Love is Complicated - 11 in Hindi Fiction Stories by Swati books and stories PDF | Love is Complicated - 11

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Love is Complicated - 11



The day comes for Logan’s painting exhibition. The place is in the middle of the city far away from the farmhouse where we were living. A big hall, narrow passage along a wall displaying work of art, different styles of paintings attracting lot of audience. I see Logan standing in the middle of the hall and surrounded by large number of people. He is smiling, laughing and explaining his emotions through paintings depicted. Wearing a white shirt with black trousers and a black blazer. I adore him from distance and painting lovers taking selfie with him. I get distracted when I see Simon coming to me and he asks hope I am not getting bore. No, I am not, I reply and ask him what about you?  I am used to his art gallery shows, he replies.  He has huge fan following I say pointing towards Logan. That’s true! and see how these youngsters are trying to flirt with him. Simon shows me two college going guys taking selfie with him and talking and smiling with him. Maybe they are asking about paintings I explain to Simon. Huh, no, not at all! I know these youngsters and their love for painting, it’s all bullshit. Simon face expressions changes. I notice that Simon is not jealous but angry with Logan for entertaining those teenagers.

 When you have a handsome and an impressive partner like Logan then it is obvious that he will be surrounded by cheesy people like these comments Simon while looking at me. He says, ‘I met Logan in one of the galleries shows only. I was very impressed with the way he talked to me and we exchanged phone numbers and finally our relationship blossomed’. My last relationship was with a chef which lasted for six months. He used me as an investment source to open his new restaurant. I could see that how frustrated Simon drinks one after another. We do have bad experiences in relationships I say while sipping my mocktail. Don’t you drink? He asks. Not much, sometimes. Actually, I am a fitness freak and my dietician has suggested me to consume less alcohol due to poor liver metabolism. Oh! I see. Hello! Mr. Simon, I am Rodger Murray. Do you remember? Oh, yes, how can I forget you, a big name in stock exchange. Simon greets him and introduces me too. Meet Mr. Evan Rayson the famous architect.  Hello! Mr Rayson my wife is fond of your you tube channel ‘live with house design’. She adores your girlfriend Elena the way she hosts on your channel. Thanks! Keep watching that all I can say. Simon, ‘I want to congratulate Mr Logan for this spectacular show’. Yaa! please come with me. He takes Rodger and again I begin to watch the paintings one by one.

I remember that how Elena interfered in my business even I asked her not to host and show her fashion skills on my channel but how bluntly she refused. Suddenly, my phone rings and I see her number flashing on my phone. Hi sweetheart! what are you doing? I am missing you! Elena sounds low as if she is going to cry. I am at Mr. Logan art gallery show. I miss you too. Deep in my heart I knew that I am lying. I am selecting a dress for Sarah’s birthday coming after three weeks but you know my designer dresses are too expensive. So, I want you to transfer the amount to my account. Finally, she comes to the point. Well, Darling you need not to worry I will do some shopping and will also buy a dress for Sarah from here. I really don’t want you to worry about her gift. Great! You remember to shop for your childhood sweetheart but forgot your love. She talks in high tone. My love, how can I forget to shop for you? I know Sarah’s choice moreover she does not like such fancy clothing so there is no need to buy such an expensive gift. I will buy some simple stuff for her. I feel embarrassed while talking about Sarah in such a manner. That’s true! I already told Weston that she belongs to middle class stuff and these expensive dresses won’t suit her. I didn’t like the way Elena talks about her but in order to not spoil my mood. I change the topic and asks her can we talk tomorrow morning? this place is so crowded and noisy. Ok darling! No problem and again I miss you, I love you! don’t forget. She kisses on phone. I smile and hang up. Yaa, I love her too. I repeat for myself.

 Someone taps on my shoulder when I look behind it was Logan standing. Hi, hope you are enjoying! he asks. Yes, your paintings are extraordinary and amazing especially this one. A sad boy, with a bicycle, standing outside an orphanage. I pointed towards the painting. He stares at the painting and tells that this painting is close to his heart because this boy is none other than me. Are You? I get curious to know. Yes, it is a long story. His voice falls. Mr. Logan, Gallery Manager wants to meet you. He leaves and I see him talking to the Manger and then only Simon comes and whispers in his ears and they hug each other and after a while they come to me.