Love Diaries - 1 in English Short Stories by Spiderman Daredevil books and stories PDF | Love Diaries - 1

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Love Diaries - 1

Hi everyone!!
Here I'm a new writer
Going to write something about love
Pls do follow and support guys


It's a lovely morning 🌄 like every day birds chirping and freshening sunrise woke her up. She doesn't know why she felt very cheerful while walking up itself. When everything gone perfect, not waiting on a queue to get a bathroom and matching matching clothes in wardrobe without searching long, a nice delicious? morning breakfast 🥞🍳 in that hostel, she got ready earlier itself to the college. Without waiting for nobody she started walking towards the college.

It''s actually only at ten 🕙 her department got open, there was more than an hour. So she decided to go to library to spend the hour in a useful way. In libs She selected a book and sat down at a corner. The place was very calm and quiet. There almost nobody in the reading room. The environment was so peaceful, she started reading slowly and in a few minutes she started getting interested in that subject. Her mind completely relaxed and felt comfortable. She just forgot the surrounding gone inside the subject deeply. She didn't aware about the timings and the time ran fast like a bullet train and it's almost only a few more minutes to reach ten.

Suddenly she felt some instinct and instantaneously she checked the time.

In her words:

Oh my God!! It's almost 10, by this time department HOD had come already and I am gonna get caught today. He will definitely threw me out. No attendance for me today. ( Everybody have to sign in that attendance register once we enter inside the department, and finally it will be checked out by our Head professor of the department and after that it's sent to the principal madam, she will close it after signing it. Everything has to be done before ten'o clock and nobody will be allowed after that to sign in the register. If anyone come after that It will be counted as a leave day for them that too only after countless scolding and advice by our beloved?!🥴 hod)

Oh no! today it's sure going to my turn, I would be getting enough of my basket 🙄😑What a stupid I am. Got ready early, reached early but still gonna get yelled. Stupid, idiot, crazy girl!!!! 🤬what a pity ... thinking that my every cell got alert- go go go quick quick fast 🤯my mind started ordering me like a gunfire. I crabbed all my books bag phone everything collectively with my hands like a big basket.

When my legs hurriedly started carrying out my mind's order, it happened. It just happened. By chance? Or by luck? I happened to look at the nearby building which was close to the window. It's a corridor of that building in which students started coming out of the class since the class got over, and it was him......

Suddenly somebody put break on my legs, I freezed on the spot. In neatly pressed shirt and pants, with a black bag on the back, white metal Titan on the left wrist, a note book carelessly swinging on the right hand, with a magnificent smile like a sunshine, he was walking causally by his friend's side.

Oh God!! He is damn cute..
How come a person be so handsome like this..
Or my mind is thinking like that?!🤔
It's always a visible confusion whenever I see him, is he really pretty or else it's only an illusion of mine?!

Whatever it is.. shock is a literal word, but I was attacked by more than that. I just merely jumped into another world forgetting everything.. time, zone, person, hod, attendance, principal all gone... nothing came to my mind....I am just standing like a statue, senseless except my eyes watching him , following him until he got out of my eyesight.

It took sometime for me to get into my senses after he had gone. Slowly I recollected myself, one by one started coming to my mind in the surrounding books, bag, table, chair, my leg's half started running position everything.....and finally the time.....

Oh my goodness!! Oh girl what have you done? Have you have any sense? My brain started its function questioning me, all my senses gone behind him, my heart answering hideously.... for God's sake he couldn't see me where I was standing...

You idiot, it's already out of ten, do you remember your department is in another building, you have to get down a staircase and to cross a lengthy girl run....

Without wasting time I started running towards my between, my heart said whatever going to happen it will be a good one because it's a blissful moment of a blessed day......

( And finally did you know what happened that day.. our Hod took leave and it was me who handed over the attendance register to the principal 🤪)

Le jaayein jaane kahaan
Hawayein... hawayein...
Le jaayein tujhe kahaan
Hawayein... hawayein...


Hi buddies
I m not writing a story or novel
It's just some cute memories we all have in our college life🥰😍
Everyone can connect these scenes with your own happenings😊😌👍
It just a happy remembering of those lovely moments😉🥳
Have a joyful experience ( for freshers 😂😂)

Stay tuned..
Good day..