Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 2 in English Fiction Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 2

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Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs - 2

Why draw rangoli at the entrance of the house?


Drawing rangoli at the entrance of the house is a very old tradition in India. It is a practice that is being followed even today. But still, many people may not be aware of the scientific reason for following it.


Rangoli is generally drawn with circular, straight or curved lines. On seeing it, it appears as if waves of different frequencies are moving. These formations have the ability to influence the brain of the viewer. Rangolis with dots and lines drawn by the old timers are more scientific.


When we draw a rangoli at the entrance, the wave-like lines give peace of mind to those who enter the house. They influence the mind and stimulate the happiness nerve centers. Then the guest enters happily. Different rangoli designs have correspondingly different influences on the brain. Even the colours used in the design influence the brain in the same way. The main intention of drawing rangolis is to stimulate the nerve centers of the brain and create beautiful thoughts.


The word rangoli takes root from the Sanskrit word "rangavalli". In India, Tantra shastra advocates the worship of different Shaktis in the form of mandalas. Rangoli or rangavalli is the simplified form of the mandalas. Rangoli can be viewed from the cultural and psychological aspect. Rangoli is a sign of auspiciousness, of celebration and of happiness. It is a beautiful medium to express creativity in the form of drawing. It gives happiness, bliss and contentment to our minds.


Why do Indians chant Om?


Om chanting is very sacred to Indians. All mantras start with Om. Yoga also advocates the chanting of Om. Yoga gurus say that just the long-drawn-out chanting of Om has several benefits. There are different ways of chanting Om.


It is said that the world was created from the sacred mantra Om. It is called the cosmic sound. Even according to the Big Bang theory, the creation of the world is attributed to a sound-blast. There are several principles of Physics involved in the sound, waves and vibrations of Omkara.


Om consists of three different sounds- a, u and m. When they are chanted as Om, the abdomen, spinal cord, throat, nose and brain are stimulated. The vibrations move from the abdomen to the brain and energize the whole body.


As a result, concentration improves, stress reduces and the mind becomes calm. Worldly thoughts are dispelled and the mind is enveloped in bliss. Scientific studies have been conducted in this regard.


First, the brain signals of a person who has never chanted Om was studied. Then the subject was requested to chant Om regularly. When the brain signals were analyzed after regular chanting, it was found that concentration had improved, stress had reduced and the mind had become calmer. Chanting Om also reduces blood pressure. Om chanting has the ability to enhance the physiological and mental health of a person. Because of this, yogis have attached a religious touch to Om chanting.