The Angel Inside - 21 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 21 Bittersweet

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The Angel Inside - 21 Bittersweet

Authors POV
Candice rested in her room after freshening up. The room covered with utter darkness. Only the faint rays of moonlight made things a bit visible. Candice looked through the balcony yawning to sleep as she walked around covering herself in a blanket , staying in her comfort zone. Enjoy the cold weather with the warm blanket, she walked near the balcony. Looking at the setting moonlight through the glass wall.

Suddenly a scream erupted behind her.
' Ghost!!!!'
She saw a faint silhouette of a man standing and screaming in the dark. She took it as an intruder or thief. She started screaming throwing her flip flops on him.

Both of them started running messing around the room. Throwing pillows at eachother to shoo away.

Screamed echoed loud in the air. Hearing the screams Amy and Jay rushed through the hallways only to find their brother and sister screaming their lungs out. Calling each other ghosts and thiefs. Amy sighed .

Jay: both of you stop!

Candice and Alex stopped hearing Jay's voice.

Candice/ Alex: who is she/he?

Jay: my sister!
He said looking at Alex.

Amy: my brother.
She said looking at Candice.

Alex: and what was she doing in my room?

Candice: excuse me! Turn the question! what was he doing in my room?

Candice accused.

They both death glared at each other.

Amy: calm down guys ! Bro can't you stay in another room.

Alex: ask her.

Maid: actually it would take 2-3 hours to clean the room cause no one uses it.

Alex: I'm allergic to dust.

Amy glared at him.

Amy: can't you both share ? Come on its a big ass room enough to stuff you both in 2 far different corners.

Candice: I agree.

Alex: fine!

They glared at each other as if they were throwing fireballs through their eyes.


Amy and Jay returned back to their room peacefully laying on the mattress but weren't asleep. Amy had her eyes closed but wasn't asleep.

Jay: you aren't asleep, are you?

He whispered lowly.

Amy: nuh!

Jay: why are you awake?

Amy: I could ask you the same.

Jay: just quite curious about things.

Amy: about what?

Jay: you.

Amy: me?

Jay: hmm. I am curious about you being a man before.

Amy chuckled.

Amy: you seem to be interested in me huh?

She said with a playful look.

Jay: quite a lot. Why did you chose to be a man? Just to face less challenges?

Jay said as he asked his predictions.Amy looked at Jay.

Amy: I had my own reasons.

Jay: I want to know about you! Tell me!

Amy: I will when..-

Jay: when the time comes or never? You do this to me everytime! You read me like an open book but never let me read you.!

Amy: I...I don't want you to get in my mess! You don't deserve this! If you weren't stuck with me... you wouldn't have been attacked.! None of this would have happen. You wouldn't have been facing a close death call. It would be better if you stay away!

Jay: you already did drag me in the mess the day you married me and became my wife. And I don't want my wife to be a book of mystery.! I want to know everything about you! You can't be unfair to me!

Amy: I...

Amy sighed as she trailed off totally speechless, not knowing what to so. She needed to keep Jay out of the mess and she can't risk to bring more harm to him. She knew she was the sole reason behind the unwanted attack. And she couldn't risk more.

Jay:you can't keep me in the dark!

He whispered shouted.

Jay: please..

Amy sighed in defeat.

Amy: what do you wanna know?

Jay: ummm everything but let's start with you being a man.

Jay grinned looking at her as they continued the conversation while laying on the mattress.

Amy: I was kicked out of the school I studied before and was forbidden to take admission in any other schools.

Jay looked at her blinking in confusion.

Amy: so I disguised as a man. So no one could recognise me...

Jay looked at her baffled while Amy continued speaking.

Amy: I had benifits too. I could wander around alone at night and no one would harass or catcall me!

Jay seemed unfazed for a while as his mind took time processing the information like a phone with low network loading slowly continuously looping around.

He again looked at Amy after gaining some of his senses but he found her drowned in her own thoughts.

On the other hand, Amy remembered her bitter memories.


It was another day of Amy's unfortunate days. The 13 year old girl walked through the hallway clutching her bag as she moved forward. Soon she looked up to find four of her bullies looking down at her smirking and scrutinizing her weak self with a mockery on the line.

Ken, mark, Tracy and Hanna. Children of all wealthy buisnessmans and stars. They behaved like the school was their personal property. Which seemed to be kind of true as their parents had donated and invested money in the school. The principal wouldn't dare to raise his voice against such influential people. So taking actions against their kids bullying was the last thing he would dare to do .

Amy was helpless at the moment and couldn't do anything about it rather than tolerating. She didn't even knew what was her fault to be treated this way. She was a normal person who speaked up when needed justice. But now there was no one by her side. She only had one friend aera who also seemed to be avoiding her to avoid any troubles.

Being a daughter of a famous buisnessman should had been an advantage but, no longer her father trusted her now rather, he hated her. She was now all alone, a helpless child.

Tracy: look who is it ! A fraudster's daughter...

She said mocking sipping onto her juice which was later splashed on Amy. And Amy couldn't do anything about it. Amy stood there quite and numb. And after a while started walking away as if nothing happened. Whereas her sister Martha just stood as if watching a show in the corner enjoying her sister's suffering.

The students in the hallway burst out laughing as if it was a comedy show. Amy continued to walk her eyes teary. Entering the class , everyone watched her in disgust. But her eyes desperately wanted to find her only friend jia. But she couldn't. The teacher had a stern face but her eyes showed how much she loathed Amy.

Teacher: Ms. Amy move to the principal's office.

Amy quietly went out of the class entering the principal's office. The principal had a nasty look of disgust completely ignoring the poor helpless girl who needed his help and support.

Principal: Ms. Amy Park... you're expelled.

Amy's eyes widened in shock.

Amy: sir...why?

She stuttered. Before the principal could even answer Amy was harshly turned around,a tight slap landing on her face. She flinched on the impact only to find jia's mother clutching her by her collar. Her eyes furiously glaring and boring holes into the teary eyed Amy.

Jia's mother: You filthy bitch! Just because of you my daughter is suffering!

She screamed at her face while Amy stood frozen.

Amy: what happened to her?

Jia's mother: don't act dumb! You filth!

In the middle of the screamings ken , mark , Tracy and Hanna entered the office ,wide smirk dancing on their faces.

Principal: is it true Amy that you pushed jia off the school terrace?

Amy stood terrified.

Amy: I didn't!

Ken: sir she is lying! We are the witness in here! We saw her pushing jia off the terrace?

Amy violently shook her head , she wanted to scream that they were liars but her words were stuck in her throat.

Amy: that's not true...

Principal: is it ?

The office door opened slowly with jia struggling to enter as she was sitting on the wheelchair her legs covered in plasters as she was dragging herself to move forward.

Amy was terrified she rushed to jia helping her to maintain balance as the wheelchair was about to tumble. She was pushed hard away by jia's mother. As Amy harshly landed on the floor making her elbows scraped in the process. She looked up maintaining an eye contact with Jia.

Amy: jia , tell her ! I didn't do it! Please you know it's a lie. You don't need to be scared.

But neither did jia speaked anything nor looked at Amy.

Jia: it's true! Amy was the one who pushed me off the terrace.

Amy: why are you lying jia ! You know it!

Jia: she is a bully!

Amy stood frozen, her eyes red due to crying, but she felt like she was getting stabbed by the knives in the heart ,again and again. Her only friend betrayed her.

Hanna dramatically interrupted.

Hanna: she even pushed me down the stairs. But I was able to grip over in time.

She gasped in a inccocent voice acting scared of Amy but Amy was clearly able to see her evil face behind it.

Mark: this is just the half of the truth she even seduced Mr. Hans to gain marks in the exams.

He smirked at Amy.

Amy: he's lying!

Mr. Hans, the school's science teacher, entered the office as he greeted the principal.

Mr. Hans: why did you call me sir , is there something important?

Principal: I would get straight to the point! Is it true that Amy seduced you to gain marks?

Mr. Hans: she's just a kid fooling around, nothing more..

Principal: so it's true!

Mr. Hans sighed.

Mr. Hans : yes it's true. But she is just a 13 year old. Please I request not to take some serious actions,it might effect her career.

Amy looked at Mr. Hans in disgust. Only she knew how disgusted she felt by his eyes staring at her in an inappropriate way. How he would inappropriately touch her in the class and intentionally punishing her detention where no one could save her. He even went to the extent of forcing himself on her. But in the right time Amy kicked him on the gorin as she remembered running out of the class, leaving a groaning Mr. Hans behind.

Amy: no he's lying! He had harassed me sir !

Mr. Hans: why would I lie!

Principal: why would you think all of them will lie?

Amy: sir please believe me!

Principal: Ms. Amy even the students around have complained about you bullying! Now don't tell me all of them are lying.

The principal clearly knew what was going on but still blamed the poor girl just to save himself and the image of the school.

Amy had enough she looked at him with deadly furious eyes but didn't spoke a word. Her eyes darkened.

Amy: Sir you are too scared of their parents aren't you?

She said in a deadly venomous voice pointing at the four bullies as the principal had shock written on his face.

Amy: you don't deserve to be the principal with such corrupted mind and ask the kids to walk on the path of truth. What a hypocrite!.

The principal's eyes widened as the truth was slapped right on his face.

Principal: mind your words Ms. Amy!

He said furiously.

Amy pushed the table that was infront of the principal. As the hot coffee at the edge of the table, falled over the principal making him scream in pain. But his screams were falling deaf on her ears. She instead seemed satisfied. Though she tolerated injustice by choice but she was wicked as Satan.

Principal: Ms. Amy you are expelled.

He yelled at her as well as screamed in pain.

Amy: I'll make you all regret messing with me! Mark my words.

She said and then turned towards Mr . Hans grabbing a pointed ink pen and stabbing him, right in the eye as he screamed in agony and then again she stabbed him in both his hands making him scream in the top of his lungs. His screams felt like music to her ears. She remembered how much she pleaded him not to touch her or begging him to leave her alone. She was giving an instant karma at the moment.

As she left the office. The people in the office were too shocked by seeing such destructive outburst of a 13 year old girl and never expected some kid to be this violent.

It was too much for a 13 year old to suffer but you see life isn't a bed of roses...