New Start of Lovestory - Episode 4 in English Fiction Stories by Anjali Lingayat books and stories PDF | New Start of Lovestory - Episode 4

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New Start of Lovestory - Episode 4

Vikram return to his cabin there Ahana comes and locked the door. Ahana walks towards Vikram and gives a tight hug. Ahana removes his coat and unbutton his shirt and Vikram was admiring her like he wants same but Ahana kisses on his lips and Vikram holds her tightly. Ahana moaning with lower voice and Vikram get cozy with her.
Vikram get intimate with her, Vikram says with lower voice, “Ahana I am not sure that I really love you because this, I am doing to forget my first love…” Ahana interrupt his by a tender kiss. Vikram and Ahana had an intimate love moment. Vikram and Ahana get relax and get ready for work.
Vikram says with hesitation, “Ahana, I think we are not going right, I just feel for you as attraction and you love me. But if I cheat you then!”
Ahana with adorable smile, “No worry my dear, I know you love me too otherwise that day you saved me from that bad guy who wants to sleep with and want to takr advantage but you saved me. You know why you feel for me and love me!”
Ahana give a gentle kiss on his lips and whisper, “Oh…Don’t worry I know you better and your break up will not change our relationship or kiss and love baby, I Love you, see you.get back to work.”
Ahana walks out the cabin and Vikram was shocked with her reaction and talk. Vikram was sitting in his cabin but then deputy arrives in his cabin.
Vikram stared at the deputy in disbelief. “You’re telling me there’s nothing you can do?”
Deputy Aman held up his palms in a helpless gesture. “What do you want me to say? I could haul Sanket Kumar down to jail, but if she doesn’t press charges, he’ll be out by morning.”
That couldn’t be right. “Surely there’s enough evidence there to charge him with abuse even without her testimony?”
“Look, maybe he admits he grabbed her too hard, and she jerked away and oops? Look what happened?” The deputy sighed heavily. “Without Aisha testifying against him, this could be made to look like some sort of accident rather than an intentional act of abuse. With no priors, he’ll walk.”
Vikram sensed Ahana beside him, and Vikram was annoyed that he’d recognized her vanilla scent. Regardless, he kept his attention focused on the problem at hand. Vikram just couldn’t believe there wasn’t something that could be done legally to prevent Kumar from hurting his wife. Again.
“What about the black eye from a few weeks ago?” Ahana asked.
Vikranm scowled. “I don’t remember that.”You weren’t working that shift,” Ahana pointed out. “I was on with Dr. Raj.”
Deputy Aman pursed his lips. “We could maybe argue that it’s a pattern, but again, not likely. I got a black eye myself playing softball with my girls.” Vikram’s smiled grimly. “My daughter Isha has a good arm.”
Vikranm understood what the deputy was saying, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. “So what can we do?”
“Look, I can go chat with Kumar if you want me to. At least he’ll know that we’re on to him and—”
“No,” Ahana interrupted harshly. “Don’t.”
“What?” Vikram glared at her. “Why not?”
“Because he’ll be mad and take his anger out on her, that’s why.” Ahana turned toward Deputy Aman. “If you can’t arrest him, then just leave it alone.”
Vikram couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What was she doing? Why wasn’t Ahana standing up for their patient? “I think it would do Kumar good to know we’re on to him.Why?” Ahana asked, her green eyes sparking fire. “So next time he can hurt her where the bruises won’t show?”
What? He took a step back. “No, of course not.”
“Leave it alone,” she pleaded. “I’ll talk to Aisha, okay? Maybe I can help in ways the police can’t.”
Deputy Aman shrugged. “Okay, let me know if anything changes.”
“Vikram ? We need your help over here,” Meenakshi called. “This patient’s breathing is getting worse.”
“Go ahead, I’ll talk to Aisha,” Ahana said.