Summer Holidays - 1 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Summer Holidays - 1

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Summer Holidays - 1

Rajesh was upset. It had to happen today only. He definitely had to reach Pinky's college in time. But the car had to have a breakdown today itself. He had come out of his office in time. If only the driver had informed him earlier that the car was giving trouble. It just won't start. Exasperated and angry at the driver, Rajesh blasted him. Then getting out of the car, asked the office security guard to call a taxi for him. He was already late.

Actually, Pinky's college was getting over today before the summer holidays. She wanted to bring home her best friend for a few days. On other days Pinky takes a bus or an auto home. But today, since her friend will be there and she will have her bag, she wanted her Dad, Varun to send Uncle Rajesh to pick them up from college in a car.

Varun and Rajesh :

Pinky's Dad Varun had his own business. One can say that he was quite successful in his trade. He was in fact successful in life as such. Now at the age of 44, he had a decent business; he had married according to his choice and taste; he had a loving daughter... What more could one ask for. Of course he had to thank his father for what he is today. The business which he boasts of today, was established by his father only. Otherwise, he didn't have the calibre to set such a business up. But he definitely saw to it that he made his father's business grow once he took over the reins after his father's sudden demise a few years back. Varun had lost his mother when he was in school only.

He always thanked one more person for what he is today. His childhood friend Rajesh. Rajesh was the son of his caretaker or nanny, whatever you may call, Savitri aunty. It is she who had taken care of Varun after his mother expired. Varun was only 10 years old then. Varun's Dad remained busy in his business and had to be out of town quite often for work. Savitri aunty was given the servant's quarter to stay. She lived there with her son Rajesh, who was also of the same age as Varun.

From that time onwards Varun and Rajesh became very close friends. Varun was not at all good in his studies. He was more interested in his cricket and football and films. He used to go to a good English medium school. But his mind was not in his studies. Rajesh on the other hand went to the local municipal corporation school. That's all what his mother Savitri could afford. What could she do ? Her husband, Rajesh's father had left her for another woman. But Rajesh was very interested in his studies. He was quite intelligent. In the evenings when Varun's private tutor used to come, Rajesh would come and sit there and listen. He also helped Varun with his homework.

But Rajesh could not go to college. When he was 16 years old, his mother Savitri had fallen severely sick. Although she continued to live in Varun's house in her allotted servant's quarter, she could not move around much. So Rajesh had to drop out of school and start working from the age of 16 only. Varun's father arranged for some work for Rajesh. With his meagre earnings he took care of his mother. One good thing was that Varun and his Dad ensured that Savitri and her son Rajesh continued to receive free food and shelter in their house.

At one time in college, Varun got mixed up in some bad company. Rajesh could find out that Varun's college friends were trying to induce him to steal money from his father's locker, so that they can buy drugs. But Rajesh stopped Varun from doing that. He counseled him everyday. Rajesh even threatened Varun's friends that he will inform Varun's Dad so that he would call the police. Slowly and steadily Rajesh could steer Varun away from his bad company. It was Rajesh who spoke to Varun's Dad to take Varun into his business even when he was in college, so that he doesn't get involved with his wayward friends once again. From then on Varun's life changed. He started finding interest in his father's business. And after that there was no turning back for him.

For one thing, God had not been very kind to Rajesh. He had a very disturbed childhood and school days. Actually Rajesh was a dwarf....well almost. He was just 4 feet tall. Readers can well imagine what sort of ridicule and teasing and taunting he had to bear during his school days and growing-up years because of his short height. It was as if even God had also short-changed Rajesh in his life.

Rajesh had however been able to overcome all that, once Varun got established in his father's business. Since Rajesh could not even finish school due to his poverty, Varun could not give him any important job position in his office. But still he used Rajesh for all his personal work and any official work which required to be monitored with confidentiality and responsibility. Rajesh was however taken in the rolls of Varun's company and was paid a reasonably good salary. Varun did not forget his friend's moral and emotional support to him during his formative years. And he made sure that his friend Rajesh could finally get out of his poverty ridden childhood.

Varun's earlier parental house was now sold off. He has now bought a modest bungalow. Varun had allocated a good room exclusively to Rajesh. It was a separate room on the terrace and Rajesh had his own privacy. His mother had expired a few years back. But Rajesh lived on with Varun and his family.

Back to the present :

Let us now hurry to Pinky's college..... The poor girl must be wondering why her uncle Rajesh is still not coming. She will be losing her face in front of her best friend, Monica.

Rajesh had to leave the taxi on the main road only. The college and school buildings were both together in the same campus. It was inside a side road. Because of the school children coming out, no cars or taxis were allowed to go up to the school gate. Autos can reach, because they take a narrow lane shortcut and reach the school gate. Rajesh hurried down the road as fast as his short legs could take him. He wasn't too fat though, just 40 kgs. Well, according to his height of 4 feet, his weight wasn't so bad.

Just as he thought, Pinky was standing at the college gate, all tensed up. As soon as she heard that his uncle couldn't bring the car, she started complaining all the more. Her friend Monica too was standing beside her, a big bag by her side, her clothes for the vacation. Now how will they walk all that distance to the main road with this heavy bag to get a taxi. There were quite a few autos lined up in front of the college gate. Ultimately, reluctantly Pinky had to agree to Rajesh's suggestion to take an auto.

The auto driver created another problem. He said that since he has to accommodate the bag in the front, there won't be any space for Rajesh to sit in the front beside the driver. So Rajesh had to sit with the two girls in the back seat. That shouldn't have normally been a problem. Because Pinky was also not a big girl. At 18, she was much taller than her uncle Rajesh though. She was 5 feet 2 inches. She wasn't too fat either at 55 kgs. The problem was with her friend Monica Kapoor. She was an exceptionally tall girl and well built too. Imagine a 18 year old standing at 5 feet 10 inches weighing 75 kgs. When Pinky first introduced her friend to her uncle Rajesh, his jaw just dropped. He looked up and up. His head didn't even reach up to the young girl Monica's breasts. The girl was sweet. She said, "Namaste Uncle" and held out her hand. Rajesh took her hand to shake, but his small hand vanished inside the huge palm of the young girl.

So that was the problem. If this tall baby giraffe of a girl sat and Pinky sat beside her friend, where would Rajesh sit? As it is Pinky was upset for Rajesh not getting the car. Rajesh mildly told Pinky to sit on Monica's lap, but Pinky refused to budge from her seat. Monica solved the problem. She said, "Uncle, why don't you come and sit on my lap ? You are small, I can easily carry you."

The auto driver was also getting restless, "Jaldi kariye na Saab...pichey wala horn mar raha hai."

Rajesh looked at Pinky as if to ask what to do. He was just 40 kgs, whereas Pinky was 55 kgs. She was also 1 foot 2 inches taller than her uncle. Which means Rajesh's head didn't even reach up to Pinky's shoulders. Since Pinky did not respond, he sheepishly went and sat on Pinky's lap. The auto driver started.

Pinky immediately reacted, "What is this uncle ? Why are you sitting on my lap ?"

He stammered, "But..but there is no other space to sit."

Pinky was very annoyed. So that the auto driver doesn't understand, Pinky was speaking in English to her uncle, "Don't you feel ashamed ? I'm only 18 and you are sitting on my lap, being my uncle. What will my friend think ?" Rajesh didn't know what to say.

Monica intervened, "What uncle, I told you to come on my lap." Saying this, she put her big hands under Rajesh's thighs and just scooped Rajesh from Pinky's lap like a baby. She made him sit on her lap."

Rajesh's legs were hanging from Monica's knees about a foot off the auto's floor. Monica pulled him into her body and he seemed to sink inside the huge lap of the 18 year old girl. His small head rested between the tight breasts of the young girl. Monica bent her head down to look into Rajesh's face from the side and asked, "Comfortable uncle ?" Rajesh couldn't answer, just smiled.

Monica turned to Pinky and said, "Your uncle's so small and cute. I just love him sitting like a small baby on my lap." She had her big hand around his stomach holding him securely to her lap. She tweaked Rajesh's cheek with her fingers. Then she looked at Pinky and asked, "When I'm in your house and when your uncle's at home, would you mind if I watch TV holding him like this on my lap ? He is so small and cute, I would love to cradle him in my arms and carry him around in your garden or on your terrace."

Pinky smiled, "You have to take Mom's permission for that Monica; he's actually under her control, when he is at home."

Rajesh was thinking that the two 18 year olds were talking about him only but totally ignoring his presence, as if he is of no importance at all; like he is a small child on Monica's lap. Even Pinky is suggesting to take her Mom's permission to let Monica play with him on her lap and carry him around like a baby.

Monica bent her head down and took Rajesh's cheek in her big palm upto her face and kissed him on his cheek, "My cute little baby... Don't worry, I'll ask aunty and play with you on my lap. Mera chhota bachha." She crushed his face on her small tight breasts. Pinky was laughing at Monica's actions.

Rajesh was having an odd feeling. Although he was only 4 feet tall, he had always had this special something for tall girls. But obviously he couldn't express anything because Pinky was sitting beside Monica. But there was one other problem. Monica was holding him on her lap in an open Auto. Supposing from some vehicle or bikes passing by, if some of his office people or other acquaintances recognise him… that would be disastrous. One thing good was that Monica was holding him with both her arms around him. And Rajesh could feel that her upper arms and forearms were thick. Not muscular though, but just solid. They were soft too. He pushed himself further back into Monica's tall body, so that he was completely hidden from the outside view.

Then suddenly his mobile rang. He sat up and pulled out his phone. Varun's wife, Anjali was calling, demanding to know why they were getting late. He explained the to college… returning in auto. Anjali was all the more angry. It seems that she had already told him that she needs the car to go to her mother's place for a few days. Now that her daughter would be at home for the summer vacation and that too with her friend, she had planned her own vacation. All the more so since her husband, Varun will be out on his official business tour for one week. Rajesh had totally forgotten about this. He said that the car would be coming home as soon as the driver gets it repaired and then she can leave. Anjali then spoke to her daughter Pinky giving her instructions on how to manage the home for the next few days, when she would be away.

After the phone call was over, Pinky looked at Monica and winked. "Your problem is solved… Mom will not be there for a few days now…so you can play whatever you want with Uncle. My Dad is also on tour for a week, so there won't be any problem." Monica was so happy, she squeezed Rajesh tightly inside her body.

Soon after they reached home. As soon as the auto stopped, Rajesh jumped out. He was afraid that Varun's wife Anjali would see him on Monica's lap and then there may be another problem for him. However Anjali was inside the house. They all entered the house and Monica touched Anjali's feet. Anjali herself was tall for a woman, at 5'5". But Monica even though she was just an 18 year old towered over her with her magnificent height of 5'10".

At around this time the car arrived and Anjali got busy with her bags. She bid goodbye to the two girls and left. Pinky took Monica to her room. Monica had been given the guest room, which was beside Pinky's room. Rajesh went up to his own room on the terrace. Today it's already 3 pm. So he called up the office and informed them that he will not be returning. He changed into his customary house dress, which was a light cotton Tee shirt and a soft pair of bermudas.

The girls also freshened up and changed. Pinky called her uncle Rajesh to join them at the dining table where her Mom had kept some snacks and juice ready for them before she left. When Rajesh arrived, Pinky and Monica had already started eating. As soon as Monica saw Rajesh, she got up from her chair and came to him. She bent down, put one arm around his thighs and stood up. It was so sudden that Rajesh was startled and put his small arms around the young girl's neck. Both Monica and Pinky laughed out loud seeing his reactions. Monica gave a kiss on his cheek and said softly, "Don't worry Sweety, I'll never drop you. You are so small and so light, I can hold you like this in my arms forever. Now come baby, let's eat. She sat down on her chair beside Pinky's with Rajesh on her lap. Rajesh couldn't even resist her. Monica was so much bigger and stronger than him. Pinky was giving a plate for Rajesh, but Monica stopped her. She took Rajesh's food on her plate only and started feeding him like he was a small boy on his mother's lap. Pinky just looked on and laughed. The two girls started chatting amongst themselves about school and their friends. Monica kept on feeding Rajesh on her lap and herself eating from the same plate. Rajesh felt as if he was just a plaything for this tall 18 year old girl. He looked sheepishly up at Monica's face. His head was resting on her small but firm breasts. Even sitting on her lap, his head was just at her breasts level. Monica's face looked so charming and sweet from down. Rajesh was amazed at the strength of this 18 year old girl who was effortlessly holding a 44 year old man on her lap and treating him like her baby.

After eating, the two girls got up. Pinky said that they do not have to clear the table as the maid will come later and clear them. Monica said, "I'll just come from the washroom. You guys just wait here." She put Rajesh down from her lap and went off.

Rajesh took this opportunity to protest, "Pinky, why are you allowing all this ? Why don't you ask your friend not to pick me up like that? You know what will happen to you and me if your Mother comes to know how Monica is carrying me around like a baby."

Pinky, looked down sideways at his uncle who was shorter than her by more than a foot and said, "What can I say Uncle ? She's my best friend. And moreover, she is my guest now. What can I do if she has taken a liking for you. But don't worry Uncle, I'll not say anything to anybody. But you should also be careful. I cannot always protect you. If Monica carries you in front of the maid or the driver, then you'll be in trouble."

Rajesh's face fell. The maid is important. Otherwise who will do all the cleaning and cooking. The driver doesn't come inside the house. So he will just have to be careful of the maid. She shouldn't see him on Monica's lap.

Rajesh became pensive. As long as he remained in office, the most relieving part was that since everybody in the office knew Rajesh as the owner Varun's childhood friend, Rajesh was never ridiculed or made fun of, for his 4 feet height. But unfortunately at home Varun's wife Anjali was the boss. At home Varun also remained submissive to his wife to maintain peace in the family. As for Rajesh, although Varun treated him as a family member, to Anjali and Pinky, he was nothing more than a glorified servant.

When Monica returned from the washroom, Pinky said, "Listen Monica, I just need to go to the neighbor's place once. Mom has asked me to pass on a packet to her friend, who lives down the road. I'll be back soon. You just make yourself at home."

Monica said, "No issues Pinky, take your time. I have my little Uncle to play with." She looked mischievously at Rajesh.

Rajesh was looking sheepishly back at Monica…who knows what this tall young Amazon planned to do with him now…?

( To be continued….)