THE LADY COOK - 9 in English Fiction Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | THE LADY COOK - 9

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( The readers are requested to read the earlier chapters 1 to 8, to understand the continuity of this story, especially because there has been a long gap in writing from the last episode.)

The Lady Cook - Part 9

Saturday mornings are generally busy for me. I hold the weekly team review meeting right in the first hour. So, I try to reach my office even earlier than the usual 8.45am of other days. The office hours incidentally starts from 9am. In such situations, since I'm a perpetual late riser, my morning-getting-ready-for-office time is very hectic. All the more so, on Saturdays. So invariably I miss or shall I say, skip breakfast, so that I can be out of my house in time.

But this Saturday morning it was not meant to be...because there was Uma now in my house from last evening. She insisted that I sit down and have a proper breakfast before leaving for the office.

I listen to nobody when it comes to my office work. Yesterday evening was different.. she did dominate me around… lifting me up in her strong arms and carrying me around. But that was my leisure time. Now when I'm getting ready for office, I'm a different personality altogether. I told her quite firmly that I don't have time to sit and have a proper breakfast. I have an important meeting to attend. That I'll come in the afternoon during my lunch hour and will sit down for whatever lunch she prepares for me. Also, I'll grab some biscuits in the office with my tea and that will be my breakfast for today.

But who could stop Uma? She was following me wherever I went with a plate of egg sandwiches and insisted on feeding me while I was getting ready. Since I did not have to sit down, I did take bites off the sandwich she thrust into my mouth and went about my work. She seemed quite agile for her age of 55 years and with such a big figure of 5'9" and 83 kgs of weight. How could I resist her with my 5'3" height and 58 kgs frame? She was backing me up against the wall, towering over me with her 6 inches height advantage and forcefully thrusting the sandwich in my mouth. I had no options but to take bites. By the time I was ready to go out, she had already fed me two sandwiches and a glass of milk. Yes you heard it right..Milk ! Who drinks milk at the age of 40 ? Forget it for now… I'll be getting late. I thought that I'll have to clarify my stand of not drinking milk from tomorrow. Off I went to the office.

The hours in the office went by at breakneck speed as usual in the morning session. The review meeting was good… business was looking up and the team seemed charged up for greater challenges.

It was Saturday. Although we were working full day, since quite a few of our clients' offices were closed on Saturdays, the team generally took the second half leisurely. Some of them didn't return to the office, once they went out in the market. On Saturdays, these luxuries were allowed.

I went home for lunch at half past one. My flat door was opened by a beaming Geeta, standing there, dwarfing my 5'3" body with her tall 5'9" figure. She took my laptop bag from me and moved inside. I couldn't see her mother Uma anywhere in my flat.

"Where's your mother, Geeta ? Gone to your house ? Have you taken over ?" I asked, as I saw Geeta arranging the plates on the table for my lunch. She didn't reply, just smiled and came and stood in front of me. She bent down and easily swept me up in her cradle. She held me up horizontally in her two hands and lifted me so high up that my face was right in front of hers. With her standing so tall, I was floating in her arms about 5 feet off the ground. She looked at me straight in the eyes and smiled mischievously, "All these days, you were happy to see me. And now, with my Mummy coming in, you are looking for her lap? Why ? Is she loving you more ?"

I also gave her a naughty smile lying on her strong hands, my face cuddled against her firm breasts, "Somebody is jealous !! But you never told me that you loved me ?"

She pressed me to her breasts tightly and said, " Not everything has to be said in words…don't you know how I feel about you ?" She was rocking me from side to side like a baby and smiling sweetly down at me. I was feeling so weightless as she carried me around in her arms effortlessly.

I asked mockingly, "How will I know ? You are always lifting me up in your arms or making me sit on your lap at your own free will. I always felt that you like to treat me as your baby, you are so much bigger and taller and stronger than me. "

Geeta did not bother to answer. She carried me to the table where she had already kept my lunch laid out. "Enough of your wise-cracks. You have your lunch first, then I'll tell you what discussion I had with Mummy regarding you. You will want to rush back to the office anytime now." But she still did not put me down, but continued to rock me in her arms.

I said, "No, there's no hurry, I don't have much work in the afternoon today. You tell me in detail what happened." I was curious how Uma handled the delicate issue of breaking the barrier with Geeta regarding me. ( If the reader has forgotten this issue, I would request you to please read the last chapter no. 8 once again, since there was a big gap from the last time I wrote on this story.)

She looked very happy. She sat down on a chair and seated me on her lap. Then holding me around my stomach with her left hand, she started taking the food on the plates. I was startled…she had never done this before.
"What are you doing Geeta! ," I exclaimed, sitting on her lap with my hands on the table.

She smiled sweetly down at me, "Can't you see, I am going to feed you ". She pulled me inside on her lap a little on her left side. Her left hand was wrapped around my stomach holding me firmly on her big left thigh. She started taking the food in her fingers and putting it in my mouth. It was an odd feeling. Sitting on the lap of this big woman and being fed by her, I was feeling so helpless and at the same time so secure in her total control. My left hand was on her left arm which held me securely on her big soft lap. Her forearm felt so thick and solid to my touch. Yet her skin was so smooth and soft…so feminine.

She kept on feeding me and began, " You see, we had a long discussion, mother and I, regarding you. She told me how she lifted and carried you last evening. She also told me how she extracted the information from you that I carry you around most of the days. She has struck a deal with me. She says that both of us will from now on take turns to be with you when you are at home. Since mummy will be living here with you, she will be getting you most of the time. So she says that I will come to you in the evenings, as I generally come and spend time with you. But she wants to do all your work as she says that, that is her right. So when you are in office she will complete all her work, even the cooking for your evening meals too. So I will practically not have any work when I come in the evenings. I will therefore spend my time chatting and playing with you."

I laughed at her last sentence, "Playing ? What will you play with me, Geeta ? Am I a kid ?"

She put one more piece of food in my mouth and replied coolly, "No, by playing what I meant was I will take you on my lap and carry you around and do whatever I want with you, since I will not have any work." She smiled as if she was happy to clear my doubt. We discussed some more on what happened last evening with her mother picking me up and not letting me down. I told her my version of the story. ( Please refer to chapter 8).

Geeta had finished feeding me. She asked me to slide down from her lap and go and wash my face. In the meantime, she cleared the table and put away the plates on the kitchen sink.

As I came back into the room, she just walked towards me, bent down, put her hands behind my back and straightened up. So I was back in her arms, this time held from the front, straddling her stomach with my legs going around her waist. She held me strongly with her arms under my butt. My arms went around her shoulders and neck for support. My face was right in front of her. She was smiling at me.

I said, "Geeta, I find a change in you. You are behaving very dominant today. I also find that you have not called me 'Sir' even once today. And this feeding me like a child holding me on your lap, this also is a new activity. What's wrong with you?"

She started pacing the room slowly holding me in front of her breasts. My legs were wrapped around her waist. And my arms were around her neck, so my face was just in front of hers.

She was walking carrying me in her arms and talking, "Actually I am having a feeling that I am no longer important to you. I have competitors now in the form of my mother and my sister. In fact my mother has come and with her melodrama, has started living in your flat. Her excuse is that she is 15 years older than you. On the other hand she is claiming that she sees her deceased husband in you. She has cleverly managed to make you agree to allow her to lift you and carry you around whenever she feels like. Now, this was exclusively MY right on you. So, won't I feel cheated ? She has also stopped addressing you as Beta (son) and does not want you to call her Aunty. I know this is all my undoing. I wanted to help my mother and sister. It is because of me that you almost created a job for my sister. So it is my fault that I have invited competition for myself. But I had never imagined that my mother would take you away from me and start living in your flat. This is the reason you are noticing dominance in my attitude and behaviour. Why should I call you 'Sir', when you are much more than just a Sir to me ?.."

I interrupted her. She was still pacing the room slowly carrying me on her lap. As always, I revelled at the strength of this woman. She was 32 and she was carrying me, a fully grown adult man of 40, so easily and effortlessly as if I was a small boy in her arms. I said, "But this is wrong Geeta. You are married and you have a son. I know you like to lift and carry me around. Now that I know about your mother also having the same fantasy, I seem to understand your craziness about this. I have not objected to your playfully lifting me or cradling me up in your arms, as I thought that this satiated your fantasy. But I wouldn't want you to harbour any feelings for me because that would be like cheating on your husband. All the more so, since I have given him a job in my company. Your elder sister is also going to work in my company from Monday onwards. Imagine, what will they think of me, if they get to know that both you and your mother carry me around like a baby ?"

Geeta started laughing, "Aarey aap bhi na …! Why are you thinking on those lines ? How will my sister or my husband know what mother and I do with you? None of us are going to tell them. In fact we have decided that Mummy and I will never discuss these things when anybody they are around. Also I am now going to meet my mother in your flat only and never in my house. We have arranged our timings that way. So you needn't worry. My husband or my sister will never know about all this."

I said, " Ok, enough of this…I will have to return to my office now. So when I return in the evening will you be there ? Or your mother will take over by then ?"

She laughed, "Let's see, I will call mother now. I want to discuss what you told me. Maybe this evening you will find both of us waiting for you when you return."

I said, " Fine, but one doubt remains…you said that I'm much more than a 'Sir' to you. So what am I to you ?"

Geeta gave me a sweet smile. "You are everything a girl can ask for. You are my friend, my benefactor, my guide, my life support. You have provided jobs to my husband and my sister. You have pulled out my family and my mother and sister out of our financial doldrums. And most of all, you have given life and meaning to my fantasy of lifting and carrying my boyfriend in my arms and playing with him on my lap."

I was laughing.."That's a lot of roles I play in your life, but the essence of it is that now you have made me your boyfriend."

She started laughing too.." If that's how you interpret…. I wouldn't mind…"

She let me down finally and off I went to my office …

( To be continued….)