Radhamayi Krishna - 2 in English Spiritual Stories by Damini books and stories PDF | Radhamayi Krishna - 2

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Radhamayi Krishna - 2

Part 1

devotion or love

After the darshan of Shri Hari Vishnu, all the Gods and Goddesses have only hope for their sweet dialogue. But no god is able to know why he is silent. Neither the God mind nor the Guru mind nor the love mind is capable of knowing what is the meaning of this Leela of Shri Hari Vishnu? But there is one person who also knows the meaning of this Leela of Shri Hari Vishnu and is also a participant in it and that is Narada. Narad, who is well aware of the conversation of the Lord's Nano, is also aware of his intention, due to which everyone is worried. Devoted in devotion, the mind of Devarshi is immersed in the devotion of Hari in such a way that he himself is the beloved of Hari, filled with devotion to Hari. It is known that the devotee mind of Shri Hari Vishnu is also eager to meet his adoration, is disturbed. Eager to get a glimpse of Mahadev, Shri Hari Vishnu hasa lot of affection in his heart. It is filled with so much love that even Kshirsagar is filled with the Ganges of that love. The bus has stopped just waiting for the right moment. The whole world has come to see his Lord, only the Lord is eager to see his supreme god. And look at the irony that even that supreme god considers themselves to be his only God. They are also waiting for the right circumstance of the right opportunity. This wait is not on one side but on both sides. But apart from these two, there is someone else in wait. And that is Goddess Lakshmi. Whose wait will end first?
The love of Goddess Lakshmi and Narayan or the devotion of Mahadev or Vishnu? devotion or love??

Part 2
Her consort, Goddess Lakshmi, who holds the unique image of the complete Brahman form Narayan i.e. Shri Hari Vishnu in her mind, has full pride and believes that she is the beloved of Vishnu and is everything. But the pastimes of time are eager to play some other game. Narada, engrossed in Hari Bhakti, gets a glimpse of that past memory in his mind . Mayapati himself was to show the pastimes of Maya to his own wife. Narayan creates a leela to remove the confusion of Goddess Lakshmi
lying in the concept of over-dependence. Narayan paves the way to connect Lakshmi with the totality of her existence. Narada becomes the cause and and mahadev becomes sources who are the god of the gods. The elated Goddess Lakshmi is very pleased to hear her name from the mouth of Shri Hari Vishnu. In her present she has forgotten her past and future also. she has forgotten that in one of her previous birth incarnations, the curse of her father will be that she will be separated from Vishnu in every birth. In fact this meeting is the interval before a great separation. The question is of devotion and love. After a few moments, with the arrival of Devadhidev Shiva Mahaprabhu, only one word comes out of Narayan's mouth in his greeting: - My beloved, my all. Tears of devotion flow from the eyes of smiling Vishnu in front of Shiva. Those who fall at his feet become divine lotuses. Shiva also bows his eyes with joy in the glory of his adoration, expressing his gratitude. Jatajut Shiva's hair also starts waving in the form of joy. The whole nature sings the song. One by one, all get the blessings and darshan of Dev Narayan that a long time passes as if it were just a moment. Goddess Lakshmi is filled with Vatsalya seeing the devotion of all the devotees, but the desire to express her love for devotion is there in the temple of her mind. Will Goddess Lakshmi be able to manifest her inner desire??

To be continued