The Homecoming ! - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | The Homecoming ! - 2

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The Homecoming ! - 2

(Dear Readers, please go through the 1st part of this story series "Homecoming" to better understand the continuity of the story…)


What was happening ? Since the time I had landed in Mumbai and met these two girls, I think I have lost control of myself. ( If you are wondering what I am talking about, please read the first part of this series "Homecoming").

I have returned to Mumbai after 10 years with a longing to pick up the threads of relationship with my childhood girlfriend. When I left Mumbai 10 years ago, she was 10 years old and I was 15 years. Even being 5 years younger, she had caught up with my height at that stage of 5'2". But when I am back this time, Deepika is towering over me of height 5'5" and 65 kgs by her size of 5'9" and 100 kgs. I'm 25 years old now and she is 20. Not only that, her younger sister Yashna of 18 years is even taller at 5'11" and very fit at 92 kg weight. I'm even feeling dwarfed by their mother Anjali Aunty who is 5'7" and 80 kgs of weight.

I'm giving all these statistics because as of now, after having my first day's lunch at their house on my return, I'm now being carried in the arms of my huge girlfriend Deepika upto her room. She has just snatched me away from the hands of her younger sister who was rocking me in her arms for a long time. I'm just dumbfounded, not knowing how to react. I was aware that these two sisters would grow tall, but never imagined that they would become so massively big and strong. I remember that 10 years back when Deepika used to carry me cradled in her arms when she was only 10 years as against my age of 15, I used to somehow like the experience. But today I'm confused. I had come with the hope of a long term relationship culminating possibly in marriage. But now being carried easily and helplessly by the two sisters, I'm worried if I will be able to handle or control my woman.

Deepika carries me to her room, but doesn't put me down. She looks at my eyes and says, "Sorry dear, I think Yashna has been a little too show off. She doesn't understand that she is hurting your self esteem. You don't feel bad, Parth. I'll take care of you."

I laughed after a long time, remembering the same dialogue she gave me 10 years back. I told her that. She laughed too. I said, "Now at least put me down, I haven't changed since I came from the airport. Let me get into something casual."

She replied, "Sure, sure, I forgot. Let's go to your room. Your bags have to be unpacked too." She carried me to my room which was next to hers only. It seems I will not get many chances to walk in this house, with the sisters around. She put me down on my bed and said, "You don't have to do anything. Just tell me which bag has your clothes, I'll open that for now? I'll help you unpack your bags and store your clothes in the cupboards later."

She locked the door. Then she brought out a T-shirt and a pair of bermudas and came to me. She pulled up the T-shirt I was wearing and over my head. "You haven't changed much Parth since I last saw you 10 years ago. You haven't put on any muscles. Seems you don't exercise."

She pulled me up and easily made me stand on the bed, bare bodied. She got hold of my pants and started unbuckling at my waist. I caught her wrists. Ohh how thick are the wrists! "What are you doing Deepu ?"

She smiled up at me, "What's your problem Parth ? I'm your girlfriend, why are you getting ashamed of me? Show me how much you love me."

I held on to her wrists, "Deepu, this is not the way I want to prove my love to you. I have known you and your family since childhood. I will not do anything which will embarrass you or me in front of both our parents. You do whatever test you want on me, but there will be some boundaries which I cannot cross before our marriage, if at all it happens."

Deepika caught hold of my thighs and pulled me out of the bed and into her body. My arms instinctively went around her thick neck. Her hands were holding tightly under my thighs. So my legs were wrapped around her waist. She moved around the room slowly hugging me to her breasts, with me floating around sitting on her strong arms. It was like my school days, when the 10 year old Deepu would carry the 15 year old me like this in her arms. That time we were of the same height. But now she is 4 inches taller than me, and 35 kgs heavier. Is that even a comparison ? 35 kgs difference! She asked me, "How do you like to be carried this way, Parth now. You used to get upset whenever I used to carry you when we were in school ?"

I said, "That was because, then I was a boy in class 10 and you were a girl in class 5. How could I accept being lifted and carried by a 10 year old girl. Of course at that age you were already as tall as me and weighed about 10 kgs more, although I was 15 yrs old and you were 10. But after only a couple of months when you started carrying me, I had to leave Mumbai. It was then that I started missing you."

Without putting me down, she slid me to her left side and held me with her left hand under my bottom, so that I was now sitting on her left hip. My arms were still around her neck and my legs wrapped around her big waist. She smiled down at me looking sideways. Her right hand was now free, since she was holding me up with her one hand only. She squeezed my cheeks and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Mera chhota bachha missed her big sweet ". She said the last part which sounded like.."...chho chhweeet ".

"So, does that mean you like it now that I'm carrying you like this ?" She asked.

I said, "Yes, possibly in those two months when you lifted and carried me almost every day, you had killed my longing for any girl of normal size and strength. In all these years I could not even make one girl friend who is smaller than me. And I did not have the guts to try and approach girls taller and bigger than me." She was walking around the room slowly carrying me on her hips and chatting with me. Now she pulled on my arms from her back and shifted my body on to her back, carrying me now in piggy-back style. She was holding on to my thighs with both her hands and jerked me up on her back. My head now came up from behind her head, with my chin resting on her shoulders, while I was riding happily on her wide and strong back.

I laughed, "What are you doing Deepu? Circus ? You are shifting me in different positions on your body, without even putting me down."

Deepika also laughed. "Yes, I had wanted to do this for a long time. But when I was 10 and you were 15, although I was as tall as you, I could lift and carry you, but couldn't do this routine of changing my hold, without putting you down. So I had been planning to do this to you, since I have grown bigger and taller and stronger." She continued laughing.

She then again shifted me from her back and brought me to her front, now holding me in her cradle. She pulled my face right in front of hers holding me behind my neck with her left hand. Her right hand went under my two knees and she was holding me high up on her breasts. She bent her head down and snuggled me to her face. She buried my face inside her big neck and was fondling me like I was a small child in her godi. She started kissing all over my face. Soft small kisses on my forehead, my cheek, my eyes, my nose. Then she suddenly crushed her lips into mine. I was feeling an odd sensation within me, which was simply ecstatic. Her kiss was so long and so vigorous, I was starting to feel a little suffocated. Understanding this, she released my mouth and again buried my face in the crook of her wide neck. My nose and lips were now touching the inside of her thick neck…so soft and cold. Her hair fell all over my face and covered my face inside her neck. It was a heavenly feeling. I felt so safe and secure captured in the arms of this giant girlfriend of mine, held in her strong arms, lying on her soft, big breasts so high above the ground.

Knock ..knock ..knock …. There was somebody knocking on the door...TOTAL ANTICLIMAX !!!

Deepika stopped, looked back towards the door...I raised my face from inside her neck… lying totally helplessly cradled in the arms of my giantess…

"Didi, the door." It was Yashna's voice.

"What is it ?" Deepika retorted, she sounded angry.

"Parth bhaiya's mummy is on the phone. She wants to talk to him." Yashna explained from outside the door.

"Wait, give me some time." Deepika replied. She put me down fast on the bed. I started wearing my t-shirt. Deepika went to the bathroom and washed her face. By the time she came out, I was ready … sitting on the bed. Deepika looked at me with a wry smile and opened the door.

Yashna came in with a mobile in hand. "Mummy had called up aunty telling her that Parth bhaiya reached properly. Aunty wanted to talk to him." She handed over the mobile to me.

I took the phone… Normal motherly concern… How am I.. Whether I am ok… How was the food on the flight...I replied coolly with patience. I could see Yashna going over to Deepika and cornering her, whispering and smiling. Deepika looked flustered but kept on a fake smile. Couldn't hear what they were discussing..

Once the call was over, I kept the mobile on the bedside table, took my bermudas and went to the washroom. I needed some time before facing Yashna. What Deepika did to me was so sudden and so sensual, I was taken to a different height of ecstacy. And then … that knock knock on the door...I only hope Yashna wasn't peeping through the keyhole. I only hope Yashna did not see that I was being vigorously kissed cradled on Deepika's strong arms high up on her big breasts.

I steadied my nerves, changed from my pants into my bermudas and came out of the washroom. Yashna was still there, waiting for me sitting on the bed. Deepika had opened up my suitcase and was taking out my clothes and storing them in the cupboard. I looked at Deepika, she gave me a blank expression. Yashna was giving me a broad smile. I wasn't sure what transpired between the sisters… couldn't even guess whether or what Deepika had told her younger sister about what we were doing.

Yashna was sitting on the side of the bed with her long legs on the floor. She was beckoning me to her with her index finger. I walked towards her sheepishly and stood in front of her. It felt as if a small boy was standing in front of his tall teacher. I felt so odd, here I was an adult of 25 years feeling so dwarfed by a teenage girl. Yashna took both my hands in her one big hand and putting her free hand behind my waist, she pulled me near her. I was now standing between her legs inside her open knees. She folded her legs around the back of my legs, so that now I was trapped inside her thighs, standing right in front of her sitting on the bed. Even sitting on the bed, her head was taller than mine standing in front of her. She was holding both my wrists together in her one big palm. Incredible ! She started caressing my face, my forehead, my nose, my lips with her long fingers. She kept on a steady smile...sweet, nothing wrong in the smile… Said softly almost in a loud whisper, "Didi has given permission to play with you."

I just said, "Play?" I looked at Deepika, but her back was turned to me, still arranging my clothes. I looked back at Yashna, "Both of us are now too old to play," I smiled back at her, "You are a grown-up girl now, Yashna,"

She tweaked my cheek between her fingers and replied, "So we will play some grown-up games then, Chhotu." I knew that I was in for some tough time in the hands of this amazon teenager. I tried to wriggle out of the leg hold. "Don't try to free yourself Chhotu, you can't. I've trapped you inside my thighs… You can't go anywhere unless I free you from my hold. Now tell me about some grown-up games, I don't know any. You see, I don't even have a boyfriend. You know, none of the boys want to stand and talk to me, I'm taller than all of them. But I like small boys like you. But what can I do, Didi has already taken you. So, I told Didi to give you on loan to me sometimes...and she agreed," Yashna giggled. She stood up from the bed and bending down picked me up straight in a front straddle carry.. But Yashna picked me up roughly, with a force, hugging me tightly to her body, so much so that I gave out a sharp, "Ohhh !" Yashna laughed out loud and went into a spin. I was all the more frightened and my arms went around her neck and I buried my face in her shoulders. I wrapped my legs around her waist for fear of falling off. Yashna continued laughing, "See Didi, Chhotu kaisey meri ke goud mey dar gaye !" I noted that Yashna has started calling me Chhotu again. I was actually getting a bear hug, 4 feet above the ground in the arms of this gorgeous teenager.

But strangely enough, Deepika was silent. She wasn't protesting now. She had completed one suitcase and now opened the second one. She had told me that she would protect me from Yashna. There must be something wrong. How do I find out ?

Yashna turned to Deepika and said, "Didi, I'm taking Chhotu to my room for some time. Mummy's phone is here on this table. Give it to her if she asks for it." Then looking down at me trapped in her arms, she smiled sweetly and said, "Come Chhotu, let me show you my room." She walked out of the room and down the passage, to her room on the other side of Deepika's room. I was only hoping that the maid does not see me being kidnapped helplessly by this teenage 5'11" and 92 kg giantess.

Yashna shut the door but didn't care to bolt it, once she entered her room, holding me strongly in her arms. "Come Parth, now you are totally mine." I noticed that as soon as we were alone, she was calling me by my name. She carried me to the centre of the room and stood there looking down at me with mischief in her eyes. I knew that I was on my own now. Deepika will not come to snatch me away from Yashna this time. So, I confronted her, even from my position of helplessness.

"Tell me Yashna, how did you manage Deepika ? It seemed she had suddenly lost all her interest in me," I had to ask her, there was no other way to know.

Yashna laughed, "Don't tell Didi, but I bluffed her. I told her that I saw you two were doing naughty things, through a crack in the door. That Papa will be very angry if he comes to know this. So she pleaded with me not to tell mummy and papa. So I made her tell me what exactly she was doing with you. She told me that she was kissing you carrying you in her cradle. Then I told her that I will not tell my parents on one condition, that from now on, whenever I want I can pick you up and she will not prevent me." Yashna danced around the room holding me pinned to her body and laughed like a young girl, which she actually was.

I said, "You bluffed matlab ? You actually did not see anything ?"

She said, "No ! I just saw both of you look so flustered when I came in, so I guessed that you two must have been doing something you were not supposed to do. Now you don't tell Didi that I bluffed her."

I didn't know what to say. Yashna carried me inside her room and made me stand on her bed. She grabbed me again around my waist. I held both of her wrists with all my strength. I won't let this 18 year old girl man-handle me, a 25 year old adult male. She didn't even care to free my hands, just tightened her grip around me, totally ignoring and overpowering my hold on her wrists. Then she picked me up again, this time in her cradle and stood a little away from the bed. I dared not protest. In fact I was not in a mental or physical condition to fight this huge teenager. She was way too tall and big and strong for me. She started playfully bouncing me in her arms. I panicked and put my arms around her neck tightly lest I fall off. She threw back her head and started laughing, holding me strongly on her full breasts.

I didn't know what she wanted to do with me. I started panicking. Here I was trapped helplessly in the strong arms of an 18 year old girl standing over 6 feet 1 inch, with her thick rubber soled bedroom slippers on. She stood there with her 92 kg body effortlessly lifting my weight which was 27 kgs less than hers. I was actually feeling totally weightless in her arms, as if floating in mid-air. She looked down on me smiling, "Now Parth, you are mine. Give me that kiss you were giving my sister."

I said, "Yashna, you are too young, just or of school. Don't do anything which you will regret later. Put me down. Otherwise I will definitely have to tell Uncle and Aunty about how you are treating me."

Yashna was smiling mischievously, "Ohh, so you are threatening me now. But what if I told them about you and Deepika."

I was desperate, "Go ahead and tell them. I'm not afraid. We were doing nothing wrong. I was just kissing my fiance and my future wife. Uncle and Aunty won't mind if I told them that."

Yashna was taken aback. "Are you serious ? Would you really marry a girl who carries you around like a baby ? I thought you looked unsure about your relationship, once you saw at the Airport today that Deepika has grown to double your size, since you last met 10 years ago…."

She was going to say something more. But the door opened and in walked Deepika. She looked inside and gave a gasp, seeing me cradled like a baby in her sister's arms. Yashna made it look more dramatic by slowly rocking me from side to side, with me having my arms around her neck, looking totally helpless.

"What the hell are you doing to him, Yashna ?" Deepika almost screamed. She came rushing to us and looked down pitifully at my face.

"Cool it Didi, don't panic. I've not done anything to your boyfriend. I'm just playing with my Jiju a little. He's so small and cute. See how weak and helpless your he-man looks in your little sister's godi." Yashna smiled at her elder sister.

"What nonsense are you talking ? Why are you bullying him ? What have you done to him?" Deepika was furious at her sister.

"Come give him to me, "Deepika snatched me from Yashna's arms and held me lovingly in her cradle. "And you don't have to worry about whether he is weak. He is mine, it's my concern. You just can't treat my boyfriend like this."

Yashna laughed, "Don't get angry Didi. Can't I joke with my Jiju? I'm his only saali after all. And besides, I was just asking him to give me a kiss…just to test him how much he loves you. But he refused to give me one. It's either because he is scared of you or he really loves you."

Deepika pulled me up to her face and kissed me on my cheek softly. "Don't worry dear, I'm here. Now nobody will scare you". Deepika held me tightly and snuggled me to her face. "I'm so proud that you resisted Yashna's bullying and did not kiss her."

At that moment, the door suddenly opened and Aunty looked inside, "Yashna, I gave you my mobile phone, where is it …?"

Aunty stopped abruptly..…Deepika was just about to plant a big kiss on my cheek...

(Continued in next part )