Love Since Childhood - Part 4 in English Fiction Stories by Aamir Siddiqui books and stories PDF | Love Since Childhood - Part 4

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Love Since Childhood - Part 4

Hira was sitting over his one side knee in a filmy way in front of Geet, then said " many many happy returns of the day".

Saying this he opened his folded hands, afterwards disclosed his palm showed it to Geet.

There was a pair of beautiful attractive, captivating anklets in Hira's hands.

Just then the whole crowd again put their hands together for Hira also.
Seeing this Geet got surprised.

Hira ; this is for you, for your 19th birthday, my cuty, having a fascinating smile over his face.

Geet ; looking at him getting super excited , ohh my hiroo,thank you so much for these all, expressing herself she gave him a light gently hug.

Hira feeling glad, crowd surrounding them was still clapping in the classroom.

The atmosphere of the classroom turned so romantic and pleasant. Everyone was wishing Geet so warmly.

Each one of them was looking so happy except one who was feeling jealous with Hira.

That boy was one of their classmetes and Geet's neighbour too.

His name was Tony, who used to stare and stalk Geet since the very first day, when she took admission in the college.

Geet knew about this but neither noticed him nor took him seriously.

Wherever Geet went , Tony would follow her.

Tony kept on looking for the chance to be closed with Geet.

Sometimes he would come to her on pretext of notes or something regarding study.

Infact he used to try this trick over each girls of the class, but nobody would respond him because of his cheap activities and irritating movements.

Tony kept on bragging about his car, watch, shoes etcetera.

Even he didn't refrain to tell the price and brand name of his each petty things, like belt, locket, wallet and so on.

In short Tony was a kind of person who likes to show off and boast.

Anyway he was upset witnessing, Geet hugged Hira in front of the entire class.
He was unable to digest Hira & Geet's friendship.

As soon as he left the college firstly he went to Geet's elder brother Jaggu.

Tony was Jaggu's friend after all they were neighbors.
Tony began to instigate and provoking Jaggu against Hira.
Tony was master in backbiting and poisoning ears.

He told Jaggu about the incident by distorting and exaggerating the facts.

As Tony kept on narrating the cooked story to him, similarly Jaggu kept on getting furious, moment by moment.

Every day Tony would come to Jaggu and tell him whole day's details overstating the reality.

That is how over time Jaggu became totally against Hira.

Jaggu started monitoring Hira & Geet's activities and movements.

Indeed Jaggu was a kind of short tempered, aggressive and moron boy also.

Exploiting his weakness, Tony had brainwashed him completely by spending money over Jaggu to win his confidence.

On the other side innocent Hira and Geet were completely unaware of the ploy, what was being plotted by wicked Tony in order to defame and discredit thier chaste relationship.

Hira and Geet loved each other sincerely.
They were very honest with each other, after all they knew each other since their childhood.

Now they had grown up along with their love and affection .

Now they were not indigent of land line telephone.

They were having mobile phones, whenever they feel to enquiry about each other, they could have a chat over mobile phone anytime.

Most of the time they would talk in the night after having dinner.

They were very much satisfied with their relationship.
It was true love between them.

They loved whole-heartedly to each other, they had promised to dedicate their lives to each other forever.

Once it was moon night of summer. They were having conversation on mobile phone.

They both were at their own roof due to the downstairs humidity, and privacy.
They were having a romantic interaction.

Hira ; Yarr if you were not in my life then my life would have been incompleted, You are my soul seriously.

Geet : getting emotional, ohhh yaarr, giving me such compliments you make me fall in love again and again with you, each day.

"You know what, "my life is full of light since you have come in it.

You have made every moment of my life pleasant and precious, thanks a lot for coming in my life," Geet was expressing her emotions.

Hira : I get afraid thinking, what if we couldn't get together?, How awful and empty life would be without you for me?"

Now Hira got sentimental too, "I can't even imagine to live without you, I love you so much my cuty".

Geet: I love you too, my Hiroo.
Just then some one snatched mobile from Geet's hand.

Geet turned her head immediately, saw he was Jaggu looking so furious and aggressive.

He was staring Geet with his red terrible eyes with extreme anger.

Geet got perplexed, completely speechless.
She began to shiver with fear of his psycho elder brother.

Jaggu snatching her phone, kept it over his ear to listen to the person who was on the call.

On the other side, "hello hello, Geet what happened, why don't you speak?"
Getting panic Hira was speaking repeatedly.

"Its me Jaggu, not Geet, You bloody Hira I will see you tomorrow morning, get ready to confront me."

Saying this Jaggu disconnected the call.

Hira understood the matter, he immediately came down stairs and headed towards Geet's house getting concerned about Geet.
it was approximate 10 pm.

Therein Geet's blood pressure was getting down because of getting frightened.
She was looking up to Jaggu helplessly. Meanwhile Jaggu muttering " I love you, your Hiroo too," in a taunting way, kicked Geet hardly.

Geet screamed loudly getting hurt.
Butt just then she realised something and suppressed her voice.

Jaggu keeping Geet's mobile in his pocket went to downstairs.
On other side Hira was in hurry as well as panic thinking "what would be happening with Geet?"

Eventually Hira reached near Geet's house.

Meanwhile one of Hira's good friend named Jacky glanced at Hira.

Jacky noticed Hira looking tense, heading towards Geet's house.

Just then Jacky called " Hey hey hello Hira, where are you going?"

Hira turned towards Jacky.

Hira explained to Jacky about the matter in details.

Jacky understood the situation and took Hira a side making Hira understand.

"Do not go at Geet's home at this time because its not right time, your reaching at her home would create a further uproar.

So its better to return back", wisely Jacky advised Hira.

Ultimately Hira got convinced of what Jacky suggested him.

Meantime Uncle Dubbu came to them randomly.

Hey boys, how are you, what's going on?" Uncle Dabbu asked them Humbly.

Nothing special uncle, we are just gossiping over petty things," laughing Jacky said.

Dubbu Uncle smiling too, asked " how is everyone at home Beta, Hira?".

"Everybody is fine at home,uncle", Hira replied gently.

Dabbu uncle; "Have you both done dinner?"

Hira ; Getting free, yes uncle I have done, therefore I was on walk now. Accidentally i met my friend Jacky, he took me here while having chat.

We didn't come to know about it at all.

Jacky ; Getting funny, what about you uncle, You may have completed your dinner too ?"

Dabbu uncle ; smiling, Yes beta, you are right, I have been walking also after dinner, but for last on hour.

Saying this Uncle Dubbu left away. Afterward "it seems everything is okay, so you don't need to get worried at all, just chill dow and go back to home", Jacky said to Hira.

Hira looking satisfied and he left too.

He went back to his home, saying "bye see you tomorrow Jacky".

On the other side Geet was still sitting on terrace worrying about Hira.

After passing few hours eventually she came downstairs, and went to her room but she couldn't sleep whole night.

Hira tried many times to talk to her over phone that night but phone was switched off unfortunately.

To be continued......