MOTIVATION FOR SUCCESS - 3 in English Motivational Stories by Jiya Vora books and stories PDF | MOTIVATION FOR SUCCESS - 3

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Hello Guys!!
Today we will discuss that how person can keep motivating himself for a long period?

Many times,
It happens that we know what to do?
 we even know that why  to do ?
But we don't know how to do?

Yes it happens many times.
Sometimes it happens that we know that ,that this thing is only my survival. Even for my survival I have to achieve  this thing with a hard efforts but we don't know from where we start ?
how we do this is a big question in today's time that people are facing!

Let me tell you one of the story of mine.
Many of you might knows that I have started my career as a writer when I was in the age of 14 years.
Before that I never thought that I will be a writer in my life and I  never have  such type of dream to be a writer!!

But you know sometimes very small incident can change your life, it can lead to a new beginning in your life and the same happens to me!!

I started my career as a writer I started to write poetry , small quotes, motivational stories along with my studies.

There were many circumstances where I need to keep motivating myself .
but the thing is no one can motivate you until you become a self motivated person.
You need to keep reminding yourself you need to be very consistent for your dream.
Many time it happens that when we listen to some motivational speaker till  3 day we feel ourselves that we are motivated but after three days..we bounce back to normal....

Why this happens??

First of all,
 you have to keep faith in your dream you have to be very consistent for it.

For the students who are oing to crack thier  exams in the coming future ..
so the thing is if you are deciding the goal  don't decide that whether you are able to achieve it  or not,
 if you are deciding something if you are very sure about it then none  can stop you from achieving, you can do it.

" if you are capable of dreams something then you are surely able to achieve it"

Many of you might know that I have written to motivational poetry book first one is" From bottom of heart" and the second one is "from road to destination" and both available on Amazon.
Many people use to ask me that how I started at very small age my career as a writer
The thing I want to answer them is  that  I have never thought that I will become a writer in my future but when I was known about my skill ,
my qualities and how can I improve the same thing, I have started my journey has a writer and I was very consistent about it.

If you guys want any concern whether on personal or professional problem you can mail me on the below mail address

Thank you ☺️