I KNOW ENGLISH in English Magazine by Brijesh Asodia books and stories PDF | I KNOW ENGLISH

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Hello i am Brijesh Asodiya and first of all i want to tell you that this title is exactly opposite of my content that i dont know english..
I write this is for my writing and spoken english practice. And i also want to suggest you to everyone who is try or willing to improve their english spoken should practice in both manner speaking as well as writing for being used to for it.
As we all know that when we were studying in govt.school in 2004 nearby there was no so much important of english language as i believe but my beliefs was wrong because English as usefull as it add our course syllabus because in todays changing environment that make world is so mini that we have to learn this language for communication for our professional benefit.
At this stage of life i come to conclusion that for making our bread butter healthy we have to learn,write,and speak english.
I started it 2 months ago and i have some confidence for writing and speking english infront of public.
In starting days i had so many issue that english is very hard etc. But trust me english is easier than our language because english have only 26 alfabet and we have more than that..
So if we can learn hindi,english,our mother tung,so we can also learn english too..
Science also confirm that if you learn new language then your brain will activate new cells for storing data and it will be get smarter for improving your brain power...
In the end i want to know that is this article helpfull to you or not..
Because if is it so then i want to write the tips for improve your(mine too) english speaking and writing also..
In school days we actually didn't care about our personality but it is also a part of personality development that you have strong greep on particular language for giving propper performance and hard impact on anyone in party,project or business meeting etc..
I giving you an example of practical life that how many time you read hindi vocabulary?..
At least time right?!..but when someone triying to oversmart while speaking in hindi you would give answer to that manner which he/she deserve but when it comes to english we can not even speak a word against him after that we are alone and thinking about that incident then we suddenly be a master of english..its all happen because of less practice of hear,speak,write and see of english..
Now you will have a question that "see".. How can we see english?
So answer would be by wathing english film.
We are that type of people who are watching english film with hindi dubb then how can we expect that we will learn english by watching english movies in hindi dubb.
In the end i would like to give you advice that " there will be no output without input".
There are never be a mango tree arise in the plant of babool.!
So give the feedback if possible and ill also try to deliver valuable things to you..