Radhamayi Krishna - 1 in English Spiritual Stories by Damini books and stories PDF | Radhamayi Krishna - 1

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Radhamayi Krishna - 1

Radhamayi Krishna

Part 1

This is the story of the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu sitting in Kshir Sagar. Lord Krishna took birth as the son of Vasudeva and Devaki. At the same time, Lord in his seventh incarnation i.e. in Tretayuga was born as Rama in the house of King Dasharatha in Ayodhya to kill Ravana, the king of Lanka. After Sita's abduction, Rama killed Ravana with the help of the monkey army in the battle of Lanka. Rama was called Maryada Purushottam by his limited life and conduct. But at the same time, Ram could not be able to get rid of the hand of the society which was calling Sita as Kulaklankini. The complexity of the same society brought Ram from the divine to the normal plane. Even after all this, if the Ramayana ends when Sita is absorbed in the lap of earth, then it can only go somewhere ignoring the truth. Just like after the crop has grown the work is not completed after cutting it, it also has to be distributed and if not distributed then what
benefit can be obtained?? Similarly, the actions of Treta Yuga become the words of Dwapara Yuga.

Part 2
Today, Baikunth is adorned with joy, with love, and why not. Today, Shri Hari Vishnu will be freed from his Ramavatar and will again visit Baikunth. There is no limit to the happiness of Narada, who is chanting Narayan Narayan. Today they are eager to meet their Lord. The longing for the darshan of Shri Hari Vishnu is increasing on the faces of all the deities, but tears have flowed from the eyes of one of them, Goddess Lakshmi. He is anxious to meet his beloved as if
he has not met her for years. And why not? Love is such that even a moment's separation becomes a separation of ages. In order to falsify the humiliations received in the form of Sita and to acquaint the society with the dignity and importance of female existence, the goddess accepted separation from her beloved but not the narrow ideology of the society. If she wanted to meet again with Shri Ram, she would have accepted the order of destiny, but Lakshmi Swarupa Sita knew that this fruit was not of the destiny which she was abandoned but of the harsh vision of the society. The result that came out was in harm's way and Sita's decision was in the interest of the common man. Which forms the basis of Radha's

Part 3
Goddess Lakshmi comes out of the sad memories of her past incarnation and imagines the happy memories of the present. The time is coming near for the debut of Shri Hari Vishnu. The joy of his darshan is spreading like a sweetheart. Shri Hari Vishnu appears automatically with a brightly illuminated aura. The sound of his ear-loving footsteps reverberated in Baikunth. An unceasing stream of devotion is bursting in Narada's eyes. Saying Narayan Narayan, he is saluting Shri Hari Vishnu and tears have automatically flowed from the eyes of Goddess Lakshmi. As the beloved remains restlessin the separation of her beloved, and as soon as the meeting takes place, she is filled with gaiety with a lot of love, similar is the situation of Goddess Lakshmi. Love can't handle them. Devraj Indra is expressing his gratitude in front of Prabhu. Along with this, other gods Agnidev Vayudev Suryadev Somdev etc. Narayan is smiling seeing the devotion and dedication of all the deities towards him. Goddess Lakshmi is doing tilak of Narayan on the request of all the gods, due to which Narayan's aura is increasing even more. Like a wave of happiness is blowing in the whole Ksheer ocean. And in the midst of all this, Vishnu, the guardian and director of the whole world, is taking his place. Shesh Naag is also getting blessed knowing himself as Shri Hari Vishnu's shelter and resting place. They are considering it their good fortune to carry the burden of Shri Hari Vishnu, who is carrying the burden of the whole world, for a few moments. All the deities are eager to hear the melodious voice of Shri Hari Vishnu. But Narayan is only smiling and not saying anything. No one is able to understand the meaning of his silence. What is the reason that Shri Hari Vishnu is silent?
What is the new leela of this time? What is the solution to the
confusion of the gods??
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