of any such incident? “ 

Teena’s mother had also joined the conversation . She said “ You are  right professor . But we don’t know about any serious incidents with Teena . However what she told me was during her school days she did face unwanted advances from some boys and men . But none was so serious . “ 

“ Yes, now I can understand the things . “ 

In the meantime Teena came with tea and some snacks in a tray . After she kept the tray on the table the Professor said “ You can sit here with us for a few minutes . “ 

Professor Kumar further said  to Teena “ Of course you are living in a male dominated society but it doesn’t mean all men are bad . Exceptions are there  , no doubt . Anyway I am going to take up a new chapter in my next class . I hope that should clear your mind . Don’t miss that lecture .” 

Next week Professor was taking psychology class and delivering his lecture -

“ Well today we are going to discuss Misandry.Has  anybody heard this word ever? “

Getting no response he further said “ This word  means female’s hatred towards men .  The Greek word Mis means - hatred and andro means - masculine or males . When due to some bitter experience with men some women develop a strong hatred toward men - this is ‘ Misandry’ and the one who practices misandry is called ‘ Misandrist ‘ . In simple words misandry is hatred , fear , anger ,  contempt and prejudice against men .This is opposite to Misogyny - in which men have hatred towards women . It is not necessarily related with sex or gender though sometimes  it may be so . But repeated incidents of vulgar approach of men in early ages can develop fear and hatred against men . This can be easily avoided if the very first incident is boldly resisted and brought to the knowledge of parents , guardians and police . Keeping mum emboldens wicked men . 

I am giving you a print out on this , you can go through for more details. “ 

He called a boy and asked him to distribute them among all the students . He told the boy to give it in the hands of Teena and extend his hand for a handshake. While giving it to Teena the  boy offered for a handshake . Teena was hesitating and tried to avoid it and looked to her professor . The Professor nodded his head and signaled to her it’s okay to shake hands. 

Next day the Professor and a boy went to Teena’s house. While he was talking to her parents  Teena came with some sweets . The professor asked her to sit down . He introduced the boy as his nephew . Then asked him to shake hands with Teena .Teena didn’t respond .  Professor Kumar said “ What is this ?  Come on Teena . Shake hands . Or Would you like to be called Miss Misandrist ? “ 

Her parents  looked at the Professor in surprise . No one but Teena  knew what the Professor meant . Teena hurriedly got up, shook hands with the boy and said “ No , I am not a misandrist .” 

Both Teena and the professor laughed loudly . The Professor said “ Well , I am happy . You can explain to your parents what I meant . “   He left with his nephew . 

After the Professor left Alok “ What was the code word used by your professor ? I did not understand . “ 

Then Teena briefly explained to her father what the professor meant . Thereafter, everyone started laughing . Alok said “  We were worried about your male hatred . But now I am happy that your teacher has brought a significant change in your attitude .” 


The end 
